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Aaron Doughty – Reality Transurfing Month 1-12
As you start to make CHOICES that will increase your state of being instead of focusing on the future and feeling anxiety about what...
Rory Miller – Logic of violence
Violence has its own indisputable logic. Criminals resort to violence because it works, and they avoid violence when the costs seem too high.
Dr Evgenij Yerusalimsky – BioMechanical Model and Harmony in Dog Structure seminar
There were many Dobermann broodbitches that could be used to breed in one year. in Moscow, 300-350 Dr Evgenij Yerusalimsky – BioMechanical Model and...
Brainspotting Phase 1, 2 and 3 DVDs
Phase 2 is aimed at deepening your Brainspotting skills and training advanced Brainspotting technique. These include: Dual Attunement Frame, Resource Model, Gazespotting, 3-D (Z...
Susan Culley, Tim Bond – Integrative Counselling Skills in Action 3rd Edition
Integrative Counselling Skills in Action is used by many thousands of students and practitioners who need guidance on using counselling skills in a variety...
International Chess School – Grandmaster Package – Years 1-2-3
We are proud to have created a World Chess Champion at the scholastic world championship, several national champions (from more countries around the World)...
Mobility & Flexibility Toolkit
This requires a range of tools to build strength, motor control and resilience throughout our body.
George – Institutional Student Membership – Class of 2021
This membership allows you to access all 1600.io resources that are available at any time of enrollment. This site is for students only. George...
Mario DiBartolomeo – ACT & SAT Huge Math Review Bundle
If you are willing to put in the effort, these courses will provide a wealth of information. You will continue to learn the same...
Marco Paret – (*29*) 1080p – Lessons 06 – 29
This course will provide you with the right training to create your own personal magnetism. Developing magnetism means developing, File Size: 1.9 GB Marco...
Brian David Phillips – VICARIOUS EXPERIENTIAL MACHINE Physical Skill Acceleration
The 3 March Brian David Phillips Submitted An An extensive introduction workshop VICARIOUS EXPERIENTIALFile Size: 3.8 GB Brian David Phillips – VICARIOUS EXPERIENTIAL MACHINE...
Investment Banking – Demystifying Fed’s Monetary Policy
Understanding the workings of a Central Bank Monetary Policy It is essential that trading financial markets is done correctly and is well-planned. File Size:...