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Stop “selling!” Instead, discover the RIGHT words to use, to make all the money you want… using a little-System that has not failed to work yet
Craig Garber – Keepin’ It Real Copywriting Workshop
How to Form Highly-Profitable Rock-Strong relationships with your Buyers
Stop “selling!” Instead, discover the RIGHT words to use, to make all the money you want… using a little-known system that has not failed to work yet.
Dear Friend
Marketing and advertising are the best. “so far” B.S.
The truth is, in today’s day and age, where most advertising is completely phony… people are You are in need authenticity.
As the world becomes more artificial, this desire only grows.
Marketing must be effective if you want it to succeed. Must Create authentic experiences for your customers. This starts with making sure that your buyers are satisfied. “sense” they’re working with a Real person — not some Phony They only want their money.
After all…
Only Real People…
Can Provide… Real Experiences!
A group of people who had read my book brought this to my attention. “How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers.”
They wanted more guidance on how to use the marketing and copywriting strategies in the book… and on how to sell, in general… without appearing “phony.”
For me, being real — even in print — isn’t a problem. This is the trick. Was’t easy.
I’m certainly not a “natural” Selling is my passion. I grew up in a stressful home environment, which was a major factor in my low self-esteem.-For years, self-esteem has been a constant. In fact, I proably didn’t even feel comfortable in my own skin, until I was in my late 30’s.
Today though, one of the most common things I hear from people — and I’ve heard it… gosh, probably close to 100 times over the last 11 years — is how amazed they are I’m just as “real” My online daily e-mails, in my offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, and in all my other products… as I am in person.
Or, in other words, you’re who you say you are “seeing” in print…
is the same man you see when you meet him in person.
Like I said, though… it wasn’t always this way. As you all know, putting Anything in words, is difficult. This is the bottom line Double It’s not easy to put your personality into words. plus trying to show your readers you’re a real person. Not to mention, on top of this… then trying to sell them something!
But over the years, I’ve developed a set of guidelines that have allowed me to do each one of these things, Very successfully. This is why people keep commenting about my e-books.-mails and my newsletter and my products — and even my sales letters… they feel like I am literally “speaking” Direct To them.
I’m going to share a few ways you too, can do all this, in Your sales copy, but first… let’s take a look at Why People often struggle with being themselves. “real” Print. Three reasons exist:
- Reason #1 Some people are technically proficient and very skilled from a performance standpoint in what they do. But when it comes to selling… they simply “cringe.”
For any number of reasons, they feel so out of sorts when it comes to selling, they’ll do absolutely Anything To avoid it at all costs
And if you’re one of these people, then you already know…
Unfortunately… this is costing you a LOT of money.
This group sometimes feels overwhelmed. “phony” When it comes to selling. They are not used to selling. These are Selling something is a scam.
They feel almost unbearable when they sit down to write a sales letter. Crave! You, right off the page.
For them, selling is like trying to fit a round peg (their personality)… into a square hole (selling). It It is only Very unnatural.
These people will Never They will not be able sell in print if they don’t get some marketing and writing guidelines that they can follow. “sequence…” Formula.
You can then go step by step-By-Follow a checklist to see what you can do. Works… instead of having to do things that make you It is uncomfortable. This allows you to follow a set of guidelines and allow you to basically “remove yourself” The selling process.
Instead of listening to your thoughts “gut” feelings, which simply aren’t compatible with having to sell.
It’s kind of like when you first learned how to drive. In the beginning, it seemed very unnatural, so you just sat there and listened to your dad… or your Driver’s Education teacher — and you simply “did what they told you to do. ” Even though it felt uncomfortable “weird.”
But eventually, of course, driving became normal and in less time than you thought, you wound up knowing how to master all the different things that are going on, while you’re sitting behind the wheel.
It’s easy to sell in print and feel comfortable with it.
Right now, you’re “driving” Without ever having been taught “how” You can drive. You just need to learn the rules of the road, and once you see how easy it is to use them… you’ll be as comfortable selling, as you are driving.
- Reason #2: While there are others who feel comfortable selling to you, they can get really confused when it comes time to actually sell. “closing.”
These people are experts in this field Just what it says How Important Selling is. And… they may even be Good Relationship building and getting prospects started. “Yes” path.
It comes down to Closing The deal is over, and things quickly start to fall apart. They typically stammer their way through a close, and if they’re Very lucky… things Might work out. Sadly though, and I’m sure you’ll agree with this…
“Luck”… is NOT… a very good business strategy!
People who are in this situation find themselves in a difficult position. rarely Make sure they get the money they are entitled to. A large number of referrals can help them earn a decent income. Oder… if they’re in the kind of business where it’s fairly easy to attract qualified leads or if their lead costs are unusually low.
They’ll typically make money as long as they’re able to meet with their prospects in personYou can call them or write to them.
They have no other option. “leverage” — meaning, because they’re unable to translate these same skills into selling in print — they are usually Forcibly Trade time for money
You are also one of them. These are people, then you already know…
Your inability “close” in print… is not only incredibly frustrating…
it’s also costing you THOUSANDS Of Dollars!
These people are usually irritated by the Money aspect of closing. They feel very strongly for a variety of reasons. “awkward” Asking for money can be a stressful task. “emotional log jam” They will be there when it is time to close.
Instead of being able take their genuine enthusiasm and knack to relationship building and turn it into something else, they can instead be able to gold… their printed sales material can never work on it’s own, and this is what forces them to forever have to trade time for money.
There are Loads This is a common problem for insurance agents, realtors, financial planners and trainers as well as other service providers.
On top of that, the same psychological money issues that hamstring their closing skills… typically make people in this situation almost Always undercharge.
They work the hardest and are usually the most expensive. They treat themselves. Very unfairly.
The Good News Is…
These people will learn a few things once they have. Simple and very practical do’s and don’ts about selling in print… this typically eliminates Any The awkwardness they feel about closing.
This should be eliminated One Problems are the basis of a Dramatic difference in the quality of your life… in the amount of time you’ll get to spend with your family instead of working… and, in the amount of money you’re making! If you have difficulty with this:
- One big mistake you’re probably making, especially when you’re selling in print, is talking about too many different things at one time.
For example, it’s O.K. to tell people about all the wonderful benefits you’re giving them. But you can’t get so excited and anxious about things, you wind up running on aimlessly to the point where, your words get all overlapped and blended together like paint colors mixed in a can.
Instead, let your customers know. one One thing at a given time one One sentence at a. Nice… and slowly.
And it’s even O.K. that you’re asking people to spend a lot of money with you. Simply explain the value of what you’re giving them, one sentence at a time. Reduce your service packages into bite-sized pieces-Use the right-sized parts and tell your story. There is no need to be anxious.
Instead, what typically happens is… people who feel awkward about asking for money tend to just “lump” All things together
What’s really going on, is they are “projecting” They pass their financial discomfort onto their customers. They believe that because they’re uncomfortable with money… their buyer must Also Avoid spending money that isn’t necessary.
Instead of Walking their buyers through the entire sales story, nice and easy… they Rush through their presentation because they’re uncomfortable making it in the first place.
In reality, however, this is completely unnecessary.
Your buyer will need to understand that you want them to buy. Any kind of halfway decent buying decision… they HAVE to know ALL the details about what you’re offering. Particularly when you’re selling in print, and they don’t have the ability to go back and forth asking you questions.
They don’t consider this offensive — they consider it a Natural And quite necessary Part of the buying process
After all, how can they make a buying decision… unless they actually Know what they’re buying?
Does it make sense?
Yes, it does.
You can also slow down and tell your story. Another thing you can do if you’re in this position, that’ll make things Much easier for you, is this: When you’re putting your promotion together, and you’re creating your offer or your “close,”…
Instead of thinking about what you’re getting…
and how much money you’re asking for…
think about what you’re Giving, instead.
You will always get better results if you focus on value. Particularly when you’re sitting down and translating your thoughts into actual words on paper that are going to do all your selling for you.
Plus, when you’re focusing on the value you’re Giving, instead of the money you’re Get.. this comes through in your printed sales messages. Your buyers will be even more impressed. Continue reading You will feel at ease with others. And, you’ll be that much more of a Real person as a result.
And the nice thing is, this is about as simple a fix as you can get, isn’t it?
It is, you bet.
O.K., so now let’s move on to…
- Reason #3 Third type of salesperson who struggles to create chemistry and be understood “real” When it comes to selling printed products, is Much Different from the first two.
See, this person’s TOTALLY comfortable with selling… with closing… You should ask for the money. This is often a problem with guys. He has one problem.
He’s So focused on the sale, and he’s So You are thrilled to get So juiced up from closing deals…
He Forgets… About Everything Else!
See, this guy’s problem is, he has No patience. He’s all about “the bottom line” — he’s a “results” guy. Building real relationships in sales is difficult. Lots More than that. Sales is like seduction.
To make Maximum money, you have to share your story… and you have to Romance You must be able to communicate with your prospect at multiple levels. They must see you as an individual. Real person before they’ll buy — NOT a “selling machine.”
They have to perceive you as someone who’s just as interested in making their hopes and dreams come true… or in eliminating their pain and solving their Probleme… as they are.
This guy is a terrible writer.-A-A-Y too “slick” He is responsible for his own well-being. Even if he Does care about his clients and customers — and most people Do care, they just don’t know how to show their Buyers they care — the only message that comes out is “BUY MY STUFF, NOW!”
So, what happens? This is super-Get closer Regularly loses THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in sales, because he’s “stuck” Selling in print is a key consideration. Also, losing money is Particularly frustrating and unfair for this guy, because he’s a GREAT sales person!
But I don’t need to tell you… there’s a difference between being a Great Being viewed as a valued, caring advisor by your customers is a great way to be regarded as a salesperson.
After all, do you think you’ll be making more money if your customers perceive you as a “selling machine”… or when you’re perceived as a caring and trusted advisor?
You got it – when your customers or clients perceive you as a REAL person, who’s a genuine, caring, trusted advisor… you’ll start making Much You get more money you’ll make it Much More consistently.
Und in This is the truthFor the Most Part of it is when people view you as a salesperson. instead of as an advisor… they will constantly be negotiating prices with you… and treat you like…
Well… they’ll treat you like a sales person.
Because people LOVE working with valued advisors…
but NO ONE likes dealing… with a sales person!
Advisors are respected and listened to by people. precisely why no one ever questions their doctor about why they’re sending you all over town, to meet with umpteen specialists and get all those diagnostic tests. And that’s because…
Doctors are often viewed as advisorsNot salespeople.
However, a salesperson might send you three of his friends and you will have to pay each of them. These are them some money… you’re going to be on “high alert” Get started right now!
You are.
If you’re one of these, “super-closers,” One of the most important things you should do is:
- First and foremost, position yourself as an authority figure. It’s almost like a consumer advocate.
If you’re Already You are a great salesperson and you can start doing This… boy-Oh-Boy, will you make boatloads of money!
And here’s another thing you can do if you’re in this situation – and this is actually It is really Easy to do in print:
- Slow down and allow your buyer to take control “talk to you,” Instead of talking to them so much,
This is actually much easier than you might think.
To begin with, it is important to realize that “talking” Talking to prospects in print is very different to talking to them. “in person.”
You can also interact face-to-face to ask questions and exchange ideas.
But in print, you can’t go back and forth.
Also, you need to make sure that the Ilusion that you’re going back and forth.
There are many other options. Number of different ways you can do this, but let’s talk about a couple of Easy You can start right now by doing these things:
- The most important thing you can do, that’ll make you more money than Anything else… is to Now Show empathy to your customers.
They should be able to understand what you are trying to communicate Just what it says What they’re going through. Because ultimately… no matter what you’re selling, you’re selling a solution to a problem your prospects have.
The smartest thing to do is make your customers see you as a professional. “real” person who’s empathetic and understanding… is by letting them know you understand the basic human frustrations they are going through, only too well. You must also let them know Why You must be able to understand them.
Specificity is the key to your success.
Let me now give you an illustration of what I mean. Pay close attention to the words of this person:
“Listen, our industry, and our professional associations, teach us absolutely Nothing How to succeed. In reality, our business is extremely cannibalistic. We take our children and throw them out on their heads, only for them to be eaten alive in the jungle.
Despite all that, what are the contents of trade journals?
New ant traps… custom software… equipment… chemicals… and new sticky goop. What do you know? This stuff is amazing! Inutile When it comes to making money and driving steady customers to your business, you can’t go wrong!
Heck, how’s a new ant trap going to drive even One new customer to you?”
See, this isn’t very complicated writing at all. It’s just very specific, and empathetic. It The basic frustrations of the pest control industry (people who own businesses in this market) are addressed.
THIS Empathy is not expressed by saying things like:
- “It’s not your fault.”
- “I’m just like you.” And…
- “We have a lot in common.”
Don’t get me wrong — it’s OK to say these things as long as you back them up with specifics like we just discussed.
But, you can say these things: “it’s not your fault” — which is what most supposed “experts” tell you to do — without explaining, in detail, the specific emotional frustrations you’re actually referring to… is absolutely Inutile.
You can see for yourself. Go back and read those four paragraphs we just went over… and then ask yourself, how this compares to sayIng “It’s not your fault.”
Which one shows Your buyers you’re more empathetic?
The truth is…
“It’s not your fault” isn’t even in the same ballpark!
It’s like asking someone if they want a snack… versus asking them if they want a giant slab of fresh, thick, moist and creamy melts-in-your-New York Cheesecake is delicious!
Listen, when people truly believe you know what it’s like to sit on They side of the desk… they’ll be open to you because you’re a Real Person and not just another “sales guy.”
They’ll want To buy All You have the solution to their problems.
If you are interested, here’s another thing you could do. Take it seriously You want to increase your sales and for your customers to see you as a person.
What do you think?
O.K., here goes… Once your customers know you understand what they’re going through and what makes them “tick”… the next thing you need to do is let them know you care about them beyond just selling them something. This is how you show your concern by:
- To be sympathetic with them
Check out where Empathy shows your buyers you can feel their pain and frustration… being sympathetic shows you’re concerned about them as people, in general.
And here’s where understanding a little human psychology comes in handy. See, people tend to apply one trait or one aspect of someone’s personality… to All You can see their personalities.
So if You’re a realtor, for example, and your buyer feels you understand how frustrating it is to be looking for a new home… and then they “sense” you Also You truly care about their success. Right home… they will basically do whatever you suggest, for the remainder of your selling process.
See, once they know you understand their situation… and you care about them beyond their credit card or your commission check, this enhances your position as a trusted advisor who’s coming from a position of respected authority.
Your customer will then be able to contact you. Never Never again will you be viewed as a salesperson. And…
They will buy from your company and
refer business to you… over and over again!
Once your prospects see you in this light… the amount of business they’re willing to do with you is Infinite! It’s obvious that top salespeople are experts in selling isn’t about themselves, it’s about helping their customers.
The problem is, it doesn’t matter How Sincere. It matters how sincere you are with your customers Believe You are.
This last sentence is worth repeating. It’s THAT important. Do this now, I’ll wait.
Do you remember saying it loudly?
Did you?
O.K., great.
Now you must know the Simplest way of showing your buyers you really do care about them, and that is, by…
It is important to address as many of their objections and concerns as possible.
You see, letting your customers know you’re aware of their potential objections to buying, and then dealing with each one of them on an individual basis, really and truly puts them even Continue reading At ease
Let’s not forget, there are four main reasons people choose to live in this country. don’t buy. Which means your prospect’s objections are all going to revolve around one of these four reasons, so keep them in mind when you’re writing your sales and marketing materials:
4 Reasons Why Your Prospects Won’t Buy:
- They don’t believe your claims.
- They don’t trust you as a person.
- How you attracted them in the first place isn’t congruent with what you’re ultimately trying to sell them. Or…
- They don’t believe in themselves and their ability to do what you’re telling them you can help them do.
And see, when you address your prospect’s objections… when you help them deal with all the obstacles in their life that typically prevent them from doing whatever it is you’re offering… you’re basically taking them By the hand and walking them through your entire buying process, step-by-step.
You’ve then removed all their perceived barriers to success.
And how much more confidence do you think they’re going to have in you, and in your ability to DeliverDo you want to continue after you’ve done that?
They’ll believe in you maybe even Continue reading They believe in themselves more than they do at this moment. But that’s O.K., because guess what?
This means… they’ll buy from you!
And that’s what selling, and being in business is all about, isn’t it?
Oh, and there are! Two a very unique, very specific tests I’ve developed that you can perform on any piece of copy or marketing you write, that lets you Instantly know whether or not you’re doing a good job “speaking” with your prospects, or whether you’re just “rambling on” aimlessly.
I’ve never seen them discussed before, and I’ve been writing sales copy… and studying writing copy and direct-Marketing religiously, Since March 2000. And I’ll tell you how you can get the scoop on both of these tests in just one minute.
But right now, let’s take a little “breather” here, and recap everything we just discussed, because we’ve actually covered quite a lot, in a short period of time. That’s what we found:
- Different people face different challenges. “hang ups,” When it comes to selling And…
- These challenges typically make selling — Particularly Selling in print Extremely frustrating, and in some cases… almost futile.
We also found that you can use the internet to your advantage if it is necessary. It is amazing You can increase your sales by doing certain things in marketing and sales copy. Your buyers will begin to look at your company like. A Persona real who cares about them — NOT like a greedy sales person who wants to take the money and run. Here’s a list of these things:
- When you’re selling in print, you only want to ask your buyers to do ONE thing at a time.
- Focus on the VALUE of what you’re giving, instead of the money you’re asking for… ALWAYS gives you much better results. Particularly when you’re sitting down and translating these thoughts into actual words on paper that are going to do your selling for you.
- Your customers don’t like dealing with sales people. They Strongly We prefer to work with knowledgeable, trusted advisors and advocates for consumers over salespeople any day.
- To be a trusted advisor, and not just another salesperson, Must Position yourself as an authority figure.
- “Talking” With your buyers, you can have a back-and-forth conversation. Particularly Print – Always The most effective a way to communicate with your customers. Also by “most effective,” What do I mean? “makes you the most amount of money.”
- Tell your customer what to do “It’s not your fault,” You will not make more money.
- The best Important thing you can do, that’ll make you more money than Anything else… is to immediately start showing more empathy towards your buyers.
- Being sympathetic to your customer’s objections, turns into more sales for you, because it shows them you care about them as people – which is all anyone It is really Wants to learn before they purchase from you. And lastly…
- There are four reasons why prospects don’t buy from you.
Here’s what you’ll get in Craig Garber – Keepin’ It Real Copywriting Workshop
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes