Leslie Kaminofff – Yoga Anatomy Course
Every day, we get notes back from them about how this course has changed their lives for the better, and opened their eyes to...
FitnessPay + OTOs
Choose a fitness niche for your membership site, we have provided 8 of the most popular online fitness niches for you to choose from...
Exercise Professiona – Exercise Mechanics 2 & Equipment Mechanics 1 & (*30*) Training 2 – 3000 (currently 30 hours)
3210 Resistance Mechanics 2: Magnitude 3211 Resistance Mechanics 3: Placement
Dr Emily Splichal – Barefoot Training Specialist® Level 1 Certification
The decision to become a Barefoot Training Specialist® is the first step towards joining our community of in-demand health and fitness professionals from around...
Ben – Holiday Bundle
Normally, these courses would cost almost $300, but with the discount code HOLIDAY, you can get all four courses for just $170 — nearly...
Anthony Robbins – Ultimate Edge 2018
After each audio session, you’ll open your journal to review the key concepts and to take immediate action on the day’s assignments.
Joe Hippensteel – Ultimate Human Performance
You will get instructions on each of the UHP ROM 24™ positions from UHP professionals as well as being able to participate in a...
Jared Deacon – Maximum Speed
I’ve been fortunate to have known him for a fair few years now, in fact he interviewed me for one of my former jobs...
Wil Fleming – Complete Olympic Lifting
Instead, the only thing you need is a complete system for taking athletes who are complete newbies on the platform to athletes who are...
Eric Cobb – Z-Health University – The Breathing Gym (2020)
It was specifically designed to teach you how to build your own personal breathing program for pain-relief, improved movement, optimal performance and a better...
Matthew Ogus – Strengthetics
Strengthetics Programming can be easily customized (Instructions/How).-to/FAQ’s included) to fit your experience level and volume needs, recoverability, and time budget. Matthew Ogus – Strengthetics...
Jim McCann – Art of Boxing
Where Jim’s series differ from others is that his ACTUALLY TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOX.