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This course can be delivered immediately. These seals will prevent you from healing and creating the life you desire. But they can be broken!
Chameice Daniel – Healing Series 5
ACADEMY HEALING SSERIES is pleased to present
The Source Code
By Chameice Daniel
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Are you fed up with trying every thing and praying that something will work?
Are you fed up of living in a world of limitation and loss?
The Seals that prevent sovereignty from being recognized cause most people to feel shame, guilt, and judgement. You will never live the happy life you deserve.
These seals can hold you back from healing and creating the life of your dreams, but they can be broken!
Chameice He spent many years breaking each seal one at a time to activate ALL 13 DNA helixes starting from the zero point and fully anchor into his destined potential.
She can see exactly how the 7 Deadly Seals run and where they are stored in your body. She will show you how to break the seals. This will allow you to stop living in the loop.
Are you experiencing…
Physical symptoms include: Chronic Fatigue and Autoimmune Disorders, Body pain, Self-Medicating
Money/Abundance Problems: More money goes out than it comes in. Can’t have abundance because of guilt. Unable to attract the things you truly desire in your life.
The loss of Zeal for things that used bring joy or Lackluster Living
Problems with others: Feeling disconnected, being a virtual recluse and impatience towards those who are less fortunate. “aren’t awake”, Inability or unwillingness to trust others. “get ahead” While you’re stuck
Brain Imbalance or Monkey Mind
Sense of Self/Inner Guidance Compromised: No access to your passion & purpose, Lack of Intuitive Insight
Emotional challenges: Frustration, Overdrive and frustration from trying to heal with little or no success, Empathic Imbalance
These Struggles don’t have to be your fault. But you can make some changes.
Humanity was physically and emotionally enslaved for thousands of years. Healers often talk about liberating people. “dark” influence, entities, implants, DNA manipulations, etc. Templates of karma and sin, debt, slavery, amnesia, and other forms of evil.
You lost your divinity, your natural talents, and your connection to All That Is.
You don’t have to believe the LIE that says you need others. “save” To restore your health and wealth or to help you love more. To save you. You are not unworthy, flawed, or unworthy of the grace and mercy you have been shown.
It is possible to feel the damage but you have not been able heal it. You are not able to access your full potential because the seals have cut off your natural flow.
To enslave all humanity, a sealed world was created. This loops them into contracts that will keep the seals.
Here’s the Good News…
If you break the agreements, you can see the seals clearly and break them.
You can shatter the illusion you cannot heal, and you can create whatever you wish.
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You are a Spark of Source and your potential and possibilities are limitless.
You can access your full life force energy, which is the connection to your inherit source connection, when all 13 DNA helixes are fully operational.
Break the Seals, and You’ll Have Access to…
You can consciously plan and create your best timelines – no more unworthiness!
You can have energy flowing at 100% for optimal health and vitality.
Connect to your highest self and source for true self-awareness
Use your intuitive abilities to help you find new possibilities, keep you on the right track, and keep you safe.
Ability to communicate your truth immediately, set boundaries and love unconditionally
Your mind, body and spirit must work in congruent and multidimensional ways so that you can manage your life comfortably.
Feel secure in the physical dimension of your body, which makes physical manifestation easy. Magnetize your desires easily, and have the energy and focus necessary to create almost effortlessly
New neuropathways that will serve your highest potential and timelines
If you’re like most people:
You cannot see beyond the illusion created by all the agreements and the inability to access all 13 DNA helixes.
You don’t believe you can break the mental loops, programs and energy that prevent your intentions from being realized.
It’s not obvious that your DNA can be activated.
But you can! It’s already cracking!
You may feel like you are being overwhelmed by the pain, sorrow and fear that have built up on top of your seal.
Although you have activated dormant helixes of DNA with the power and intention of your intention, it is possible that they are not all activated in sync. This could potentially cause a variety of health issues, including chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders and endocrine disturbances. This is because your body cannot handle the increased energy.
Your true power, highest potential, recognition and divine blueprint are hidden under the seals.
You may feel stuck or uncertain if you have these Seals and your DNA still dormant.
You will receive information that isn’t aligned with the highest good when you are connected to the Probability field through the seals. You will continue to be influenced by the illusion program energies even if you are not aware.
It is time to get out of the endless loop, to end the illusion, to activate your DNA, to unlock the Infinite Quantum Field, to access your Highest Good, to find your true path.
Here’s What You Will Get:
This package can be used to…
The seals can be released
Activating ALL 13 DNA Helixes
You can rebuild your energetic field to manage the higher frequencies that encoding is coming in, to avoid endocrine failure as so many are experiencing.
You will be anchored into the Infinite Quantum Field above the Probability Field to ensure you receive accurate guidance.
Through these audios you will experience Theta brainwave frequencies that go deep into subconscious patterns for full release.
The MP3s are divinely protected and infused with essential oils and crystals that support the topic.
Breaking Seal #1: Pride
Breaking Seal 1 helps in releasing “pride.” Pride can be programmed. It can be influenced by socioeconomic, religious, social, or cultural perspectives.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong. “pride,” However, we need to make sure it’s not based on blind influences. This MP3 reaffirms pride in the frequency of “to be conscious.” Being conscious is to be aware and to respond to the environment around you: AWAKE.
This approach is balanced and includes critical thinking as well as self awareness. It helps you to see the truth. This MP3 can be used to disorient and influence programs through the third eye.
Breaking Seal #2: Envy (mp3)
Breaking Seal 2 helps in releasing “envy.” Envy is a programed emotional response to other people or their lives. If you are in your highest power and know yourself well, you don’t envy others. Instead, you are inspired by them and a favorable situation trusting that you can achieve it too.
This MP3 will reset your computer. “envy” into benevolence. The quality of being benevolent, which is the quality that you are well-meaning, keeps your mind open and your flow going. It’s not a restriction of your energy that prevents you from receiving the things you want.
This increases your attraction to the things you want more. It also increases your likelihood of receiving them in the physical. This allows you to stay connected to the web and all of creation.
This MP3 will allow you to release division and disconnection programs from your heart.
Breaking Seal #3 – Greed (mp3)
Breaking Seal 3 helps in releasing “greed.” The frequency “greed” It’s: A variety of programmed responses that you can use in your day to help you live your life. It’s:
Hoarding is a result of a subconscious fear that you won’t have enough one day.
Control because of a subconscious fear of not being able to truly choose
Living on autopilot as a result of a subconscious fear to face the unknown
There are so many ways that people play out the frequency “greed” It is endless. You’ve been programmed to believe that you need to: (*5*)
This program will help you to channel your energy. “greed”:
To do whatever it takes to make it happen, even if that means paying for others
You shouldn’t ignore situations you know are wrong, or not speak up if you don’t want to experience a negative situation.
Do not resist helping others, out of fear that you won’t have enough.
If you’re programmed to seek out wealth, you will strategize and overthink. This can lead you to become more dependent on the natural flow of abundance.
What goes out, naturally returns in…like oxygen. This MP3 resets “greed” To be beneficence. Beneficence can be defined as an act of kindness, charity, or mercy that is geared towards doing good for others. This frequency is momentum. It keeps your life moving forward and growing! It stops you getting stuck and stagnant. This MP3 allows you to have a fearless view of the future through the third eye. You can see endless abundance.
Breaking Seal #4: Sloth, MP3
Breaking Seal 4 helps in releasing “sloth.” Sloth can be defined as the inability to work or exert effort. This can manifest as procrastination or inconsistency, lack enthusiasm, lack will power, and other mental/physical manifestations. “sloth” frequency. “Sloth” Frequency is the #1 reason people can’t fully express their desires. It is a power drain.
This frequency locked you in:
The odds are against me
I can only accomplish ____ many
I am from _____, therefore I cannot do _____.
I need more ______ before i can _____
_____ is against YOU
It prevents you from seeing beyond your agreed limitations and enables you to take action. It makes you want to give up on your dreams before you can achieve them. This MP3 will help you to regain your strength. This MP3 will help you to find the courage and tenacity you need in order to make your dreams come true. This MP3 lets you access your Solar Plexus to release disempowering agreements, programs, and energy so that you can reconnect with Eternal Life Force energy.
Breaking the Seal5: Lust (mp3)
Breaking Seal 5 Assistance with releasing “lust.” Lust is the frequency associated with conditional love. It is a temporary vibrational frequency which can easily be set by social, cultural or ancestral programming.
You are here:
Consider the opinions of those around you “find attractive.”
What qualities are you looking for? “should” Desire in a partner is based on their perspective.
It is a temporary and conditional frequency. This is because it doesn’t reflect your true soul truth. They will make you dream about them and search for them. However, they will not be perfect in comparison to your expectations.
This MP3 release program is based on the conditional love of your Sacral Chakra. It will allow you to be free from the lust programs that restrict your ability to love unconditionally.
Breaking Seal #6: Gluttony (mp3)
Breaking Seal 6 aids with releasing ” Gluttony.” Gluttony is the vibration that overpowers.-Indulgence…of self-medicating on something to make up for the lack of a life you desire. It’s a way to pull life out of balance by going from one extreme to the other. It is resisting what you cannot let go of and moving towards.
This MP3 contains self-medicating programs that can help you achieve balance. This MP3 gently guides you to create the changes you desire in your life. It stops the resistance and avoidance loops in your Crown Chakra, so that you can move into your True Will. A moment-to-moment path of action that is in perfect harmony to All That Is.
Breaking Seal #7, Wrath (mp3)
Breaking Seal 7 helps with releasing “Wrath.” This is a common problem that keeps people locked in shame and blame programs for themselves or others.
It creates:
Self-Feeling incomplete can lead to sabotage
Unworthiness as a result of being a “sinner”
Anger due to judgmental mindsets
Anger can create an energetic fog which blocks your self-awareness, sight, and ability stay true to yourself.
This allows others to pull you off your path via your emotional reactions. You are more likely to regret things than you should, which can lead to self-judgment.
This MP3 restores your integrity. As it releases “wrath” energies:
You can maintain a healthy and balanced emotional state in spite of the difficulties that may arise from people or situations in your life.
Mental clarity is essential to see, hear and understand situations clearly. You can then respond truthfully to them.
You can set clear boundaries and speak up for yourself.
You let go of energy that others are trying to use to get you into programs or agreements that aren’t in line with your integrity.
This MP3 lets you access your root chakra’s judgment and sinner programs to fully anchor yourself into your sovereign physicality.
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The Source Code
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13 DNA Helixes Deep Healing Audio Series
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acids) is a self.-Replicating material is the main component in chromosomes. It can be found in almost every living organism. It is the carrier for genetic information.
People think of DNA as determining their appearance. It is 50% of your father’s genetic information and 50% of your mother’s. “Junk DNA.” Now, Molecular Biologists are renaming this DNA “Unprogrammed DNA.” They now recognize the power of conscious awareness to reactivate or reprogram dormant DNA Helixes.
Our DNA is programmed through generations by our biological ancestors. This includes our parents and environment. After we turn 18, our culture, socioeconomic standing, and our life experiences all program our DNA. We also have subconscious agreements that affect our DNA or create pain expectation loops. This could be called our default programming. Children mimic their parents, their culture, and people around them to make it feel normal. They don’t want their children to be in trouble, bullied or look strange so they accept the programs. These MP3s activate the dormant DNA Helixes. It balances and reconnects them. And reprograms them into your true, conscious will.
Activating & Reconnecting Your 13 DNA Helixes (MP3)
This MP3 will activate, reconnect, balance and balance your 13 DNA helixes.
THIS MP3 MUST BE LISTENED FIRST! This MP3 activates ALL 13 of the DNA Helixes
Reharmonizing Your 13 DNA Helixes (MP3)
This MP3 will harmonize your 13 DNA Helixes and the rest of your body.
Healing Multidimensional Frequencies (MP3)
This MP3 will help you to organize your mind and body in order to make the necessary adjustments with the Reharmonizing Your 13 DNA Helixes Mp3.
You now have more options than you ever had before by activating all 13 dormantDNA Helixes.
You can heal faster
Get more energy
Faster access to information
Are your Multidimensional Self
Releasing Empathic Impairments (MP3)
It is a programming error to be empathic. You are not meant to be empathic. “take on” Emotions and energy of other people “as your own.” You may feel unable to discern your emotions from others’ energy or energy. This is an indication that you have an empathic disorder.
As children, you are taught to be focused on your parents, teachers, leaders, and other people to keep you safe, teach you, guide you, and so forth. You can be programmed as a sensitive soul to focus on other people until it takes over your energy and emotions. It blocks your connection to Self. It mixes into your energetic field so much that you lose sight of yourself.
You can create a natural sounding MP3 with this MP3. “seal” You can now focus your energy field around you so that you don’t blur with others.
You won’t be sensitive to large numbers of people.
New Health (MP3)
After all 13 DNA Helixes in your body have been activated and connected, we can move on to the reprogramming phase. This is the first step. Reprogramming your DNA for optimal health. This program will transform your DNA to New Health.
This will rejuvenate your body and allow your body to heal itself with healthy cellular turnover. You can heal from chronic conditions, pains, diseases, and aches.
Fountain of Youth (MP3)
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Next is Anti.-Aging. The natural physiological process of aging is graceful. You don’t have to suffer from it. Your energy decreases, your vitality declines, and you lose your faculties.
This program is one that you have been taught. This MP3 will restore your youthfulness, vitality, and energy!
Gene Repair (MP3)
You’ll be able to repair the genetic predispositions you’ve had by listening.
Low or high blood sugar
High blood pressure or low
Heart disease
Alzheimer’s disease
These are just a few. This MP3 will help you to repair ALL gene disorders.
Learn more: a>https://archive.ph/4vTbv”>https://archive.ph/4vTbv
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Chameice Daniel – Healing Series 5
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 216
- Assessments Yes