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“How To Quickly Build And Scale A Business Using An Efficient, Affordable, And Remarkable Process That E-Myth, Apple, Infusionsoft And Other Major Enterprises Used When Going From a Blank Sheet Of Paper To Creating An Extraordinary Enterprise” . . . How you can create a new life using the same process, with only the resources available to you.
Michael E. Gerber – The Course: Beyond The E-Myth
“How To Quickly Build And Scale A Business Using An Efficient, Affordable, And Remarkable Process That E-Myth, Apple, Infusionsoft And Other Major Enterprises Used When Going From a Blank Sheet Of Paper To Creating An Extraordinary Enterprise” . . . How you can create a new life using the same process, with only the resources that you currently have.
“This is one of the most powerful programs on earth for business owners who want to grow an extraordinary enterprise” . . . From Michael E. GerberThe man Inc. Magazine calls “The World’s #1 Small Business Guru”
From: Michael E. Gerber
The Simple solution to economic growth
What I’ve experienced over the past 40 years, working with small businesses around the globe, is that there’s a simple solution to economic growth.
Yes, I know we’ve all been taught that economics is complicated. This is a complex subject. The Items of multinational corporations. The Government stuff. The stuff of degree’d academics. The items of advanced degrees, as well as organizations dedicated to the conversations and the considerations that go through it. The The stuff of politics, studies, White Papers and Reports, as well as Scientific scented Papers. These papers are used by large, prestigious institutional panels and talking heads.
The The stuff of the elite, and not the hoi polloi. The It is the stuff of the 1 percent, not the 99%. It is difficult to grasp, even with a doctorate in the subject.
Thus, we’ve all been told that the key to economic success rested upon our ability to get a “higher education” So that we could “understand” The sometimes obscure physics behind economics.
As though there was a language we needed to learn, an economics language, and until we learned the language of economics, we couldn’t even begin to carry on a conversation about economics.
If we chose to learn and speak that language, we would need to enroll in the educational hierarchy that is devoted to instilling it in those of us who are moving from our hoi poi status among the poor, and to help us academically rise to be accepted at elite institutions.
Thus, the financial obligations of millions upon millions of young people, as well as their moms and da, increased each year! That is how you finance it “higher education”, even when they weren’t certain what the purpose of that “higher education” was. . . (Remember that it was spoken in another language! . . Other than making a living from what they did, that is.
Our government gave all the children who were aspirationally mobile the high grossing dollars they needed to go to the higher realms. To gain entry to that special world.
And our wonderfully motivated government made the commitment to do this obviously most important of important things, even though our government hadn’t yet figured out how these kids were going to pay back the once they graduated from the higher institution, and then found themselves back on the same street they’d come from!
So where are the jobs going?
What kind of jobs did they want to hold after they left the university? “higher learning” institution that gave them their passport to freedom, their diploma?
This is not all. “higher education” institutions which gladly took the money these kids borrowed from Uncle Sam and then turned over to them—had any idea what work these kids were going to do when they graduated with their “higher education”.
It’s not a clue!
Or how would each one be able to get a decent return on their education investment?
(Actually, no one has found the answer to this question. The amount of debt that all those students have accumulated since they graduated from college and university has reached an alarming $1.4 trillion. And it is only getting worse! This is a monstrous economic bubble that is larger than the 2008 housing bubble. Watch out for it to burst!).
Talk about a bubble.
Talk about an economic crisis!
Even a dumb plumber can recognize such a bubble.
Evidently, however, there is not one smart person among the smart and getting smarter. “higher education” folks now surrounding us, the great steaming throng of them, a great and growing bubble of their own, the greater and greater percentage of whom are now on the dole – on government subsistence — from the very same government that financed their “higher education,” not one of them seem to have a clue about what hit them and why it hit them, and where they’re supposed to go, and how they’re supposed to get there.
Seems like all their highly paid professors have left them out here alone, in the cold, with only their politics to keep them warm, and the senators and congressman, and Presidents, and Supreme Court Justices, and their Governors, and whomever, all those who assaulted the chambers of whatever institution they were accountable for, because not one of them ever asked the earnest and honest question, so what’ this “higher education” thing we’re investing in – this all too Public Education – supposed to produce, what are all these kids supposed to DO with it?
Become a politician?
Do you want to become a professor?
Do you want to be an attorney?
You can become an agitator.
March on Washington D.C. to demand justice!
Become a cog in the wheel of this all too socialized monstrosity we’ve somehow elected to build?
This hobgoblin and this gobbledygook are the monstrosities without wheels.
And then there’s the real world, the world in which the makers make and the doers do and the creators create. . . .
On the other hand, in my experience with the tens upon tens of thousands of small companies we’ve worked with over the years, economics is not sophisticated, is not complex, is not difficult at all to get a handle on.
Indeed, over the past 40 years of my small business development career, I’ve watched tens of thousands of folks seemingly at the bottom of the economic and educational barrel-So called-With little more than a high school education, ladder can produce amazing economic outcomes.
“Grade school, high school.” Get it?
For example, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are two examples of such men.
Plumbers, electricians, mechanics, and landscape contractors are all great options for guys.
Graphic designers and hair stylists are popular with guys. Personal trainers and carpenters are also popular.
Software and hardware guys, agile and driven guys, ladies, and gentlemen who were motivated by a different muse and a different schedule than their peers in higher-seeking careers.
In short, it wasn’t their education that provided them with their economic smarts;
. . . It was their passion and intense curiosity to make it happen on their own.
It was remarkable how inspiring their drive to succeed was, that I met those ladies and men, their determination to make it happen, to climb the ladder of their own economic possibility and to eventually go higher than they were.
I concluded that economics, as I observed all the small business owners doing their thing, was nothing more than a balanced sheet showing the plusses or minuses generated by their tireless grass roots effort.
Anybody with a calculator, or the ten fingers of their hands could add up.
It came down to nothing more or less than, did I do it or didn’t I?
If I had, then why didn’t I?
And if I didn’t, why not?
If it did work, how?
And if it didn’t work, why didn’t it? What was the problem with this image?
The answers to the questions why yes or no were as simple as the metaphorical bell.
It’s possible for any dummy to figure it out.
Allow me to share their secret with you
Economics is a matter of choice, action, and how it functions on the streets.
The Choice to do it yourself, to be successful at it, and the action required to make it happen.
My first choice in a business was “Who am I here to serve?”
Meaning, who’s my customer?
The smartest of the smart guys on the street, I noticed, didn’t start with what am I going to sell?
They began with “If I had it”, whatever “it” Needed to be: To whom am I going sell it?
Therefore, economics was all about motivations and perceived needs as well as real needs and consequences.
It’s all about the customer.
The Customer was and still is the driving force behind all economic activity.
The customer, not the business.
How customers thought, felt, lived, did without, made do, survived, made decisions, managed their affairs, all of these were the subject of most concern to what I’ve come to call, “street economics.”
A functioning economy cannot thrive without understanding the needs and wants of its customers.
This was the sum of all the needs and wants of the two, as well as the aggregator.
Meaning, since businesses were the product of the very same people’s needs and wants we call customers, only differently expressed, in order to be successful at fulfilling one’s needs and wants to make it on one’s own, one’s own needs and wants needed to be understood even more clearly, lest the long term expenditure of time and money and emotional and mental energy to make it on your own – to start your own small business — would be wasted on a failed effort.
You have to consider your needs and desires.
The The glue that holds an economy together.
Oder pulls it apart.
As I struggled through the small business jungle, which I found in 1975 when I was just starting to learn about the vibrant economy, this was all I heard.
Educated on the street where the real action was, not in a school where it wasn’t!
It became clear to me that the business guys who became experts at satisfying needs and wants, were the stars of that universe, that jungle, and those who didn’t, failed.
I have learned from the stars what they learned.
What’s the “also-rans” I learnt, I put into my books, and in to my programs.
I knew what my job was, and it began at the mid-point.-At the age of 41, I am living the life I want.
I wanted to transform “also-rans” into stars.
It was my job to find a way.
Step into the jungle, inhabited by “also-rans”.
But, it wasn’t just the needs and wants of the consumer the “also-rans” What you need to know to become “economic stars.”
It was about understanding what the people within each group wanted and needed. They will be themselves If any progress was to occur, this was vital.
Not to put too fine a point on it, the question — who am I? — became the driving question our new “also-ran” It was important for clients to entertain, but not in vain.
Before we could help our small business clients, they first had to be introspective. ‘extro-spective’. They had to look within before they could see outside.
That’s where confidence is born.
That’s where the will to aspire is generated.
That’s where the imagination is stimulated to churn its delightful engine toward the seeming Unknown.
I agree “seeming Unknown” Because I realized that the Unknown is not as obvious as it seems. It’s right in our hearts, waiting to be discovered.
The Language is a language that we already know.
Unlike the extreme language of economics, foreign to us all, the language of imagination is composed of pictures, and stories, and feelings and colors, and music, and desires and human stuff which radiates all about us and through us, in stuff we’ve seen, and stuff we’ve felt, and stuff we’ve thought, and experiences we’ve had.
It’s the stuff of poetry, and rap, and jazz, and harmonics, and love, and children, and husbands and wives, and moms and dads, and Beethoven, and Brahms, and Michelangelo, and Picasso, and sex, and tears, and laughter, and your great uncle, Dave.
You might also wonder what the point of making it on your terms is.
There is nothing more.
You must also discover your own path, then follow it and invent it each step of the journey.
It’s that which I made the commitment to bring to everyone.
The will and the wiles to forge one’s own way.
We are glad you came to “The Course™” And The Re-The Invention of Your Life.
What can you do to transform your company’s culture?
Continue reading.
Transformation is a matter of mindset and action
That is what I call it:
“Beyond The E-Myth: The The Evolution of an Enterprise
From a small company to a large corporation:
The Hierarchy of Growth
And. . . Why Most Small Companies Absolutely Refuse to Grow and What to Do About It!™”
Yes, I know – it’s an extreme mouthful – but, once we take it apart, you’ll understand it completely.
When we first met, I said that my 40-year career has been all about calling, “fixing broken businesses.”
Each of the more 100,000 small-business owners who have applied for our EARN program has been successful over that period.-Myth Paradigm through the then-called E-Myth Mastery™, I was able to help them fix their businesses.
Of course, they didn’t call it that; they didn’t think of it as “fixing their broken business.”
They simply wanted everything to work better.
It didn’t matter if they were looking to increase sales, marketing, finance, people or management, the sole reason they came to me was to fix it.
They were exhausted and were in constant struggle.
What a difference!
Everything was made whole again.
You won’t get it all right away, but you might, and it may not be for everyone.
We both know that things don’t happen immediately and that not everyone does what they promise.
Over time, however, there were dramatic improvements to the number of them, which now numbers in the tens of thousands.
My books also soared in popularity.
And as my books soared in popularity so did my brand — The E-Myth Brand was essentially The Michael E. Gerber Brand, which was also the Brand mentioned by my call-to-arms: “Working ON It, rather than just IN it!” — The mantra was the one I used everywhere and every chance I had to use it.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t as delighted as my clients and the readers of my books were.
Yes, they have overcome many of their issues since my first meeting.
However, I felt that something was missing.
My clients began to reap the incredible benefits of “working ON their business, rather than just IN it,” the entrepreneurial expectation I had for them wasn’t taking hold.
My idea of “awakening the entrepreneur within” Instead of becoming more efficient, it is important to be more effective. “technician suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure” wasn’t taking hold in their hearts, or in their minds.
And it certainly wasn’t taking hold in their actions.
Yes, their business was getting more productive but not in the way I expected.
“Organizing for Growth,” As we talked about it back then most of our clients understood it to be more time to enjoy your life.
To play golf.
To take a lot-You are entitled to vacation.
To spend more time with your children, and the like.
In other words, over the years – and it’s been over 40 years! — I discovered that the majority of my clients weren’t driven to create something extraordinary with their company as I expected them to; they were driven instead by the allure of comfort, of lifestyle, of using their newly organized company to take it easy, to live what they thought of as the good life.
Now, as I tell you this, I can still hear what you are saying. “Michael, what in the world is wrong with that? That’s exactly what I hope will happen to me!”
But, that’s just it, no matter how easy life became for my clients, no matter how much free time they gained by doing the work I taught them to do as they applied the E-Myth Paradigm was able to increase their companies’ performance, regardless of how much they were able to spend time with their children or on the golf range, or in Florida or Bermuda. . . it still wasn’t enough!
The problem was, I k new that at the outset, and spoke about it until I was blue in the face, but they didn’t listen!
And I knew that because I’d seen that, tens of thousands of times.
Because I’ve dealt with this phenomenon hundreds of thousands of times, it was almost a million upon millions of time.
It’s the phenomenon I called “The Comfort Zone™.”
The Comfort Zone™ is that space where SatisfactionInstead of InspirationThe key driver is.
To people caught up in their Comfort Zone™, the words And mindset of “not too much,” “not too fast,” “not too hard,” and “not too many” This became a reality.
“Comfort Zoners™,” As I call them, they are precisely the. The opposite True entrepreneurs.
Not that true entrepreneurs don’t value a good game of golf, a great meal, or a loving time with their kids, with their spouse, and with their friends, they most obviously do.
But, it isn’t what Drives them.
It isn’t what gets them up out of bed every morning.
It isn’t what inspires them, excites them, and gives them the profound experience of creativity and joy that inventing a profoundly important enterprise does.
That’s what was missing for me in “fixing broken businesses.”
The perennial question, “Once fixed, then what?” This was the driving question.
That’s where the transformation question came in. The The talk I gave at the event you attended was about this. That’s what I set out to do with “Beyond The E-Myth.”
I created a process that was logical and intuitive for designing, building, launch, and then growing a global community.-class enterprise.
This is a process that I want to share with the world in a way that has never been done before.
This is a process that will allow us to be “the preeminent provider of economic development services worldwide™.”
This is the letter you receive.
This brings us to the next question:
Are you certain that you want to transform the world?
This is a question that you’ll want to return often.
It’s the most important question you can ask yourself.
Let me tell a story.
I recently met with fifteen Japanese small business owners who graduated from Japan. The Dreaming Room™ program led by one of my Dreaming Room Facilitators™ in Japan.
One of these dentists, one of these graduates, shared with me the amazing transformation that he saw in his practice due to the work he did in. The Dreaming Room™.
His Dental Practice was committed to providing not only dental work as most dentists do but also to improving the dental hygiene of his patients and their families, friends, and loved ones.
That required a total transformation of the way his Dental Practice operated.
The transformation began as he set out to work on his dental practice, holding his Dream, Vision, Purpose, and Mission in his hand.
His practice is now located on the fourth floor of an office building he has owned.
The Each floor is dedicated to a different segment of his Total Dental Care business model.
The first floor is a daycare facility where his employees’ young children are cared for and taught while their parents are at work and where even his patients’ children can be engaged while their parents are receiving their dental care.
Each floor in his new Dental Practice is dedicated to a single service that he has invented. All of them work together to realize his Vision, Purpose, Mission, Dream and Vision.
Do you see the value of his innovative idea? His community and his people saw the importance of his unique innovation. The Practice is expanding by leaps, bounds.
And yet, even though I saw it, and I acknowledged his achievement, that has and will continue be of great benefit to so many people, I had a new question to ask him.
“Now what?” I asked him.
“Now that you’ve created the working prototype for the ideal dental practice of the future, what do you intend to do with it?”
His response was one of puzzlement. He was completely unprepared for the question!
He was with 14 other Japanese graduates.-Dreaming Room, a group of people from Japan who came to California to spend three hours with us. “thank you” I am grateful for the profound effect that I had on his career and his life. He also asked me the most important questions about them.
He never thought I would ask. He a question—especially That question.
After all the work he had done to implement his Dream, Vision, Purpose and Mission (you remember me mentioning those, I’m sure), he had come to rest in his Comfort Zone™.
This dentist thought he was done.
“Done?” I asked him. “
“Why you’ve just begun!” I said.
“Just begun?” He asked. “What’s left to do?”
“Well, for openers…” I responded, “what’s left to do is this: move out of your Practice; open your corporate office; stop practicing dentistry yourself; become the entrepreneur you committed yourself to become; complete your prototype; turnkey it to the max; and then replicate it throughout Japan. That’s what’s left to do! Make a huge difference in the world!”
“What’s left to do,“ I continued, “is to transform the state of dentistry worldwide. What else did you think this was all about?”
When I ask you this question, I hope that you understand. “Are you certain you want to transform the world?”
That is all I mean.
I mean that transformation isn’t just some “new generation” term, as the relentless stream of personal development gurus would have you believe.
Transformation is possible Completely changing your mind.
This is what I mean by a Complete Change of mind. This is the total. This does not include any other.
Even more, I believe that transformation is a continual and inexorable series of actions toward the unknown.
All with the sole purpose of changing the world.
By the world, I refer to the one you are attempting to change.
Your world.
It is for everyone who lives there.
They suffer whatever.
You can promise them anything.
Whether they are mothers who don’t have time for their kids, or business owners who don’t know how to care for their customers, or kids who don’t know how to make it in school – or, indeed, anyone, anywhere, who has a specific problem they don’t know how to solve.
It is your job to solve it.
Then, to hand it to each one of them around the globe.
The The entire world.
The The planet that we call Earth.
That’s what transformation is all about.
The best part is that anyone can do it! Yes, even you!!
The Only question that remains for you is, “Do you want to?” can do it – we’ve proven it over and over again for the past 40 years that anyone with the guts, determination, desire and willingness to learn can do it – but whether you’re determined to do it, because you’re Inspired to do it.
It’s precisely the issue I raised for that dentist in Japan—his determination to now pursue his Dream, Vision, Purpose and Mission beyond what he had originally imagined, “whole hog plus the postage!”
And that’s precisely what I’m asking you. Right now. Right now.
Are you positive that you are going to make a difference in the world?
If the answer is yes, you will be undeniably passionate “yes,” Then, here is my suggestion to you.
The nuts and bolts are what you might call it.
Transformation: 1. 2. 3. 4.
The The process of transformation is permanent and clear, no matter how small or large the company.
It starts out not by fixing what’s broken, but by creating anew.
It’s not about fixing OldCo; it’s about inventing NewCo.
That’s why the entire series of steps for the Evolution of your Enterprise – 1., 2., 3., 4. It all begins with The Course™ to discover how to grow and scale your business and begin to understand your Dream, Vision, Purpose and Mission.
Mind you, those aren’t just words. They’re actions.
Let me take a look at them.
A dream is a great result. The Amazing Results you want to achieve.
The vision of your company is the shape you want it to take.
Your purpose is what you want to achieve for your customer.
A Mission is the method through which you’re going to realize your Dream, Vision and Purpose.
The Dreamer has a Dream.
The The Thinker has a Vision.
The Storytellers have a purpose.
The A leader has a mission.
These four characters – Leaders, Dreamers, Storytellers, and Thinkers – make up the whole of what it means being an entrepreneur.
The Therefore, each employee must be awakened to the possibility of evolution in your company. Your Dreamer, Your Thinker, Your Storyteller, Your Leader.
The Course™ is the platform upon which Step One in the Evolution of an Enterprise will be built, without which there can’t be Step Two, Step Three, or Step Four.
The Course™ is the foundation for everything to follow.
Without it, nothing will change, and just more of the exact same. Fixing all of it, fixing each other until they are all broken again.
This is the cycle of fixing and then re-fixing, of putting out endless fires just to maintain the status quo, is what I’ve come to call “the tyranny of routine.”
“Doing it, doing it, doing it. Busy, busy, busy.”
Register The Course™ is how you break the cycle and free yourself from the tyranny of routine.
Graduating at The Course™
Once you understand how to grow and scale a business, and how truly simple it is, then you awaken your true inner entrepreneur, once you’ve discovered and spelled out your Dream, Vision, Purpose and Mission, it’s on to Step One of the evolution of your enterprise.
Step 1 is called “The Job.”
Step 1: “The Job”
“The Job,” or what I call a Company of One, is the heart and core of the company you’re setting out to invent.
You can’t start anywhere else if you don’t know where to begin. “The Job,” you’ll immediately become caught up in everything I call “busy, busy, busy, busy, doing it, doing it, doing it, doing it,” This includes all tasks related to the complicated idea of a business and none of these have anything to do what your company is actually here to accomplish.
So what is it that you’re supposed to be doing at the very beginning of NewCo, at the very beginning of “The Job”, that I’m saying represents the very heart of your company, of any company? What is “The Job?”
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes