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— Boss Hub
“ I am very happy and satisfied. I cannot express my happiness in words. Burt Goldman is a teacher to me. In 2011, I used his meditation program, which I purchased from brainlearns.biz today. I had an app at the time. But after a few months, my app data was lost. and. Looking through it for a very long time thank you thankyou.
Brainlearn is a great resource. Again, I cannot express my gratitude in a single word. ”

— Kathleen D.
“ I recommend a brainlearn course if you are interested. I have taken three courses and was very happy with the instructors, course homepages, and unlimited access to transcripts/videos. The technical support staff has also been great. Professionally done and extremely informative. Bravo! ”

— Allyson
“ Gregg Braden, I am sharing my deep gratitude. Every time I look at my phone, I am able to see how much my heart has been blown open by the humbling gratitude. —We are grateful. ”

— Joan Randolph
“Brainlearns.com is a wonderful organization. I’m grateful for Adrianna’s wisdom and for being so thoughtful and kind about how you do it. Although I am speaking only for myself, I know that others will feel the same gratitude. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

— Gladys Kravitz
“ We are grateful for the conversation you had with Curtrice Gottard regarding race at this year’s EM Summit. This was the most inspiring talk Brainlearn.com has ever seen. As I consider how to create my own energy medicine practice, it has been on my mind to help make energy medicine more accessible to communities of color. We are so grateful for your beautiful work!”

— Dawn Schwarz
“ Thank you so much for your beautiful work. Your work brings to light, calm, and inspiration to our souls. I have been to many summits and have explored new areas, and I am learning so much.”