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Dr Pedram Shojai – Gateway To Health
Each day, new discoveries are made on how our mouth, our jaws, our saliva and our teeth hold sway over our health and well-being.
Tom Kenyon – The Siddhis
The Siddhis The Siddhis are a meditation practice whose roots trace back to ancient India and Tibet. They are an expression of your higher...
Christian Leeby – Calm To The Core
Your biggest problems show up in relationships, don't they? This 2 hr video (download) shows you how owning your mind and conditioning Format File:...
Bashar – The Power of Paradox – February 9th – 2020
For 34 years, Darryl Anka has channeled the remarkable multidimensional being known as Bashar. Bashar describes himself as an extraterrestrial Format File: ...
Wild Divine – Mindfulness Academy – for Mac
Visualize your own Positive Affirmations because you can customize them to fit your dreams-and help make them true Format File: (software - PKG,...
Kenji Kumara – Clear and perfect channel – Infinite possibility
Advanced, live meditations and activations from Quantum Lightweaving®® Master Series 2 Intensive in Fairfield, IA March 2012. Deep, Format File: 6 MP3s File...
Backgrounds Shadows Special 6 – week Interactive course
"I am really enjoying your classes. I enjoy painting the flowers and the format is perfect for me as it gives me lots of...
The History of Christianity – From the Disciples to the Dawn of the Reformation.
How did this happen? How did a persecuted sect in 1st-century Palestine rise to command such a massive influence on human culture, imagination File...
Luis de Matos – Essential Magic Conference (EMC) 2010
It's a never before seen amazing line-up. The 8 DVDs contain performances and lectures from some of the world's top magicians... Format File: [Webrip...
Singing Lessons with Lari White – 2 Foundational Exercises
Explore techniques and exercises that can help you grow as a vocalist. In this course—the second in a series focusing on learning how to...
Dain Heer – Creating What You TRULY Desire, Starting Today
This special loop of verbal processes have been compiled especially for the Money & Manifestation summit with Lisa Garr. The processes come Format File:...
Morrnah Simeona – Ho‘oponopono – Teachings of Morrnah Simeona
To create a phenomenal week of training on video, Morrnah N. Simeona, a kahuna lapa‘au who stayed true Format File: [15 DVDs -...