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Thaddius Barker – Prose and Cons
You will also learn my approach to the incorporation of DR and the inclusion of wonder words as a method.
Casper – Hy-Pe
One of the effects on this download (Under the Influence) is something I have performed for many years. You learn a quick simple version...
Connirae Andreas – The Wholeness Work A Complete Individual Session
This session gives a wonderful example of how to use the Wholeness Work with ourselves, or with our clients. Connirae works with the life...
Udemy – Algorithmic Trading with Machine Learning in Python
Download available within 1-2 hours. This course will teach you how to use the most recent methods in machine learning and natural speech processing...
Nancy Duarte (HBR) – Resonate
This course is available immediately through 55 easy steps-To-reference video modules, quizzes, and interactive content we’ll guide you through the online course as you...
Peter Schenk – I Can Create Anything Workshop
Building upon the layers of your own conscious creation I will teach you the secrets and techniques to creating your own reality. Through sacred...
Paul Mascetta – The Mind Domination Series
Learn about a little known technique that helps you can more clarity and positive force when you speak so you always appear confident and...
Norman Vaughton – “Dave Elman induction for therapy”
Davу Elman methods are extremely authoritarian and prescriptive and very contrasted with those techniques, which typically Norman Vaughton and uses. However, they are very...
Jennifer Barnett, Alexis Willett – How Much Brain Do We Really Need?
The bad news is that our brains start to shrink from our mid-thirties. But the good news is that we still seem to generally...
Jeff Carreira – Embrace All That You Are
Together they support the growth and development of an international community of people who are committed to living on the emerging edge of spirit’s...
Jay Haley – Strategies of Psychotherapy
This classic volume deals with the strategies of both psychotherapists and clients as they manoeuvre around each other in the process of treatment. How...
James Kingsland – Siddhartha’s Brain – Unlocking the Ancient Science of Enlightenment
Moving effortlessly between science and scripture, Kingsland charts Siddhartha's spiritual journey and explains how new research by leading neuroscientists and clinical psychologists--many of whom...