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Sometimes it’d seem like I was getting somewhere with a girl, only to go and lose the flow of the conversation altogether – losing myself the GIRL soon after.
Chase Amante – Spellbinding: Get Her Talking
Dear Friend
I remember struggling to understand women’s conversations many years back.
Sometimes it’d seem like I was getting somewhere with a girl, only to go and lose the flow Of the conversation altogether – losing myself the GIRL soon after.
Sometimes I’d never even get a good conversation going on with a new woman at ALL in the FIRST place… I’d just limp awkwardly along until she mercifully said goodbye.
And the few times I DID get success with women, it felt like a lot more LUCK than SKILL — like as if they’d just taken pity on my lack of conversational prowess and decided to throw me a bone out of the goodness of their hearts.
I don’t know about you, but I know I sure didn’t like that feeling of being powerless or out-of-control.
In fact… I HATED it.
I knew back then that if I could get to the place where women not only enjoyed talking to me, but were CAPTIVATED and DRAWN IN by me, I’d REALLY be in a good position… I knew if I could get there, I’d be in the position to have almost any woman I WANTED.
The only thing was… I didn’t know where to begin.
So, I did what I’ve done with everything else I’ve wanted to master, and what anyone does who’s ambitious enough and driven enough — I went out and I LEARNED.
I learned this from my friends who have the gift of gab. They are able to get anyone to share their secrets.
I learned a lot from interviewers watching on TV, breaking down their secrets and listening to trainers and teachers in real life, understanding their skills.
I even learned from my girlfriend at the time — an incredibly socially talented South American girl from a wealthy and politically powerful family — She seemed to possess the natural ability to make quick work of anyone around her.
And what I noticed as I learned — as I applied the same how-stuff-works mentality to conversation that’d allowed me to perfect a wide array of various other trades, crafts and skills I’d honed over the years — was that there was a certain set of rules to how conversation worked that, if you knew them, would allow you to do pretty much anything you wanted.
It’s possible to learn how to get to know people more than your friends.
You might be able to create memorable and engaging conversations.
You can learn how to be the best conversation partner a woman has ever had.
You could even learn how to use conversation to get women IRRESISTABLY ATTRACTED to you and thinking about getting you ALONE somewhere… MINUTES into first meeting you.
This is exactly what I noticed as I began to decipher the lost art and craft of conversation.
Today, I’m so successful in my ability to engage and attract women with conversation that just about every woman I talk to falls instantly under my spell. And it’s not black magic — it’s not tricks, it’s not voodoo, it’s not manipulation of any kind.
Want to know my secret?
I’ve figured out how emotional bondIng WORKS — how you cYou can find more information atn take an ordinary conversation, and turn it into a once-in-a-A lifetime filled with passion, mystery intrigue and attrACTION.
And now, I’d like to give you the chance to do YOURSELF what I do every day.
Shouldn’t Have To Be Impossible
You didn’t have to figure out mathematics all on your own, did you?
Let’s not forget history! Do you want to be able to do that by yourself?
Are you able to recall a single one?-Handly required to take measurements and find out that the Earth actually exists Does orbit the Sun — and not the other way around?
No — of course you didn’t. So WHY THE HECK is it that men are expected to learn everything about women and how they relate to them.
Our society has a weird tendency to compartmentalize things like business and dating into one area. “Things We Do Not Teach” box… along with all the other stuff that’s most useful for a happy, freeing, and ridiculously successful life.
I don’t think this is because there’s a big conspiracy, though.
The government isn’t trying to stop you from doing well with women.
And it isn’t that some big, faceless room full of Important People somewhere decided that “these things must not be taught.”
Nope — I think it’s plainly and simply that just NOBODY KNOWS THIS.
What number of people have you met that could tell you how to flirt with a girl? Let’s get to know her motivations and dreams. How to talk a girl into it General?
That’s right — NOBODY.
The advice givers simply hand out tired, rehashed, cliché advice. They don’t know how to do these things. They had luck, and that was their only success.-Of-The-draw.
And the guys who DO know how to do them… the guys who DO flirt with women effectively, who DO get woman opening up about their dreams and motivations, who DO know how to talk to girls like modern day Casanovas… they almost all learned those skills UNCONSCIOUSLY — so good luck getting THEM to tell you what to do. They know how to do it — but they don’t know how to TEACH it.
You end up with a lot of men trying to invent the wheel again and again. Every single guy is trying to figure out how to talk to girls from the ground up.
Somebody succeeds every now and again, and then he has great success with women. Most guys fail at something. “How do you do? My name’s Steve,” Then they settle for the best possible dating experience.-wise, at that point, which often isn’t anything NEAR what they SET OUT to get.
To me, that’s depressing and totally, utterly, unjustifiably NEEDLESS. It’s just Talking to girls… It shouldn’t HAVE to be hard!
You shouldn’t HAVE to figure everything out on your own.
You shouldn’t HAVE to stumble through mixed signals from women without a CLUE what they might mean.
You shouldn’t HAVE to suffer through the kind of confusion, heartache, and rejection that MILLIONS of men have suffered through relearning the SAME THINGS again and again that it took their fathers years or decades to get down before them just because They were not shown how to do it..
There HAS to be a more efficient way…
… a way for you to learn the things you need to know about succeeding in conversation with women without all the fluff…
… a way for you to to get your hands on the conversational tools and techniques that only the most talented MASTERS of conversation are using…
… a way for you to learn how to talk to girls WITHOUT spending half a lifetime on it.
Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with your conversations, which is what everyone else does, instead I’m going to tell you something different.
I’m going to tell you that you NEED to learn from someone who’s already WORKED IT ALL OUT, consciously, from SCRATCH, and can tell you This is exactly What you should say and do with women to achieve the success you desire.
Let me now tell you why this person is ME.
If there’s one thing that makes finding someone to teach you dating success, it’s how much EGO tends to be involved in this part of people’s lives.
For one reason or another, it seems like half the men on Planet Earth want to tell you they’re good at talking to girls… even though most of them CAN’T connect with a woman to SAVE their LIVES.
What ends up happening is that you look for someone to teach you… and one of the two following situations almost always ends up taking place:
- You find a guy who talks a good game, but he can’t BACK IT UP — the words coming out of his mouth sound nice, until you realize he doesn’t actually HAVE the skills with women and conversation he CLAIMS to have. His “techniques” They are HOT AIR.
… OR …
- Find a man who truly IS. “all that” with talking to women, except… he has NO IDEA how to EXPLAIN what he’s doing! He can only tell you that he is. “Just talk to girls… then make something happen”!
Fat lot of good THOSE guys’ll do you.
I don’t want you to end up in that boat. And, I want to reassure you that I’m NOT one of those ego-driven guys — and that I’m not selling you snake oil or some feel-good stuff that doesn’t actually tell you how to do anything.
This content WORKS — probably unlike anything else you’ve ever seen.
Just to put a little weight behind my words, let me share with you what just a few of the clients I’ve trained live and in-People have spoken highly of me and my ability teach women to succeed.
These have been edited to make them more private.
“I’ve taken a number of trainings and bootcamps with various well-known coaches from around the industry. But I’ve got to tell you… learning with Chase has been the BEST investment, for the LOWEST amount of money. I learned more in ONE NIGHT with him than I’ve learned in ENTIRE BOOTCAMPS with other guys. HIGHLY recommended!”
– Y.U., Tampa, FL“Result of the workshop with Chase: we talked to a LOT of women; some got hooked a little further than the others. At the end of the evening, I pulled a Brazilian girl from Club Five the same night — the first time I’ve EVER taken a girl out of a bar or a nightclub. Chase was there the whole time to help me out. When we left the club, we headed to a food joint; after that, Chase and I parted, and I brought the girl back to my house, where we talked for the ENTIRE night.”
– B.G., Washington, DC“I subsequently took FOUR of the girls I met during the coaching session on dates where I applied the things Chase had taught me on relating and rewarding. And if it isn’t too cheesy to say it… in the end, *I* got rewarded for my efforts, too!”
– T.J., Beijing, China“After I started incorporating Chase’s advice my results improved FAST! 90% of the girls I went out with ended up IN MY BED by the third time we got together. It’s funny… I’m really not doing anything all that spectacular — I just eliminated a few bad habits and started applying the same basic structure I learned from Chase for each date. About half the girls I’ve taken to bed have told me (smilingly) afterward, that they NEVER intended to have sex with me SO SOON but “it just happened”.
Many skills needed to pick up women are not the same as those required for a coach. I’m aware of many self-proclaimed “coaches”. “instructors” that are excellent with women THEMSELVES, but just DON’T have the ability to transfer that skill set to their students. With Chase though, you get the FULL package: a charismatic ladies’ man who can also motivate and easily communicate important concepts to his students. Chase’s advice gives you a SUPER solid foundation to take your game to the next level!”
– D.G., San Diego, CA
It’s taken me YEARS of HARD WORK to get to where I am today, but I’m better for it. I’m so much happier for it. I’ve taught myself, almost single-Handly, how to do almost everything with women that a man could ever want to do.
And, coupled with my diversity and background in teaching — I’ve taught high school students; I’ve taught auto shop mechanics; I’ve been a corporate trainer for one of the most prestigious companies in the WORLD — trust me — I KNOW how to get the message across in a way you’re going to understand.
Learn from.
And start incorporating into your own interactions with women… and getting success from INSTANTLY.
And Get Huge Results in a Hurry
Let me ask you this...
What if I told you I was going to answer ALL the HARDEST questions you’ve got for me on talking to girls, building connections, and never having awkward moments in conversation AGAIN?
And what if I told you I’ve taken those answers We boiled them down into their simplest, most UNDERSTOOD and easiest to apply form so you could get started with them IMMEDIATELY.
And THEN what if I told you I’d put all of that into a JAM PACKED, fast-moving, INCREDIBLY INFORMATIVE 63 minute program to get you ARMED TO THE TEETH with conversational tactics that are going to BLOW the competition OUT OF THE WATER and get women having the most amazing conversations of their LIVES with you… the INSTANT you start using them?
Well, in fact, that’s exactly what I’ve built for you.
My friend was the first time I showed him how to use the app. “deep diving,” the name I’ve given to the technique of getting women to open up really fast about themselves, I had no idea how well it would work or not. I mean, it worked for ME… but here was someone totally different with a very different style of meeting women and who had very different tastes in them than I did.
But, over the course of a few days as I stayed with my friend, he listened to me talking with his friends, family, and, of course, GIRLS… and he was amazed to see I was learning things about his parents that he didn’t know himself. He tried it.
He was HOOKED.
“Dude,” He said to me: “I’ve never seen anything like this. I’ve struggled at conversation for years… you fixed it for me for good over just a few days!” He instantly got a boost in his success rate with women… in fact, he went out and slept with a girl he’d liked and known for 3 years but had never had anything happen with about a week later. He told me it was like I’d “opened the door.”
It was about distilling it over the next few months. What were the exact techniques I used in deep diving? Which was the best way for them to learn? What could I do to shorten the learning curve
Next, I taught my conversational skills to a one.-On-One training student with whom I went on outings was my friend. Within two weeks, he slept with two of the seven girls he met on that trip (including one very beautiful red).-A blonde girl with a long hair who initially told him she had a boyfriend. She then came back to me and said that it was true. “Man, this stuff WORKS.”
After that, I shared some of my thoughts on conversation with the Internet, and my information on deep diving was MASSIVELY UPVOTED on the Seduction subforum of Reddit.com (the Internet’s largest social bookmarking site). It ended up being one of the most popular articles there the entire week… no small task when articles are constantly coming and going.
So I finally felt ready to go. Spellbinding.
I took everything that I knew and all I had to do about building amazing connections and conversations, and condensed them into one document.-over 1 hour long video program that’s literally BURSTING AT THE SEAMS with how-to instructions and steps, with LOADS of examples so you’ll know just what I mean, and a clear path for you to very quickly transform yourself into a man who puts women under his spell with words — just like the other men who’ve learned this.
And now it’s done.
It’s ready.
And I’m presenting it to you right now.
And just to let you know that this program is no ordinary video program — not by a long shot — let me tell you a little bit about just a few of the things you’ll learn inside:
- Video 2: Conversation mistakes made by men (and what they do right)
- Why most men talk TOO much (and that’s not a good thing) – video 6
- What the 3 signs you’re on a bad topic are (and the 2 things you can do to get off of one) – video 13
- Why drawing women in and getting them curious about your conversation is so important (and why men who don’t bother doing this usually end up going home alone) – video 7
- How can you reduce the entire drawn?-out getting-To-Learn more-This process takes only a few minutes and will get you women connected in a matter of minutes (without spending all your time or money). – video 10
- What bridges and gaps are — and why women are PUT OFF by the kind of conversation most men use (and how to start using the kind of conversation they RESPOND to!) Video 8
- What is the? “thread cutting” It is (and why so few men who are new to this use it) – video 15
- How to use Chase Framing to get women on your side in a hurry (and get you off the sidelines). – video 17
- How do you apply the “Law of Least Effort” with women makes you come across a lot more powerful, sexual, and attractive — even when you aren’t saying a WORD – video 3
- Why it’s a BAD IDEA to let women start using you as a shoulder to cry on or complain to (even if they’ve had a bad day) – video 15
- How to get women investing into you as soon as you start talking with them (and getting them to stay and get to know more about you) – video 7.
- What “thread amplifying” Video 16 explains what it is and how you can use its power to get women to connect to you (instead of being great topics like most men).
- How to plant the seed of physical chemistry into women’s heads with your words and turn a girl you LIKE into a girl you’re LOVERS with (and stop ending up in the friend zone) – video 17
- A complete recap and review of everything we’ve covered, full of additional examples and even more detailed explanations (to make absolutely sure that you get every last morsel of learning out of this program) – videos 18 to 24
- and LOADS more…
You know what I think you’ll love even more is that this program — the most comprehensive one on conversation that’s ever been created — isn’t all you get.
On top of the videos, I’m also including a copy of Riveting Conversations: How to Get ThereMy 26-Page companion handbook Spellbinding.
Inside Riveting Conversations: How to Get There, you’ll find:
- Concise breakdowns of everything in the videos — so you’ll be able to skim through quickly whenever you need a refresher
- Action Plans for each major section of the program. “Identifying Bad Topics,” “Bridges and Gaps,” “Chase Framing,” These lessons can be used to help you get started with women.
- You can add 10 additional pages of notes to document your findings, outings and ideas.
- A collection of entirely NEW examples COMPLETELY separate from the video, so you’ll have even more ideas about how to use the concepts and material you’ll learn
One is a special offer-time extra, I’d also like to give you a FREE conversation from my “Seduction Sensei Conversation Series” program.
Here’s the deal: download my eBook now, and I’ll throw in a FREE edition of my Conversation Series as a bonus just for trying out my How to Make Girls Happy Chase eBook.
I’m so confidant you’re going to love this conversation that I’m even going to make it INSTANTLY available to you to download upon signing up.
That’s at least a 20 dollar value, and just for trying this program out you get it free of charge — but this unique free conversation offer is only available with your purchase right now.
Let’s sum this all up.
Here’s what you’ll receive…
Spellbinding: Get Her Talking
The Free Roadmap to Riveting Talks Extra Bonus eBook
Special Bonus… A Free “Seduction Sensei Conversation Series” Download
This bonus conversation is worth at most $20
You’ll get this 60-Minute conversation download free for you to try this program
This package costs only $97.00 And here’s the best part of it all: you can try it out RISK FREE for a full 30 days.
So you don’t even need to make up your mind now…
I’m so certain this program is going to help you get more and greater success with women FAST that I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and offer a 30-Every day, unconditional money 100%-GUARANTEE.
When you click the button below, you’ll head on over to a secure, encrypted order page where you’ll input your information and receive your download links for all three items RIGHT away.
Watch the mp4 videos through thoroughly, and you’ll find scads of strategies you can start applying INSTANTLY to get building incredible, electrifying connections with women and start getting girls enamored with you and intrigued by you. This I promise you.
It can take you up to 30 days to watch the videos and then put into practice the techniques that you have learned.
If, once you’ve gone through the entire program, it isn’t for you… or you feel like the information in it wasn’t useful for you in your situation, just send me a message, and I’ll refund you every penny.
I want to help you make the most of your relationship life and have amazing conversations with women. This will allow you to find the kind of women that you want. Every day, I get emails from men who use this material describing how it has helped them achieve incredible success with women. I want to help them too.
To download, click this button Spellbinding: Get Her Talking You can also download the bonus material as an attachment and see my videos.
We wish you much success in the future with women
Your friend,
Chase Amante
P.S. Spellbinding: Get Her Talking Discusses all things to do with women, and then breaks it down to the most fundamental and easiest.-To-get elements to make it as simple and straightforward as it could possibly get for you to understand what women are thinking in their conversations with you, why they’re reacting the way they’re reacting, and how to create attraction as you talk to them and how to boost up desire in them. When you’ve finished watching these videos, you’ll have an utterly UNMATCHED understanding of how women think and feel about conversation – and what they find most attractive while talking to a man, and how to trigger that YOURSELF.
It’s free to download and you can wait for 30 days before you decide whether or not it is worth it. You’re going to get immediate returns. If you aren’t totally satisfied, WHATEVER the reason, you can tell me to refund your money, HANG ONTO THE VIDEOS, and pay nothing.
I want you to be as comfortable and confident as I am that you’ll get better results in your conversations with women using the
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- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
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- Assessments Yes