Forest Vance – No Gym? No Excuses!: Kettlebell Workouts
You are trying to burn fat, add muscle mass, and improve your overall health. You want fast, intense, effective workouts, and you want the...
Exos – Performance Specialist Certification
The EXOS Performance Specialist Course curriculum contains 22 presentations categorized into 19 different courses. Each presentation emphasizes a theoretical framework, a program design framework,...
Doron Navon – Feldenkrais Method & Taijutsu
Doron says that the Feldenkrais method is a shortcut to the godan test. This has been confirmed by both Hatsumi Sensei and many other...
Mike Boyle – Complete Core – Athletes Acceleration
Michael Boyle is known internationally for his pioneering work in the field of Strength & Conditioning and is regarded as one of the top...
James Arthur Ray – Success Certain Coaching
Just suppose you can have James Arthur Ray as your coach for the next 21 days… At a fraction of the price! Here’s what...
David Leadbetter – Golf The Short Game
David Leadbetter analyzes common errors of an average golfer, then shows precisely how to overcome the errors. Every aspect of the golf swing is...
Dr. Robert Schleip Fascial Fitness
The Fascial Fitness Training Certificate Course gives you a proven set of basic principles as well as the practical application of each principle. These...
The Darn Good Band Workout
A remarkable workout that includes 3 dvds; light workout, intermediate workout, and challenge workout. Think you can’t build muscles with fitness bands? Think again....
Chudc Duff – ReaIBodyWork – Thai Massage for Mat ft Table
This comprehensive DVD, from ITTA Certified Instructor Chuck Duff (www.thaimassageschool.net), shows in detail a 1-hour Thai massage sequence, applying the same sequence on both...
Flowing Zen – Qigong 101
Techniques are great, but skills are more important for getting results. You'll learn all 4 Pillars of Qigong: Discovering the Qi, Circulating the Qi,...
Shibari Study – Rope Bottoming
When she’s not doing rope, fuoco is a professional acrobat, constantly training to build strength, flexibility, and body awareness. Her dedicated study of the...
Jozef Frucek – Fighting Monkey – Zero Forms Sequencing 2
This ZERO is dynamic. It changes all the time as you age, progress, communicate. But understanding it is the only way where you can...