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Are you a person who has ever felt this? “too nice” Do you feel that your relationship with women is holding back you from getting sex? “friend zone” For girls
Dean Cortez – Badboy Blueprint
This offer is valid only today, September 2, 2015
From: Dean Cortez Date: September 2, 2015.
You can find out more about “flip the switch” and ACCELERATE your success with women, then this might be the most important message you’ll ever read…
However, this advanced-level master class isn’t for everyone, so before we go any further, let me ask you…
Are you a person who has ever felt this? “too nice” Are you hesitant to get laid with women?
Are you prone to getting stuck in the “friend zone” with girls, because you aren’t sure how to turn them on?
Are you fed up of going out with women, taking them on dates, and spending all your money? “taking it slow”…when you’d rather know how to push her sexual triggers and get her into your bed that night?
Do you want to learn how easy it is to get a job?-To-Find the best method to get your results “bad boy edge” With women, and flips “sexual attraction switch” in their brains to actually CHASE your?
Then I want you to read this page carefully…
Because I understand what you’re going through.
I’ve been the victim of Bad Boys…guys who stole the girls I liked and left me feeling frustrated and rejected…
It makes you feel like a sucking! “low status” man…having to watch the OTHER guys have all the fun…take their pick of the prettiest girls…and get the attention and sex you deserve…
It’s even worse when you’re trying to make a girl into your girlfriend, but she’s hung up on some Bad Boy she still has feelings for (even though he treated her like trash)…and no matter how “nice” you are to her, you can’t convince her to forget that other guy and be with you…
But she can’t let go of him…because women get addicted to Bad Boys.
For women, hanging out with a Bad Boy is like taking a hit of pure crack cocaine…she instantly wants more. She needs more…
You can’t blame women for lusting after these guys. It’s how they’re wired…Bad Boys make women lose control.
Let me now ask you to think about what your life would look like if it had the same power as to get women. “addicted” to YOU…
If only you knew how “flip the switch” You will make women stop thinking of you as a man. “boring nice guy,” Make them feel completely turned on.-on…
You’re about to discover how to go from being “pretty good” Women can be the superwoman-confident, Alpha Male “Bad Boy” that beautiful women compete for…
You don’t have to go to bars to try to find something to do. “get lucky”…
Without you spending money on women taking them out on expensive dates that don’t get you laid…
And without anyone noticing that you’re using a stealthy, calculated method that gives you an unfair advantage over the other guys…
Even men who are more skilled-looking than you…
Taller than you…
Drive a nicer car, have more money…
It won’t matter because you will have the edge over all of them.
Because this method that I’m about to show you flips a secret switch in the female brain and makes them feel uncontrollable desire…
Choice #1: Hate Bad Boys who steal your women. Keep hoping that someday, somewhere, a girl appreciates you being so a. “nice guy”…
Choice #2: Take Action Now. Eliminate the “wussy” behaviors that that are pushing women away from you…and inject a “bad boy edge” into your attitude and lifestyle that drives women wild with curiosity and excitement…and pulls them towards you.
Once you make this switch, you’re going to handle women…and your dating life…in a radically different way. You’re going to feel energized. You’re going to approach women without stress, without fear, and talk to them with cocky, playful, masculine confidence…
Instead of worrying “saying the right things,” you’ll know exactly how to control every conversation and push her emotional “hot buttons” so that you guide every interaction towards the result you want…
Imagine knowing the perfect thing to say to any girl to spark a fun conversation…to get her smiling, laughing, and feeling intrigued and curious about you within seconds…
And when you’re carrying yourself with this rocket-charged confidence, you’ll no longer “date” Women in the traditional way: taking them out for dinner and watching a movie, spending a lot of money, and feeling stressed.-out the whole time because you’re hoping she’ll “like you” enough to want to see you again…
Bad Boys don’t “date” This is how women treat each other. They’re unpredictable, spontaneous and FUN – and I’ll show you how to take a woman on a first date she’ll never forget, for less than $20, which virtually guarantees she’ll want to “hook up” The night ends.
Instead of trying to impress women, you’ll make them feel the need to impress you…and instead of struggling to get a second date, you’ll have girls chasing YOU to see you again.
Bad boys are the best for women.
And you don’t need to be a “jerk” To achieve these results. You just need to understand the exact emotional responses that Bad Boys trigger in women… and then, how to integrate certain techniques into the way you deal with women, to get the same results.
These are the best “ninja” You can defeat the Bad Boys with these tactics
Once women have been exposed to the “new” you…the ultra-They are confident, playful and unpredictable.-wired to want…
You are the reason women become addicted. Women feel triggered and unable to control their emotions.
You can also do this without shaming women. This can be done without resorting to manipulative and shady behavior. In fact, when you’ve got this “Bad Boy edge”…you’re giving women exactly what they want…what they secretly crave.
So if you’ve ever felt that being “too nice” has been holding you back from getting the girls you want…
It’s OK. It’s not your fault.
You did your best with the information that you had.
But now I’m going to help you launch your game to the next level…by giving you the closely-The Bad Boy holds secret secrets that cannot be revealed to the public Blueprint.
This Advanced-Level “Master Class” The Bad Boy is the beginning Blueprint manual. Inside, you’ll discover:
Seduction of bad boys “friends first” Your chances of getting laid with women are ruined – and you will never be able to get pounded as the result. “friends only” guy again…
Bad boy lifestyleThe 7 “Nice Guy” These are the characteristics that will make you a failure with women. Here’s how to get rid of them “wussy behaviors” once and for all…
bad boy attractionHow to use project Bad Boy confidence in an authentic way – so that it’s really YOU, you never feel like you’re pretending, and women won’t think you’re just “acting”…
Pick up Artist Bad Boy11 Essential Traits of the Bad Boy which will propel YOU to sexual success – as well as deep psychological insights “buttons” They force women to be enthralled with their desires. Women are driven crazy by their desire. “lose their heads” What about Bad Boys? You’re about to find out…and use these same behaviors to get any girl you want…
How to pick up bad boys “leader of your pack” The social, fun and enjoyable. “connected” Guy who is the centre of attention in your social circle. Imagine being the guy that your friends call up when they want to go out and have FUN…and girls will be calling you for the same thing…
bad boy puaHow to discard the negative Bad Boy traits, and only use the healthy, positive and empowering qualities that will enhance your lifestyle…and get the best response from women…
How to plan a project “sheer animal magnetism” – A sexy aura full of mystery and excitement women love to be around
bad boy seductionHow to shut down the jerks who try to compete with you for the girls you want – you’ll make them look silly without ever having to confront them…
Bad boy blueprintHow to get rid of your inner child “Nice Guy” Softness allows you to speak your mind freely and is respected for your openness. “I don’t care what you think of me” attitude…
Bad Boy SeductionHow to make women feel compelled to love you. “neg” her or putting her down…
Bad boy seduction6 proven strategies for burying them “boring” What can you do to show the world a different side of your personality? “dangerous” “mysterious” vibe that triggers intense curiosity in women…
Bad boys are a favorite of girls. “trick” to displaying your raw, masculine, sexual POWER to women so that she knows you’re a man that will satisfy all her desires – and her eye will never “wander…”
Bad boy seductionThe 21 reasons women subconsciously attract Bad Boys. And how these guys get laid like mad, even though they’re inappropriate and sometimes obnoxious. Once you figure out WHY this stuff works, you’ll be able to incorporate it into your own game and get explosive results…
bad boy seductionHow Bad Boys go too far with their behavior – so you know when to stop and never turn people off, while making women feel intensely attracted to you…
bad boy seductionThe secret method that reveals how the Bad Boy maintains his calm, unruffled exterior when approaching and meeting women – and how he gets the inner coolness to not care what women – or anyone – really thinks of him…
bad boy seductionHow to handle the guys who try to make a fool out of you – without getting into a confrontation – or ruining the mood of the group and creating a social disaster…
Why do girls love bad boys? “drama” from girls – and how to overcome a woman’s “tests” so that she knows you’re a MAN who is in control of your own reality…
Bad boy attraction “nice guy,” despite the fact that you have seen her do exactly the opposite in real-life. I’ll tell you why this happens, and why this is VITAL to understand if you’re going to become a seduction master…
Bad Boy Seduction “blow it” Girls shouldn’t go TOO MUCH with each other. There is an art to it. “line” you must be aware of…it’s the difference between being confident and edgy, and being a cocky “jerk” who might get lucky tonight, but won’t make a women feel lasting attraction. If you master this principle, you can seduce any woman at any time.
Bad boysThe difference between the good and the bad “Bad Boys” “Players.” These are actually two different kinds of men – and you absolutely need to know how they’re different. I’ll show you the 7 Player Traits that push women away – AND draw them in…
Bad boys attract bad girls “Core 21” lethally seductive traits of the Bad Boy – what they are, how they work, and how you can use them to capture the hearts and fantasies of women…
Girls love bad boys “Nice Guys,” Bad Boys get MASSIVE results from hot women without even trying. This is the worst part about them. I’ll give you a 7-Step Action Plan to duplicate their success, without having your core personality change
Bad boy lifestyle. Secrets of Advanced Conversation Control: How you can easily control your conversations with women, starting at the opening line and ending at the last “close” (you’ll NEVER again struggle to figure out “what to say next…” because every step of the way, you’ll know which topic to talk about, which questions to ask, which “buttons” to push to increase her interest and desire…)
Bad Boy Seduction Secrets Of Alpha Male Confidence to make sure you stay “in the zone” and feel totally cool, confident and comfortable around any woman, no matter how ridiculously f***ing hot she is!!…
And much, much more…
(NOTE: This information should be used ethically and responsibly. These techniques will affect women on a deep, subconscious level and trigger their deepest and wildest sexual desires…)
bad boy lifestyleWhen you take advantage of today’s discount offer, I’m also going to give you The Bad Boy Blueprint Audio Training Course.
This audio coaching course covers the entire Bad Boy. Blueprint Program in MP3 format. Listen to it on your computer…or put it on your phone, iPod or music player and soak up this blockbuster seduction crash-course while you’re in the car, at the gym, or anywhere else.
NOTE: The Bad Boy Blueprint Audio Training Course has multiple bonus sections. These expand upon the lessons from the book and dig deeper to reveal the most dangerous secrets of Bad Boy Seduction.
Now because you’ve read this far, I know two very important things:
1. You’re a man who has the balls to take action.
2. You’re a perfect candidate for this system.
What do you think a fair cost would be?
The regular price for The Bad Boy is $297 Blueprint…
But you’re not going to pay $297.
You won’t pay $197.
You won’t even pay $97.
Take advantage of this opportunity-Time-only discount, you’ll add The Bad Boy Blueprint attraction system to your order…
Also, the high-powered bonus products I’m about to show you…
Only $67
Order today, September 2, 2015, and you’ll also get instant access to SIX explosive “Bad Boy” bonuses…
Warning: This controversial video examines the “dark side” Seduction. Some guys say it’s wrong to seduce a girl who has a boyfriend — but we say, MAY THE BEST MAN WIN.
It’s time for you to stop letting it faze you when a girl tells you that she has a boyfriend. Stop thinking it means you don’t have a chance!
It all depends upon what she tells me and when I tell her. The BOYFRIEND-ANNIHILATOR method is here to help. No matter your feelings, “girls with boyfriends,” This is an extremely powerful tool to have in your arsenal. “tool kit.”
This Video Training Module is a game changer
girls love bad boys The different ways in which women will mention their boyfriends — and what it means. You’ve got to know how to read these signals.(Did you know that if she talks about her boyfriend in a certain way, she is actually signaling to you that she doesn’t want to be with him tonight — and she wants you instead?)
Bad boy seduction: How to plant your subconscious “seeds” in her mind that her boyfriend doesn’t treat her right, and doesn’t deserve her — without you ever saying a single negative thing about him!
bad boys How to handle it when a girl tells you her boyfriend is a “great guy” (which is usually just another way of saying he’s a “boring nice guy” — and how to frame yourself as the exciting, unpredictable Bad Boy who can give her the excitement she secretly craves.
Bad boy pua. How to get her into sex tonight using special language and persuasion tactics.
And much more…
What girls loveBonus #2 explains the UNDER THE WIIRE method of approaching women. This is the first video to explain it. “RANGER X.” This segment was filmed in The Palms Hotel’s penthouse suite in Las Vegas. It features live demonstrations by two Playboy Playmates, Shannon Stewart and Katerina Kuvac.
Bonus Video #3 “ALPHA TRANSFORMATION,” This powerful motivational session is delivered by a former Marine and hostage negotiator. “Alpha” To the core. This is the hard part.-hitting video you’ll learn how to reprogram your attitude for unstoppable personal power and success.
As part of this valuable bonus package you’ll also receive “Advanced Influence & Conversation Tactics.” This is a tightly controlled environment-This guarded guide explains how to boost your conversation with girls and amp up the attraction.
You’ll learn how to flip their “attraction switches” The most effective techniques of psychological influence, persuasion and psychology to make women feel spontaneous and irresistible.
Never again will you struggle to carry on conversations with women, trying to figure out what to say next, or how to answer HER questions the right way…once you’re armed with these weapons, you’ll smoothly control the flow of the conversation and you’ll always know exactly what to say to drive up her curiosity and desire.
And we’re not finished yet…we saved the best bonus of all for last…
It’s all inside The Bad Boy Blueprint, and this is your chance to get instant access to all of these secrets…
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes