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Learn the keys to unforgettable conversation and profound connection…and say goodbye to brain freeze, flaking, and boring interactions… Getting Her World It is a deeply rewarding experience that many men instinctively know is possible but haven’t yet tapped into.
Authentic Man Program – Getting Her World
Unforgettable Conversations: Discover the Keys
Profound Connection…Say Goodbye and Acceptance Flaking and Brain Freeze Boring Interactions
Getting Her World It is a deeply rewarding experience that many men instinctively know is possible but have not yet tapped into.
Bryan here –
You’ve probably seen the video. Now you might be wondering: How is it relevant for me?
Let me start by talking about some of the problems you may face.
CHALLENGE #1 “What Do I Say To Her?”
You are out with a girl that you have just met. You are nervous because she is beautiful and you cannot believe you have this chance to get to know her…to build a relationship with her…to make an impression.
Perhaps you have practiced what you want to say or what questions you will ask. Perhaps you have just realized that you were destined to be a successful author. “wing it.” As her eyes lock with yours you feel a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach.
Your mind becomes completely blank. It’s impossible to think of anything clever or funny to say. To save time, you make small talk. The conversation slows down. There is an awkward silence.
With each passing moment, you can sense her losing interest. She looks at her watch, or maybe her phone, and then she smiles politely, telling you that she will be nice for the remainder of the date, but that you won’t see her again.
I’ve been there more than once.
In those moments I would continue to talk but I really wanted to be able to focus on the important things. Use a SLEDGEHAMMER for that invisible fucking CORDIAL WALL and POLITE between me and her?, and SMASH IT TO PICES…
Because I KNEW there was an amazing connection, and it was right there on the other side. A DOORWAY to REAL DEPTH and RICHNESS OF CONNECTION… But I couldn’t find the doorway edges to open it. So we BOTH are stuck in this superficial, but maddeningly real world of cordial, mind.-Numing small-talk…
It’s worse because you know you are a great guy with lots to offer. You can open the door to your humor, charisma, creativity and friendship with your friends, as well as other women you don’t like.
It’s all about now, when it matters. It is important to you that it matters most It’s really important, it doesn’t show up. WTF??
Do you think this will be a repeat of the experience? We’ll get to that in a moment.
CHALLENGE #2: She Fleked. Again. [Unreturned calls, texts, cancelled dates]
Because you have met an incredible woman, you are excited. After you send her a text, however, your excitement quickly turns to frustration. no response.
Do you need to text her again? Do you need to wait? Do you prefer to call? What if you are stubborn and she rejects your offer?
Is she Really Are you busy or feeling unwell? Or maybe you missed an email, text, or voicemail? Oder is she just not interested in what you have to say?
Furthermore, Why is this such a power imbalance?? Why are they? YOU You know the one that bends over backwards to figure out when or if to text her next and is willing to shift YOUR schedule around when you’re not available??
Each failed connection makes you more jaded. It seems like it is getting more difficult, not easier, over time. You don’t know what to do.
The problem with both of the above is simple. You can get so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t really understand what she is thinking and feeling. Beatitudes To feel genuine attraction and connection
You are worried about what you should say. Your inability to connect with her frustrates you. You are trying to find the right questions and anecdotes to ask to get to know your woman and make a good impression.
She sits there, thinking all the time. “This guy is stuck in his own world – he’s not really getting me at all. I’m not feeling it. Why did I ever agree to this date?”
It is possible that women aren’t following up with your requests. She didn’t feel any strong connection.
Even if she were Attracted to you at some point, attraction is fleeting– but a REAL CONNECTION is memorable. She won’t bother to pursue things further if she doesn’t feel it. You will learn. How to connect and get Her WorldThis problem It evaporates – she’ll Most likely to be the one asking you, “When can we meet again?”
For the first challenge: “What do I say to her?”…
What if, regardless of the direction of the conversation, you knew exactly what you should say?
Imagine being able to tap into endless topics and intimate relationships.-You can build questions that will not only interest her but also make her feel heard, understood and seen. This will ensure you have her complete attention and interest. “go-nowhere” Are dates good for you?
Learn to Get Her WorldYou can dial into by simply shifting your attention. Her. It reveals Many fun and exciting conversations For you to follow, at ANY stage of your interaction – you’ll never again be at a loss.
Once you shift your attention in the manner I am describing, you will be able access to the “universal buffet table” You and her can find relevant, interesting and refreshing conversation topics right now. Keep reading…
Once you can get her world, it’s a sudden ability that is so valuable.-It is something that only a few men have.-That the power dynamic changes.
When a woman is ACTUALLY UPLIFTED by spending time with you — nourished, because her life is RICHER for having known you – then she’ll return your calls & texts, and even rearrange her schedule to be with you.
There are two reasons.
#1: FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT REPONSE – When you are attracted to a woman and you have a relationship with her, it is often a biological level. “fight-or-flight” response-
You’ll panic and lose your control if you don’t have the right training to handle it. The same happens to women. However, in this instance you lose your creativity, sense humor, and genuine curiosity.
You can learn to keep cool and collected when you interact with intimidatingly beautiful women, like martial artists.
#2: LACK of Focused Attention
Similar to #1, when you are nervous, your attention tends towards hyperactivity.-fixate on Everything else than What you really want.
Your attention tends towards:
- You want to find out if she is attracted towards you.
- Are you unsure what to say next?
- Asking her questions to show interest but not caring about the answers. It’s hard for you to feel genuine interest in her while you work so hard to find the right questions.
If you do any of those things, you are not paying attention. She knows that you’re not present.
Retraining your focus and sharpening your attention can make your interactions with women unforgettably rewarding. You can also reach deeper levels of connection by connecting with them.
We will show you HOW to focus and WHAT to focus your attention on. This will improve your ability to get things done. Her World Have more fulfilling conversations and deeper connections.
What is the best way to sharpen your attention with this program?
There are many ways to do it!
Many of you have asked for our help. “Show us real-world examples! What does authentic relating LOOK LIKE? SHOW US!!”
You don’t have to wait.
This new program does not include a “stage seminar”A compilation of “guru-expert interviews” You can rehash the same old stories with the familiar suspects you already know.
These are REAL!-LIFE, uncensored INTERACTIONS with real women in HD video with multiple camera angles to follow every nonverbal nuance.
Decker will be interacting with men many would consider theirs. “dream girl” — the kind of women most men are both drawn to and intimidated by.
It’s easy to learn from watching Decker interact with women and HEARING Decker speak. exact words He tells them to do the right thing. exercises This will help you to be more focused and connect with women whenever and wherever you want.
You’ll receive This is exactly-What-To-Structures? (the “outer game” DOING) in PDF form.-You would have deeper interactions with dead zombies
These “outer game tools” They are like training wheels. They can help you gain quick wins, build confidence, and get you on the path to success.
And most importantly…
You might see other programs that show how extraordinary women interact with each other (from the outside). Sometimes, however, you just don’t get the inside scoop. This program will teach you how to…
1) Get Her World Decker will interact with each woman as you observe her interactions. You’ll be able to understand the world through a woman’s eye and what it feels like to be her. Perhaps even more useful, you’ll…
2) Get Decker’s World – Watch Garrison explain to Decker the interaction. Why He does what he says Where He continues the conversation. How He relates to them, etc.
This program is NOT about ADOPTING Decker’s worldview — the last thing we want is a bunch of Decker clones running around. This program will help you to see the world in a new way. new possibilities A new way to interact You will eventually find your womanhood with women. Own Unique expressions and ways to relate.
Learning from people who have succeeded is not enough. You will also need the tools to succeed. “Dial In” Inside the building You Where can you find these games? “lines” can COME OUT (the BEING rather than the DOING) spontaneously, in a moment-To-moment!
When you have no idea of what to say next, the most rewarding interactions are those that occur. The program has missions, exercises, and practices designed to help you INTERNATIONALIZE this skill set.
Wine is usually classified as either white or red to the untrained eye. However, once you are able to distinguish between wines, you will be able to appreciate the subtleties and nuances that make each wine different.
Imagine being able this feat with PEOPLE. Celebrate and experience each person’s unique qualities.And beyond that, they have the ability They should reflect this back to them In a way that makes them feel deeply loved, honored, moved, and…discovering something new about themselves.
This is what it looks like Program It is all about.
We’ve always appealed to the past and not taken it too seriously. “lowest common denominator” Many men looking for just that “get girls” Or “get laid” But the truth is, we excel at Depth. That’s what we have committed to and are not going to give up. “hold back” Or “dumb down” This stuff is not necessary anymore. This program is unapologetically rich and full of subtle, yet powerful distinctions. You’re a big boy, and you can handle it — we’re giving you some of our best, deepest stuff! J
About The Program
Getting Her World It’s basically three programs in one: Karina Jennifer Kendra. The entire process takes 9 hours. We initially planned to sell each of our 3 programs (Karina Jennifer and Kendra) individually. We decided to bundle the three programs together, as we believed it was important for women to be able to see that it works regardless of whether they are single or married, with different types and types of women.
Here’s what each program covers:
The KARINA program teaches you:
- Why “storytelling” A connection can be RUINED How to make a connection that is truly deep. (segment 3)
- Do you want to transform a conversation from a dull information exchange into something more meaningful and emotional? Try the “Heart Melter Question” in segment 23. Note: This is also possible at smaller gatherings of friends, allowing you to get to know each other better.
- What and when should you allow? “full silences”(Even if it means you have to accept some discomfort and awkwardness. This is where magic happens. Most guys will blindly trample on (segment 1).
- The “Calling Her Out” Pray – This shows that you are actually listening closely to her words and to her thoughts. The emotional truth 90% of communication is not verbal. She will trust you more if you know that you will check on her and that she won’t bullshit your. This is shown in segments 9 and 24.
- How to truly compliment a woman It doesn’t have to come off as a supplicating lapdog. It is against the rules. “pickup wisdom”You’ll be able to feel deeply connected to Decker in the 18th segment. Celebrate as a human being — a rare gift!
- The “Echo Practice” The way to “lock in” The level of intimacy you have already achieved, which will allow her to relax completely and melt into you at deeper levels (segment 3).
- The “Themes Practice” – Pay attention and you will see that there are many. Always There are many themes that may arise in your interactions with women. Decker explains how to, step-By-Step one: Find your THEME. Each interaction with a woman is like writing a chapter in a thrilling story. Together.
- Decker asks Karina her first impressions about him when they briefly first met at the gym– a great example of how to take a conversation from being simply information exchange, to sharing about US, and how we impact each other — you’ll Both You will feel more alive and excited after a conversation like this segment 5
- Decker shares word-For-Word, how he would meet a girl in the grocery store…and how you can powerfully OWN! Why Segment 4: He was open to talking with her (segment 1). This will allow you to be more open about your attraction to women.
- You are inviting her vulnerability and also inviting her defenses. Here are the steps to welcoming BOTH. Anyone before) — see her wide-Eyes wide open, vulnerable and exposed, she feels completely at ease in her tenderness… Secure At the same time,… (segment 8)
- What is the difference between informational, personal, and relational conversations? Each one is important and you should know when to move to the next. This is crucial to reach deeper levels of connection (segment 8)
- Decker breaks “conventional dating wisdom” Segment 2: He shares his understanding of why “I seem to get away with breaking all the rules.” This will help you be more confident with women by listening to it.
- How to remain more intimate and avoid being judged “coach/therapist” Dynamic With a woman. This is important to remember, as it can be detrimental to your ability to communicate with women. Getting Her WorldYou’ll find her opening up to you quicker than anyone else, even if they’re just met (segment 10-).
- You don’t need to be the “Club Guy” To meet women at night Decker’s emotional state in the days when he met women in this setting, even though it was not ideal. “not his scene” (segment 11).
- The “Closer/Farther” Game — Decker plays this game alongside Karina in order to bring out the most important point in their interaction. This simple sentence stem can be used to explore with Karina where you feel the most connected to one another so far. “information-exchange land” And even further into the Here And Now. (segment 12 or 13)
- The “Sealing the Exits” Practice – This is a more advanced version. It’s a way for you to be more vulnerable and juicier as the situations get more intense.That you both are committed to exploring all that comes up between the two of them, and not just returning into more familiar, safer (but less tasty) territory.
- The “Restraint With Resistance” Practice – This practice can help her reach new heights in her bedroom. Decker shows how it can be used anywhere.
- The “Identifying Dissonance” Pray Artfully bringing awareness of the differences between What she has to say How she says it. You will always bring more truth-Tell the interaction. (segment 16)
- Decker nearly loses her faithIn a single segment 16-and, the winner receives the reward of taking a big risk. These are the steps you’ll need to take. “clutch choices” yourself –the ones that will have her remembering your interaction for days afterwards — after you watch this chapter (segment 16)
- The “Pre-Deeper-Opening Raving Banshee” Dynamic: You will find out what is really going on with her and how you can help her when her problems become so intense that most men will go back to their side and MISS the riches on the other side. “stick with it” to the tender sweetness on its other side… (segment16)
- What if you feel disconnected, bored, or checked out? Here is Decker’s direct expression of his feelings for Karina. You can make almost any connection back to the “talking ABOUT stuff” Place to be deeply connected and even more interested (segment29)
- The “Sweaty-Toothed Madman” Scene In Dead Poets Society Inspired by the segment 22 game Decker played with Karina “Listen for the Spark”. This tool will allow you to quickly pinpoint the ideal place to start a conversation.
- The “Fire Game” – This fun thought experiment will help you discover what is most important in your life.
- The “Frames Game” This is a way to share your favourite moments from the date thus far. This helps to reinforce the great time you had together and strengthens the relationship so that she will think back to the wonderful time they shared (segment 31).
- Karina says she is’still single’. Still feels lonely and longs to be connected in segment 33. If you are looking for a real connection, “get her world”You’ll be able see beyond the limitations “hot girl uniform” Most men find attractive women appealing. This is because they understand that all women, even the most beautiful, are human beings.
- The “Fetish Conversation” — Decker nearly misses one juiciest Karina offers many opportunities for exploring the world with her “fetish side” This video will demonstrate how to enter the cue on the television. “rabbit holes” That will take you to the spiciest and most hot places in a woman’s inner world segment35).
Here’s what you’ll learn from the JENNIFER PROGRAM.
Jennifer is quite different to Karina. She is at the top of her emotional awareness, and ability to connect with others. “AMP Woman”Decker and elaine go deep together to reach realms of connection that transcend words…
You’ll discover:
- Conversations that turn you on, without having to talk about sex. You’ll feel as if you and your partner have been in love for hours when you apply the information you hear.
- How to touch a woman experiencing intense emotions. This can open up a woman’s bodies and help her to be more aware of the tension she is holding. You’ll be a blessing to her. “intuitive hands” (segment 10).
- How to immediately tell if a girl feels comfortable with her sexuality. This will let you know how direct you can be without being too sarcastic. “blowing her out” (segment 3).
- What about when a woman says yes but is not a? Full yes? Here’s how to build trust and deep connection by advocating for her boundaries. Decker’s words are wonderful! “If it’s not a full yes, I’m a no. I prefer being welcomed inside, because she’s dying to have me. It’s just not as enjoyable otherwise…” (segment 8)
- Decker completely forgets her Name. You’ll never worry about it happening again after watching the segment 11.
- Find the THEME for any conversation This can help to make her feel more connected and understood. It also allows for some clever jokes. (segment 3)
- Decker’s – Learn from Decker “mistake” in segment 4He is located at “barges” Jennifer. You’ll be able to see the areas where he was more artistic and bring that awareness into your interactions.
- Decker shares the word-For-Word how he would invite a lady for a short-term fling Like a tourist in SF, he transparently OWNS that he wants to go as deep and fast as possible. (segment 1)
- Find out the 5 “Flavors of Relating” As you are able to recognize these differences, you will be able reflect them in your moment with the woman with whom you are interacting. (segment 5)
- Wordlessness is where the most profound, powerful moments occur. This is how it’s done in segments 6, 8 and 18.
- What, when and why you can IGNORE what a lady is sayingAllow the connection to drop further …(segment 6
- Learn how to “hold space” To express the deepest emotions of a woman. Women will be more comfortable letting go of you if you are able to react in these situations (segment 9).
- How to “bless” A woman’s resistance. This is a crucial tool to create more love, trust safety and openness segment
- Embrace Disaster — Hear Decker’s story about his crash–burn experience He had presented at a seminar on dating. It’s possible to be stunned at how he handled it the second time. You’ll also learn how to EMBRACE even the most difficult situations (segment 9).
- “Just push me away if you want to” – Find out why Decker would say this, plus how & when “welcoming resistance” You can use this to build trust and safety in your interactions (segment10)
- Learn how to “Foopbird” Analogie – The bird that fly in all eternity-Keep moving in tight circles until the sound makes its own noise. “foop!”It is a powerful lesson that can help you get there. “untriggered”(segment 11).
- The “Fixation Pitfall” – Learn the warning signs to help you know when you need to be careful “beating a dead horse”How to gracefully transition out of it This sign is not easy to spot if you don’t know where to look (segment 12).
- Decker’s “sadistic coyote” Come out Jennifer to a challenge Find out how to bring Jennifer a tone of professionalism. “fun mischief” Deep connection (segment 13) is also possible.
- Segment 14. Wow. This one is amazing. I don’t know how to describe it, but I am willing to bet that you have never experienced anything like it. This segment alone could open your eyes to the possibilities of a connection. (segment 14)
- Decker was wrong about Jennifer’s experience Segment 15 – See how he explores it together with her and ends up in a deeper, more satisfying connection.
- The “Junkyard Dog” metaphor For coaches and personal growth geeks: You’ll learn how you can solve internal conflicting parts within you by hearing this story. Without going in, you can be with the woman that you love. “coaching mode” (segment 11)
- You can watch the video “body surges” Decker and Jennifer share their experience Because of their connection, Jennifer shouts at Garrison off.-camera…”Garrison, you did NOT prepare me for this AT ALL!” (segment 16)
- The “Psychic Color-Echo Game” –AMP Foundations – This is what you saw when you saw AMP Foundations. “color echo” game. You can see it again through a PSYCHIC LINK. This is Jedi shit, boys! (segment 16)
- Never had a woman “pop out” You feel a strong connection with someone, whether it’s during a date or sex. This is the way to be, and the instructions on how you can handle it without. “breaking the mood” (segment 18)
- Witness a tantric almost “non-dual” connection, The boundary is being broken…where it’s hard to tell where she ends and where she begins… Decker shares his thoughts on what sex would feel like from this place …(segment19.
- How to get a conversation moving from being “heady” To “in the body” This is a critical tool to get past Level 1 “information-sharing” Stage of connection (segment 19).
- The “Saw Her In Half” game. Co-Find out the difference in the left and right sides …(segment 21 of a woman’s body.
- This is a powerful and edgy question To ask someone you are in a relationship with. (Warning – Before you ask someone, be prepared to give an honest answer.) Segment 9.
- Ever find that the person you are talking to is boring you?? How to guide conversation to a deeper connection without being too controlling (segment 3).
Here are the KENDRA’s Top Tips Program:
Decker’s interactions in marriage with Kendra, his wife, are particularly interesting to observe. You’ll discover:
- When I’m With you, I’m noticing… Game This game is played on dates when I want to shift our interaction from talking about stuff to the present with US. It’s demonstrated in segment 6 with Decker, Kendra and Kendra.
- Before you go on a date, how to ground and center yourself. This
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Authentic Man Program – Getting Her World
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 229
- Assessments Yes