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Download available within 1-2 hours. The Small Business Marketing Bible This book contains over 300 pages and is packed with proven marketing techniques that will increase the sale of any product, service or product.
David Frey – The Small Business Marketing Bible
Attention — All Small Business Owners, Independent Professionals, Marketing Directors and Sales Professionals who want to…
…Attract More New Customers, Sell More to Existing Customers, and Bring Back Your Customers More Often, With Less Effort — No Matter What Product or Service You Sell.
Unedit Customer Reviews
This Many People Couldn’t Be Wrong
“I’ll take you by the hand and show you how to implement the best marketing strategies used by America’s most successful small businesses but…”
“…Before I Share With You The Marketing Bible Story, Take a Moment and Listen to What People Are Saying About This Awesome Resource.”
Learn how to build your own Business The Best Marketing Strategies that have been most successful Small America’s Businesses
October 30, 2003
From the Desk David Frey
Houston, Texas
Dear Small Business Professional:
Are you Trying to attract new customers What can you do to help your small business succeed? You have a great product/service but don’t know what to do with prospects?
Are you fed up with your current marketing efforts? Do you want to find new, unique ways of promoting your business?
Are you astonished at the growth of your competition and wondering what their secret is (even if your product or service is not as good)?
“There is a Terrible Myth that May Very Well Be Killing Your Business, Even as You Read this Page. You See…”
Many business owners believe that their business will succeed if it has a great product and/or service.
Your product is probably the best and your service is probably top-notch. Your employees are the best, with the longest warranties and the highest awards.
This is all. doesn’t Bring you all the prospects that you can handle…
No! No! Dry up and blow away — no matter how good your product or service is.
This is why I created the Small Business Marketing Bible manual.
“Now You Can Give Your Business The Unfair Advantage, Using Innovative Marketing Tactics That Get Results Fast”
The Small Business Marketing Bible Includes Over 300 pages These proven marketing strategies will increase sales of any product and service.
It doesn’t really matter if your business is a manufacturer, service business, or retailer. In reality, it doesn’t even matter if you sell to Fortune 500 companies or local homeowners.-Based business. You’ll be able to use the information in this manual to your advantage. You can dominate any market You choose… Guaranteed.
“Who Am I and Why Should You Believe Me?”
My name is David Frey For the past 10 year, I’ve been helping businesses succeed.
I worked as an accountant for five years. Senior business consultant Anderson Consulting is one the most renowned consulting firms in the world, and helps clients grow their business.
Also, I have been a marketing practitioner The “real world” Former Senior V.P. As a former Senior Vice President, and a V.P., sales and marketing for a company of $500 million. Marketing In the retirement community sector.
And as President of Marketing Best Practices, Inc., I have rolled up my sleeves, and lived “in the trenches” We work with hundreds of entrepreneurs and small businesses to help them improve their marketing.
My Marketing Newsletter: Best Practices It is the largest online small business marketing newsletter.
Download immediately David Frey – The Small Business Marketing Bible
Over a hundred people have read it. 45,000 Small Businesses In 20+ countries around the globe. Sign up now to receive marketing strategies that will help your small business grow. No cost.
“I Understand There Are A Lot Of…”
There are a lot of people who sell marketing stuff. But how many? DO marketIng day-in-And-Day-What is it like to make a living as a professional? Every day I am out in the small business industry testing, failing, proving, and succeeding.
Every strategy in the manual I use personally. This is It’s not only theory. It works for me because it is what I use in my marketing business.
“But You Don’t Have to Believe Me. Here’s What Other People Are Saying About Me and My Methods…”
“Okay, Enough About Me. Let Me Show You What You’ll Discover When You Get the ‘Marketing Bible’…”
ISBN 1-931740-57-7
Over 30 chapters will be covered in this massive (312 page) volume of marketing strategies. They explain how to use each money.-Step 1: Marketing strategy-By-step.
It took me over a year to write this manual. I spent hours meticulously describing each strategy and giving examples to show how they can be applied to my specific business.
There is no better guide for marketing small businesses online or offline than this one. You should take a closer glance at the following. Small Business Marketing Bible.
Learn how to draw prospects and convert them to customers. Turn your customers into loyal customers.-You can make your business more profitable by creating an income stream.
Here are the contents of the Small Business Marketing Bible…
Studies show that small businesses who have a marketing plan and implement it are more likely to succeed.-perform those that don’t have a plan by 30%. This seven-day process will help you create a plan that works for your small business.-Step plan
This chapter will teach you…
You must ask six questions before you can even start to develop your marketing plan. These are the six critical questions that entrepreneurs must ask before they start a business.
The One confusion that 95% new business owners have is that it significantly reduces their ability to effectively market their products.
These are four questions you can use immediately to understand your market and customers. This is an important prerequisite for developing your marketing plan.
Here are seven key elements to a powerful marketing message.
How to choose the right marketing medium to promote your product/service
A unique five-Step-by-step method to set your annual sales goals.
Simple, 60-Second formula to determine your marketing budget with high accuracy.
The The Lifetime Value of your Customer is one of the most important numbers for your business. Your marketing efforts will be reshaped if you understand your lifetime customer value.
This chapter will teach you…
Step by step-By-The step-by-step process for determining the lifetime worth of your customer
Use the lifetime value formula as a simple way to motivate employees to provide exceptional customer service.
A real example of how to calculate the lifetime value for a business.
You must be able to distinguish your business from others in the market. There are many choices available today. If you don’t, your venture will be just another “me too” Businesses that fail are doomed to join the ranks of other failed companies.
This chapter will teach you…
How to use it “performance gap” method for developing a rock-You will be different from your competitors with a strong, unique selling proposition
These are three examples of winning USPs in three industries. How they were created using the “performance gap” method.
The Secret to creating a strong USP is even if your company competes in a so-So-called “commodity” business.
It’s great to have a high-quality product or service, but if you can’t communicate how good it is to the public, then you’re no better than the “Joe Blow” There is a junkie on the block. To get people to notice your business, you must be able create a compelling marketing message.
This chapter will tell you about…
Why have so many small businesses been unable to grow?-Of-The-mill, boring marketing messages.
The key element to creating a compelling marketing message that gets people’s attention and forces them to take action.
Five-Step 3: Paint-By-The-Numbers are a proven way to create a winning marketing message that is more effective than any other method. (Even a C-Average high-This method allows school students to create a powerful marketing message!
The The single most common mistake small businesses make when designing their marketing messages is not to mention the obvious. This fatal mistake is made by almost every brochure, website advertisement, commercial, and television commercial.
If you don’t have a systematic referral program you are missing out on one of the simplest, lowest-Low cost methods to increase your highest sales-Quality customers. Referrals are the lifeblood of small business – if you haven’t yet institutionalized a referral program, you’re making a huge mistake.
This chapter will teach you…
Why customer service doesn’t always result in referrals. This is a terrible myth!
The difference between word-Of-Referrals and mouth advertising (The business owner that doesn’t understand this difference will never get the amount of referrals they expect and deserve.)
Simple method to get referrals that works 90% of all the time
The Two of the most important referral programs every small business should use are a step and a step-By-You can implement them both by following a step-by-step method.
How to start a referral group that will help you grow your business in a way you never imagined.-Ending stream of high-Referrals of high quality.
The Best way to reward referrals-Referrers are the worst type of reward for givers. (Hint, most people use the former method.
You’ve probably spent a lot of money acquiring your customers. If you ignore your customers, you not only lose revenue but you also reduce your return on your investment in acquiring them.
In this chapter, you’ll find…
How every American small business can quickly build a customer database.
How to segment your customer base into A, C, and B customers using the 80/20 revenue formula. (I also show you an example spreadsheet of this.
How a clothing retailer reaped $52,767 in sales with only a $1,968 investment… and how you can too, following his system.
A simple method of reactivating old customers who haven’t done business with you over a period of time.
Profit from your customers, without having to bring them back into your company. Use your customer database.
You don’t have to spend a lot of time and money chasing customers. All you need is a simple question. It is a great way to increase your revenues and reduce marketing costs by partnering with other businesses.
In this chapter, you’ll find…
How to find profitable partners in joint ventures that will flood your business with new customers without spending a lot of money.
These are six examples of possible joint ventures you can use to increase your revenues immediately in your business.
How to approach your joint venture partner so that they’ll say “yes” Your proposal almost every time. (I will show you an example of joint venture promotion.
Specific word-For-When a partner is interested in a joint venture, they will need to respond with words.
A five-Step by step guide to start your first joint venture.
“Okay, You’ve Probably Seen Enough Already. But I’ve Only Shown You a Fraction of What You’ll Learn in the Marketing Bible. There’s Even More — A Lot More!”
Each chapter in the Small Business Marketing Bible It is filled with practical, “how-to”Step-By-Step by step instructions on how to market your small-business. You’ll also find other useful information in the Marketing Bible…
Too many entrepreneurs start their businesses with the idea that they’ll gain money, time, and freedom. The The truth is that most small businesses fail within the first five year. Those that survive are often placed in psychiatric wards or divorce courts. This chapter reveals how you can achieve the freedom you had in mind when you first started your company.
A powerful way to increase sales is to offer free giveaways for customers and prospects.-A strategy that generates a steady stream of repeat customers and new customers can be a powerful tool. It may seem counterintuitive to give away your products and services to build your business, but people can’t resist the lure of receiving something for free. This chapter covers how to give away products and services, as well as when and where to give them away.
A guarantee is one powerful tool that small business owners have, but many don’t realize it. This chapter will help you create a compelling guarantee that will make your customers scream for more.
You may have heard this saying: “Get rich in the niche?” It’s true. This chapter shows you how to find a profitable niche, how and when to contact it, what to send, and how best to use your niche to its full potential.
Profitable marketing strategies are built on an in-depth knowledge of your customer. The power of consumer research can be used to inform your marketing strategy. This chapter will show you how to transform consumer research statistics into marketing strategies that make money.
While no one can guarantee that your ads will be successful, there are some elements that can help you increase your response. This chapter provides a list of 13 high-performing elements.-powered “ad-response boosters.” Do not even consider running another ad without having read this.
You don’t have to be an award-winning writer to create effective sales letters. Writing great sales letters takes more science than art. Proven methods are used by even the most seasoned pros. “templates” How to make sales letters that deliver results This chapter contains my 12 patented techniques.-Step template any monkey can use for creating a kick-butt sales letter.
Employees make the common mistake of answering calls like interruptions and not opportunities. You pay good money to make your phone ring, yet it’s costing your business thousands of dollars in lost revenue. This chapter will show you how to get customers to call your business and build a strong mailing list.
The price you set for your product is often the key to determining whether it is a winner or a failure. Research has shown that the price is a key factor in determining the success or failure of a sales sale. It is important to know how price effectively. This report will show you how to price your product or service effectively and maintain a healthy gross margin.
The packaging of your products or services can be an effective marketing strategy to increase sales and add value. I’m not talking about what your package looks like, I’m talking about how you present your offer. This section tells you little.-You can sell more of your product/service at higher prices by using well-known packaging strategies.
Membership programs can be quite powerful. They reduce marketing costs and customer attrition, make it easier to sell more products and services, generate more revenue from existing customers, increase referrals and provide a steady stream of income. What business wouldn’t want all that? This chapter will show you how to create a membership program and how it can be maintained year after year.
One-To-One community-based street marketing is powerful because it searches for your prospect and delivers your marketing message face to face.-To-face. This marketing medium is unlike any other, not direct mail nor the internet. This chapter shows you how to sell products or services from your door.-To-Door for a nice profit (with out-Of-Pocket expenses )… are easy to manage and you don’t even have to do the work.
If you had to ask what is the single most powerful marketing weapon for any business big or small, my answer would undoubtedly be… customer testimonials. It’s one thing for you to toot your own horn, but it’s another thing when someone who has no financial stake in your success does. This chapter will show you how to quickly get testimonials using hypnotic methods that almost seem illegal.
Still undecided This Manual Would be Worth Twice the Price of What I’m Asking If It Stopped Right Here But the best is reserved for the last ten chapters. Wait until you see the Special Bonuses that I am offering!
Many people will tell that repeat sales can only be achieved by providing excellent customer service. While that may be true, it certainly doesn’t even come close to what I share with you in this section. This formula can be used to guarantee repeat sales even if you have a poor product and terrible customer service. This chapter is much more than you might think. It’s actually so good, that even the leading marketing magazine in Australia printed it all!
Small businesses that don’t have a steady stream of qualified prospects will soon disappear. Here are the details. “ultimate” Lead generation system. It is my personal favorite lead generation system. It’s easy to use, almost autopilot, generates names and addresses, allows you to market to your lead, and produces consistent, predictable results.
Business It’s not just about making money. It can also help the poor. What if you could make money and bless others’ lives? You will find many ways to market your company, build your brand and attract clients by partnering up with charities. This marketing strategy is powerful!
You want to increase your sales by attracting more customers than you already have? This chapter will teach you how to use bumps, up.-Cross sells-Sells and Down-Sells will increase your average sales amount and help you get more money from your customers. I even reveal my secret “break-down” Method to generate more revenue from thin air
Do you want to learn how to make an offer that is compelling, attractive, and magnetic enough to get your prospect to give you their money? This chapter will take you step by step.-By-You will be able to create offers that will greatly increase your prospects.-To-Ratio of customer conversion
How would it be to make your refunds and return rates almost zero? Small business owners are not likely to be more disappointed than when their product is returned after a sale, requesting a refund. Stop losing your hard-Start generating revenue and using my proven formula for making sales stick!
Download immediately David Frey – The Small Business Marketing Bible
There are many strategies to market your online business, but few strategies to market your local business offline. All those local strategies are available here. “brick and mortar” This section is designed for business owners who spent thousands on a great website.
The Web is a key channel for lead generation-Generation and sale of products and services. Unfortunately, most websites couldn’t sell a glass of water in the Sahara desert. You can see that most websites were designed by a propeller.-An artist or head techie?-Farty designer with no regard for marketing. This section lists the top 15 marketing mistakes that websites make.
Your online newsletter is one of the best and most cost-effective marketing tools you can use. You have not yet started your own e-newsletter.-You have not started your zine yet? Shame on yourself. Start your own e-zine, go no further. This chapter will give you: “easy as A-B-C” Cookie-For starting your own profitable business, you can use a cutter plan-Zine that will save you time, frustration, and heartache.
Why are small businesses so quick to throw their marketing budgets at the winds? Because they don’t know how to design marketing campaigns to produce metrics they can measure and hold accountable. This section will teach you how to stop. “spraying and praying.”
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 34
- Assessments Yes