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It will guide you through each step-By-Step-by-step instructions in word-For-Word examples, real-world exercises and ready-To-use videos, audio and “field-tested” Materials
Stylelife – Attraction Mastermind Group
Styles from
You can be a part my Mastermind Group You want to make your seduction skills more powerful, but you don’t have the time or the resources to do so.
It’s the rare opportunity that I’m giving to you so that you can help building a movement of confident men who help each other to become their best self. It’s a rare opportunity to learn everything about my latest ROUTINE STACK that allows you to get inside a woman’s mind and control her feelings to the point of addiction (even if you’re not good looking, not tall or athletic, not rich or successful and not “naturally good” with women – even if you’re suffering from a hard case of shyness).
And especially … if you have tried something else before and failed! (Here’s a hint: you didn’t flip any of her attraction switches and I’ll give you details about all 5 in just a minute).
To prepare you for we’ll do together in my Mastermind GroupFirst, learn about the system and method.
In my simple My simple Attraction The Seduction System you’ll learn how to approach women, build instant attraction and irresistible rapport, and finally give a girl the night of her dreams. And you don’t have to change or pretend to be someone you are not!
It will guide you through each step-By-Step-by-step instructions in word-For-Examples of word, real world exercises, and ready-To-use videos, audio and “field-tested” materials. You will learn precisely what to say and how.. It’s the first of its kind, because it breaks the science of attraction down inTo simple, easy-to-Follow these steps to help the woman feel that way. “Spark”.
Style’s “Attraction & Seduction” System works for …
- Attractive men who are open to being approached by and attracted by women New women Fear not of rejection
- Looking for guys to Date multiple women A system is needed to manage expectations.
- Guys who love to Attract a particular girl You can make her fall for them.
- Guys who are looking for Find their ex-Get your girlfriend back Keep her safe and secure.
It will show you how to trigger any woman’s attraction switches to quickly engage, connect with her anywhere and “turn her on”.
Is this really a powerful system? How easy and quickly can you learn this system?
You see, I’ve taken some of the most skeptical, shy, lonely, clueless and scared students you’ve ever seen and transformed them through the simple, step-By-step Style’s Attraction The Seduction System for Clued-In Masters of attraction and seduction They suddenly find a romantic connection with many of their women.
How Females were Discovered Attraction The Switches That Made Me a Success With Women
My coaches and i have spent the last few years perfecting the art of seduction through trial and error. To ensure maximum success and minimal rejection, we modeled, tested, and standardized the most successful elements of the game. The game must be continually updated, innovated, and refreshed just like the tax loopholes that close every year after the government discovers the tricks.
That’s why we’ve been working on a flexible, continuous, customized method that can do this.
The very first thing I realized in my own transformation from being frustrated to being able to get inside any woman’s mind and know EXACTLY what to say to her is that women have attraction switches. The key to uncontrollable feelings is to make the right decision to flip the switches.
So, if you are talking to women and making your move without knowing how to trigger her attraction switches …
You are inadvertently denying yourself the life you want.
Once you understand how to make her feel attracted, you will be stunned. You will be amazed at how simple it is to attract the women you desire.
Fact: In the first 10 minutes of meeting women, you can either be their best friend or worst enemy. Say the wrong thing and you’ll KILL the attraction. When you say the right things, she starts to desire your attention and will keep your hand on every word. Let me share a few dating secrets with you:
Simple Dating Secret #1: Never admit: “My last girlfriend was forever ago.”
She thinks that if you do, it is because she believes: “No other women will touch this guy and neither should I.” Instead, you show that you are ready to take on the world.-Show her that you want other women to choose you. (I’ll show you exactly how to do this on DVD #2).
Simple Dating Secret #2: Never complain “My job sucks but it pays the bills, I guess.”
She will think: “OK, this guy has no ambition, that’s gross.” If you do have a boring job, you don’t need to tell her all about it. Tell her your dreams for the future. She doesn’t care if you’re rich but she does want you to be ambitious. We have created a great tool to help you set your goals for your life and share your outlook.
Simple Dating Secret #3: Never admit: “I don’t really talk to my family.”
She thinks: “This guy has intimacy issues because he doesn’t love his family!” Don’t reveal negative personal baggage about yourself in the early stages of meeting a woman. Show her that you care about and are there to protect your family, friends and pets. It’s very attractive for many women to be a protector of their loved ones.
Simple Dating Secret #4: You can turn a woman on with all five attraction switches. Your words can make a woman turn ON or off. Women are looking for a man with a life full of excitement (The E1 switch), strong social networks and emotional connections (The E2 switch), and ambitious life goals (the E1 switch), as well as a man who cares about his family (the A switch) or a man who is able to turn them on (the 2 switch). They run away and hide if they don’t.
A woman can move forward when she has not yet activated all five attraction switches. Ice cold. Even though she may have been interested in you before. She liked you before but then realized she didn’t feel “the right chemistry”. Then she’ll stop wanting to hang out with you and start seeing you as “just a friend”.
I’m going to show you what she is thinking, I’ll show you what to say to her and when and how to make your move. All based on her triggering me 5 Female Attraction Switches which I’ll discuss in detail in a little bit.
First … let me answer a few questions you might want to know at this point:
- “Will this work on the girl I like?”
- “Is it easy to use this system?”
- “Is it guaranteed to work for me?”
On DVD #1 “Eternal Attraction Principles and Concepts” you’ll discover the concepts of how to Women will chase you By demonstrating your high value, you can trigger her attraction switches. Using this eternal attraction principle you’ll understand how the science of attraction works (and you’ll find yourself with the kind of relationships you desire).
On DVD #2 “Fundamentals of Approaching and Opening” you’ll find out how to approach any woman at any time in any location with maximum attraction effect in a step by step process. You’ll learn how to easily Start a conversation with her, make her feel at ease, get her interested, and keep her occupied.. You’ll discover how to instinctively know what to say next to amplify the chemistry she’s feeling. Plus you’ll see actual filmed approaches of trained seducers starting conversations with women in the field.
On DVD #3 “Take Your Game to The Next Level” You will learn my methods for building your inner game to attract others. This is especially true if you’re shy or not naturally outgoing and extroverted. You will learn how to avoid making low-value mistakes and gain confidence in all situations. You will also learn the following: “secret sauce” These are my personal favorite routines.
Now … once they are talking to a woman, many guys are confused about …
- “How do I flirt and banter with her?”
- “When and how should I make my move?”
- “What should I say or do to turn her on?”
This can be frustrating, but it is necessary if you want your game to go the next level. How do you know? This drives most guys crazy!
Here’s the good news: Once you trigger her attraction switches you know exactly what to say to get her excited.
DVD 4 “Complete Guide To Disqualification” you’ll be handed an entire arsenal of “Chick Crack” Learn the art of disqualification, which is teasing, bantering, and flirting. It’s broken down into easy to understand steps. You’ll discover how you magically can change a relationship from a stranger to potential lover. This fundamental skill will allow you to tackle the most difficult situations. “mental frame” Women desire it.
On DVD #5 “Generate Your Own Stories, Routines and Build Rapport”
What do you say next after you have started a conversation? What are some things you can say to a woman that will make her more attractive? In this video tutorial you’ll learn the tools to convey your own personality and stories to a woman and connect with her so that she feels as if she has known you forever and forms a deep attachment to you in her mind.
DVD #6. “Deep Connections and Employing a Call to Action” you’ll discover how to create an intense and powerful connection that’s been missing with every other guy in her life. She’ll be feeling as though you’re reading her thoughts. It will be easy to give women reasons to want you now. And I’ll show you how to use “Verbal Foreplay” To make a woman feel she must seduce me now, imagine the two of you naked and treating her as the bad girl she longs for.
It’s easy, there are only 5 attraction switches. And I’ll show you how to trigger ALL of them in Style’s Attraction and Seduction System.
Here are the 5 Female Attraction Switches …
- The A = Leader Switch
She wants a man who will lead the pack. She is looking for someone who has more intelligence or strength than her. She is looking for a man who can take care of her future family and is strong or smart enough. Her mind is filled with these questions: “Is he confident? Do people follow his lead? Can I look up to him? Is he strong or smart enough to protect me?” In my system you’ll discover the secrets to trigger the LEADER switch.
- The E1 = EMOTION switch
She must feel secure both emotionally and physically. She is looking for a man who can be trusted by her family and friends, and has strong emotional and social skills. She wants a man who can understand her fears and wishes deeply, and who can also connect with her on an emotional and spiritual level. These are the questions she has in her head: “Does he understand me? Is there a strong emotional chemistry between us?” In my system you’ll discover the secrets to trigger the EMOTION switch. - The E2 = EXCITEMENT Shift
She is looking forward to being surrounded by you and feeling happy. She is attracted to humor and adventure, which she finds exciting and leads her to new experiences. This makes her wonder and love it. Her mind is filled with questions: “Can he make me laugh and feel good? Is he exciting and fun?” In my system you’ll discover the secrets to trigger the EXCITEMENT switch. - The S1 = SUCCESS
She is energized when you are pursuing your life goals. Two people can achieve far more together if they are energized by each other. She desires a man who is driven and has a positive outlook. These are her questions: “Does he have a passion for life? Will he go places (with me)?” In my system you’ll discover the secrets to trigger the SUCCESS switch. - The S2 = SEX Shift
Before she can move to the physical level, she must feel chemistry on an emotional and rational level. Her evolutionary perspective says she needs to feel trust, comfort, and connection before she is willing to be seduced. She is asking herself: “Can I connect with him emotionally, sensually and sexually?” In my system you’ll also discover the secrets to trigger the sex switch.
As you can clearly see, Style’s Attraction System of Seduction is a complete system that allows you …
- Approach the kind of woman you’ve always wanted without fear of rejection.
- Quickly and nearly instantly create attraction in a woman that she can’t control.
- You can easily discern what a woman needs and wants.
But that’s not all! In Style’s Attraction and Seduction System I’ll show you …
- How to be attractive and captivating to women you meet.
- Here are the steps to eliminate fear of rejection, no matter how shy.
- How to make your personality an attraction trigger.
- How to forge romantic and platonic relations
- How to make subtle comments that spark her flirtatious behaviour.
- How to get out of those moments where you are stuck or your mind is blank.
- How to create an unbreakable emotional connection so she remains hooked on you.
And the best part is, you don’t have to change your personality or act as if you are someone you are not. Before you move forward, you will be able identify the attraction switches that you need to flip. This is the main focus of DVD 1. (You will never look at women the same way again after watching this video!)
Perhaps you are wondering what the price is. I will answer your question in just a few seconds. But I’m sure you’ll be surprised just how affordable it is. Let me tell you some other things that you will discover:
- On DVD #2 you’ll also learn Body language secrets These are the best ways to attract women around your house.
- On DVD #3 you’ll also discover how to create a personal ad and online dating You can create bios that will get responses from the women you are interested in.
- DVD #6 I’ll show you 7 reasons for a woman to act now, and push the relationship to more intimate places.
What is Exactly included in Style’s Attraction Seduction System and Other Methods
When you claim your Style’s Attraction My Seduction System, and Your Spot in my Attraction Mastermind Group, here’s what you’re going to get:

- Style’s “Attraction & Seduction” Core System
In 6 DVDs you’ll discover the secret key to the female mind that most men never know about. This material was made available to men who attended my original seminar, and paid over $1,000 to access it. In addition you’ll watch hidden camera footage of my coaches picking up women in real life. - “The Secret Code of Seduction” instant download –
You’re also going to get the ultimate strategy guide to attracting and seducing women. It’s designed to be your cheat sheet while learning the Style’s Attraction The Seduction System. This book contains practical examples and exercises for all the key techniques. It is ready to be emulated and implemented step by step.-By-step.- Approach any woman confidently (page 21)..
- How to begin a conversation (page 27).
- Get her number (page 51).
- You can have her chase you instantly (page 35).
- Scale to the physical level (page 56).
- Page 33: Perfectly hold the attention of a group (page 33).
- Sealing the second and subsequent dates (page 49).
The “Secret Code of Seduction” This book outlines the entire attraction and seduction process. This article explains all the key techniques You the best. “ah-hah” It is easy to remember in a matter of minutes.
- “The Complete Cold Reading Handbook” – $42.00 RETAIL VALUE
You’ll learn the ‘Black Art’ Of seduction. In field reports, cold reading is often cited as the turning point in deep emotional connections.
Simple cold reading lines such as “You’re trouble” And “I bet she’s the good one, and you’re the bad one” If you can get more serious cold, it will make girls giggle and excited.
According to some readings, women will often go out of their ways to spend quality time with you.
- Learn why cold reading works ‘Black Art’ Of seduction
- How to speak instantly like a cold reading expert.
- Read any woman’s mind anywhere using the simple “Hands of the Gods” routine.
- Explore the “I Heart” Cold reading is a way to seduce her.
- Discover a simple method to use Astrology & Tarot to blow her minds and make a deeper connection with her than any other guy.
Here are the coaching resources you’ll get.
- My personal lessons and exercises
You will learn all my personal seduction methods that I used to be renowned as the best.-The world’s greatest artist. In video and audio examples and exercises, you’ll learn everything step-By-step from the minute you walk into a public place, to the minute after you’ve experienced the most amazing intimate encounter you could imagine. - I will coach you personally and answer all your questions
Every month you’ll be invited to the Attraction Mastermind Group Meeting, a private call with me and fellow students to discuss your most pressing dating questions. I’ll take your questions and personally help you to develop your game routines so that they fit you! - Monitor your progress – This is your personal attraction success indicator. You can track and monitor your personal progress from any location around the world.
- Find new friends in my mastermind network – You’ll become part of my exclusive ELITE forum where mastermind member meet and filled with new friends who are learning with you.
- Double booster magazine and DVD included You’ll receive the Wingman a Pickup Magazine and DVDs (either mailed to you or electronically) packed with the latest tested openers and routines that only YOU will have, but it’ll be the only place to get the latest field reports. This stuff will only be available to SLA members.
- My personal lessons and exercises
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Stylelife – Attraction Mastermind Group
Stylelife – Attraction Mastermind Group Sample
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes