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Learn Your life CodeHeal Yourself Life Story. The greatest benefit of breaking the life code and discovering the truth about your life is the ability to heal your own life story. Imagine how you’d feel if you saw – really saw – that you were never abandoned or betrayed, that you never lost anything, that you were never damaged…
Derek Rydall – The Life Code
Your Life It’s not a mistake
Your life has not been a random series of events without meaning or purpose — every moment has been by design.
Through all the seeming accidents, losses, and chaos there has always been a larger order seeking to emerge…
The key to reclaiming your life’s power isn’t in changing the past, but in seeing the patterns clearly for the first time.
You will find your true purpose for being here, and you will be able to align with it.
You are part of a Human Ecosystem
Your life is orchestrated to work together and integrate with all things.
Nature is resilient and can withstand all kinds of storms, fires, and challenges.
The Same principle applies to your personal life.
You are not an accident. You came here to fulfill a function or serve a purpose. Nature will conspire to bring you fulfillment.
Unlike nature, however, there is one additional thing you must do…
Your Work Must Be Done Life Code Be Conscious to Enjoy Its Benefits
Athough your life story has been working to make you the perfect instrument of your life’s work, you must consciously collaborate with it to gain its benefits.
Meta is something you can do, and it’s not like nature.-cognition is the ability to perceive your consciousness and make independent choices.
Life won’t just happen to you, like in nature – it has to happen through you, so that you can become a fully conscious expression of the universe.
This means that you must learn to read your life code, interpret it, and uncover the meaning, message, and direction it’s pointing you in.
It is important to put all the pieces together in order to see the larger picture.
I’ve Spent the Last Twenty Years Learning How to Read The Life Code
My greatest quest in life was not only to discover who I am spiritually but also to find my true purpose for being here.
From Plato to Shakespeare to Jesus to the modern mystics, teachers, and leaders of personal development, I’ve scoured the world’s knowledge on the subject of purpose…
What I’ve discovered is that our true life’s work leaves clues. Everywhere. Just not in the way we’ve often been taught.
There is order in the universe. There is a reason for everything. Cracking the code will reveal the reason. Life Code At the core of your genius and power, you are aware.
I can’t wait to share this with you and help you — like I have thousands of people – to finally live the life you were born for, the life you’ve been preparing for all along!
Why most people fail, even when they do everything The The Right Things
I spent nearly two decades reading almost every book and taking almost every program, with little progress…until I cracked this code.
Here’s a little dirty secret of the self-help industry…
Statistically, out of all the people who take programs on how to build a business, be a coach, consultant, speaker, write a hit book, or even be a successful artist…
The Success rate is in single digits.
One of the main reasons is that it’s an outside-In approach. It’s all about strategies and tactics, manipulation and maneuvering…
Many programs will teach you how to create a book or program.
business that looks like all the rest…but there’s no real juice or
resonance in it…
It’s like plastic fruit – it looks great but there’s nothing in it. Or it’s like creating a beautiful car without any engine.
The power of your life and work is not in the outer things – the website, the strategies or tactics, the perfect partners, or the fancy promotions…
The You have the power to succeed and make huge impact by being who you are and who you were meant to be.
Knowing how to transform that into your own unique soul is the next step.-Signature offer
It should be obvious, but it is often not taught.
The first, and most important, step is to get back in touch with your unique pattern – that soul signature — and the unique way it’s meant to show up in the world.
You can then build the rest around it. It will have a resonance that acts as a beacon, attracting your ideal clients and opportunities.
Learn Your life CodeHeal Yourself Life Story
Unlocking your life code and determining what your life is really about will have the greatest impact on your ability to heal your life story.
Imagine how you’d feel if you saw – really saw – that you were never abandoned or betrayed, that you never lost anything, that you were never damaged.
Imagine how you’d feel if you saw – really saw – that all the enemies in your life had really been allies in a bigger plan, guiding you toward your destiny.
Imagine how you’d feel if you saw – really saw – that you weren’t the character you’ve been playing, limited to the play you’ve been in…
You were the actor, the author, and everything was created to make your life the hero or heroine.
This is not theory…this is the Truth about you and your life!
This will allow you to see the layers of pain and struggle that you have endured over years, as well as many of the chains you are bound by, which you will be able to let go.
And when this happens, all the energy that has been syphoned away by coping, managing, surviving, and fueling your past…
You will be able to give back your power to make your future and present lives extraordinary.
Reclaim All Your Power, Once and For All
You receive a certain amount each day. It’s there for healing and fulfilling your deepest desires.
There’s enough coming in to do all of this and more.
The problem is, because we are so caught in the story of our life, pressured by the demands of our world, and asleep to who we really are and why we’re alive…
The majority of this energy is spent on our past, trying reconcile all the failures and wounds, or projecting into the future, trying to manage whatever might happen.
The This means that there is very little energy left to manifest and realize the divine pattern.
Sometimes, we even find ourselves in energetic debt. This causes us to use every cell of our bodies to make it through the day.
This makes us feel overwhelmed, stressed out, burned out and unable to live up to our potential.
The Compulsive and addictive behaviors to soothe the pain of not living up to your full potential and living your purpose are a result of feelings of anxiety, powerlessness, and lack of fulfillment.
Cracking The Life Code Unlock Your Untapped Power
When you learn to read your life code and activate its power, you take back all that energy you’ve been wasted…
You can take your creative abilities to new heights.
I used procrastinate a lot. I would start something but never finish it, get distracted easily, then crash after a few rounds.
It was a shock to me how creative and productive I felt when I discovered my unique pattern and created a way of living around it.
I was able start and finish everything consistently!
It used to take me days. Now it takes me hours.
It was impossible to do things because my nervous system was so strained, but it suddenly seemed possible. I’ve never seen them before.
People often marvel at my ability to accomplish so many things.-and sure there’s a level of practice that is needed – but the key has been this internal alignment and focus.
A person connected to their Life Code isn’t fueled merely by external things or people. They’re fueled by a core of power that comes from their deeper purpose.”
“Even when they’re tired, uninspired, or sick, if they need to accomplish something, the energy and ability is there, almost like magic!
This is how you can get back to your true purpose for being here, and not be stuck in your story.
Your Life Code A Homing Beacon That Draws Everything to You
Confidence is not just a feeling or a belief. I believe it’s a force of nature, a force of our spirit, an inner knowing of who and what we really are and why we are alive when we’re in integrity with our true purpose and passion.
There’s a difference between real confidence and mere cockiness or arrogance. Although you can be arrogant and push through difficult situations, this can lead to a toxic byproduct which can cause harm and decrease resources. However, real confidence will make you and your family stronger and more prosperous.
It’s that inner knowing that you can and you will achieve whatever it is you desire — because it’s actually the inner awareness of the self that has ALREADY ARRIVED.
Your true self is already in harmony and living in total success, wholeness, abundance and wholeness. So true confidence isn’t a hope or personal power that you will get something or somewhere, it’s a remembering, an inner awareness of that part of you that is already there.
The Life Code
After two decades of searching, struggling, and testing in the laboratory of my life and with tens of thousands of people around the world, I have put together what I’m sure you’ll see is the most comprehensive and unique system on discovering your life’s work and putting it into the world in a powerful way.
Here’s what we cover in this deep-Step, but not dive-By-Step-by-step program
Life Code Fundamentals—Your Map of Reality and Survival Kit
Our life’s work comes out of our life story, our biggest message from our biggest messes — everything is conspiring to make you the person who can fulfill your unique purpose and give your unique gifts. Although it may appear that everything is just chance and accidents, underneath there is a clear plan.
You will find a magical compass to guide you through the wilderness once you understand the survival kit and map you made.
The Core Woundsamp; The Core Initiation
We are talking about core wounds, which lead to repression of some or all of our inner selves and create coping mechanisms to limit and oppress us. But there’s something deeper going on – a Core Initiation. These early traumas activate deeper capacities and launch you on a quest to develop some very important parts.
When you see your life through the lens of the core wound, you are trapped in the story, believing you’re the character, a victim of circumstances, and the best you can do is improve your ability to cope, survive, and manage the problems life sends you.
But when you learn how to see your life from this higher level, enemies become allies, obstacles become opportunities, struggles make you stronger – and you reclaim all the power and ability — and even time you think you’ve lost!
Your Ego’s Goal & Your Soul’s Goal
Because of the psychological model surrounding wounds and conditioning-Theology says that most people want to survive, cope or improve on a self they think is not worthy, damaged or good enough. This is what we call ‘the false goal’ and it’s where most people remain stuck. The The worst thing is that they never feel satisfied with their results, which often leads to poorer ways of coping.
At this stage you see the real goal you’re here for, the real reason you experienced what you did – like someone turning on a light and suddenly realizing you’ve been living in the dark most your life! As if you were staring at one of those photos with another picture hidden within it. Everything makes sense when you finally see it.
Your Life’s Work Is Hidden In Your Life Story
The Workshop You’ve Been Living Is the One You’ll Be Giving.
In this stage, we’ll identify the key learning moments, turning points, greatest epiphanies that have shaped your life, changed the course of things, and brought you to where you are now. As we do, you’ll see the underlying ‘framework’ you’ve been living. This shows you the wisdom that you have, the unique genius areas you have and the true message and mission for which you came.
Your life has had great lessons to teach you – and as you understand them, you are now empowered to teach those life lessons to others with a similar journey – even if you haven’t mastered them. Your wisdom is only real when you can see and understand them. Awareness is the first step to real freedom, power, and choice.
Whether you’re a writer, teacher, healer, artist, entrepreneur, or employee, understanding this will make you a leader, a light, and a beneficial presence wherever you go. It will also give you the secret sauce to creating work that stands out from the competition – because when you’re expressing your authentic self, there is no competition!
The Ask your questions Life Answers, The Problem Your life Solves
In this stage, we more fully define your unique path and message by looking at your life’s journey from different perspectives. On one hand, your life story illustrates a problem you’ve been trying to solve, but it has also been a journey about a question you’re trying to answer.
In drama, this is called the dramatic question, and that question compels the whole story — ‘Can love conquer all?’ “Can you really have it all?” “Can one be successful and supported by being their authentic self?” The Story then gives us the blueprint of how we can answer that question. The The same applies to your life story.
Once you realize the core question your life is trying to answer and the core problem your life is seeking to solve, you not only understand why things have happened, but you’re able to realign your path to be on purpose and communicate this wisdom in a way that makes a powerful impact.
This is the kind congruence and mastery that will lead to great opportunities, successful project, dynamic creativity, productivity, and a quantum leap increase in your ability to create abundance.
Your Unique Positioning and POV
A truly unique, authentic point-of-view or perspective is one of the most important missing pieces in many programs, products, and services. ‘voice.’ Because most people don’t really know who they are or what they represent, they spend most of their energy trying to be like someone else.
This results in cookie-cutter expressions, clichés, and more of the same old thing, over and over. The The result can be either white noise or crickets.
You need to understand your ideal client or tribe to be able to serve them. This means you must know what you stand for and how you stand. This is true whether you’re an author, teacher, speaker, healer, coach, consultant, entrepreneur, employee, and even a parent.
The The power of this is what creates and changes cultures, speeds up evolution, and leaves a lasting mark. And in case you’re wondering if your life is meant to be legendary, the answer is an emphatic YES! Life doesn’t make any junk, or anything mediocre, it only creates masterpieces – but you have to collaborate with it to bring forth your unique work of art and work of heart.
Your Ideal Client or Tribe – the Ones You’re Here to Serve
You are here to serve a particular type of person, just as everything in an ecosystem works together to create the whole. We will identify this person in this section. To realize is that it’s not everyone. In fact, you know you’re on the right track if your your message or product alienates as many people as it attracts.
This stage of your development is a time when you realize that you are the best gift you can give to anyone, and you have the best chance of success.
Without this awareness, many people spend their lives trying to change, fix, or improve themselves into finally being the right person – taking them further and further away from the person they’re meant to be, and the life they deeply desire and deserve. After this process, you won’t make that mistake anymore. You’ll be on track to start being who you really are and making the impact that only you can.
Your Client’s Unique Ascension Path
Once you’ve viewed your entire life story and the unique wisdom within it, you’re uniquely qualified to guide others on the same journey of growth or transformation. We will create the client ascension pathway – that unique, step-By-Step-by-step guide to getting them from where they are now to where they want to go.
The best part is you don’t need to be an expert or master to be of tremendous value, you just need to understand the terrain – the underlying patterns that have run you, the strategies you used to cope, the practices that helped you survive and grow, and the lessons they present (which you will know at this stage).
This alone allows you to inspire, guide, support, and help people who struggle with a similar life path, because most people have no idea what their life means or the lessons it’s trying to teach them — most people are just trying to get through the day!
I can’t stress this enough: you already contain a treasure-You have a wealth of transformational wisdom and you can make a significant impact on your ideal tribe by just finding it.
Your Ultimate Framework
Here is where it all comes together to create the unique design or framework that will serve you as the foundation for any form of expression, including coaching, teaching writing, speaking, healing and consulting, counseling, and business.-Building, creating art in all its forms. – By creating the sequential or non-sequential sequence.-You can use a sequential structure to deliver your message and increase impact.
The This framework can be used to create powerful books, transformational programs, weekend workshops, and multi-media presentations.-part online course, a yearlong coaching program, a series of blog posts or podcasts, an entire design for a business model – artwork, songs, even an entire art show or album.”
The There are many benefits to having this framework in place. It is like a Rosetta Stone on which you can make the most of your life and maximize your potential.
Create Your Soul Signature Offer
This module will help you identify the unique themes, metaphors and symbols in your life. It will also help you to create a branded system or approach that is specific for your work in this world.
These are the places where universal principles, practices, and lessons from your life become a marketable offering. The 7 Habits that Make Highly Effective People. The Four Agreements The The Power of Now The 7 Spiritual Laws to Success in Food-Pray-Love, The Secret, etc.
The best part about this is that it’s not something you are making up, it’s what you are made of — because we have excavated it directly from your life instead of just pulling it out of thin air. This is another key distinction between this work and most other programs that teach you how to create your life’s work, purpose, program, product, or service.
We’re not coming up with trendy theories or clever concepts. We’re not regurgitating something from a book or someone else’s work. We are creating something unique and unparalleled – something that has not existed before and yet is completely relatable and resonant because it comes directly to you!
This is what makes the best.-Hit programs, sellers, sustainable products and legendary leaders are all part of the movement.
Heal Yourself Life Story by Revealing Its True Meaning
To help you heal your life, we will use this new and expanded understanding. At this stage, you will already have such a different, deeper awarenss of your life that you’ll never see it the same again. We go further and uncover areas where you are leaking or losing power.
Life hasn’t been happening to you, it’s been happening for you. Your apparent enemies have actually been your allies in your growth. Every obstacle has been placed there to allow you to grow.
Every struggle can make you stronger. And when you’re done with this, those won’t be mere affirmations, they will become a living reality. That’s power and freedom, baby! Imagine the impact you can make on your clients and loved ones. This is what legends are made from!
Resonant Sale & Marketing
The biggest challenge for the heart is-Spirituality, centered-Sales and marketing is a concept that is open to all minded people. This includes online strategies such as email, sales pages, social media, and even sales emails. This seems like a maze of confusion and competition that will take forever for everyone to understand. (It’s not just me, right?)
This framework makes it almost effortless to communicate your message and value.
At this point, you will understand the real pain, problems, and ambitions of your ideal clients, readers, students, or audience – but even more, you’ll understand the specific ways in which they struggle, because they’re just like you.
And when you speak in those terms, and weave this into every aspect of your offerings, you are literally entering into the conversation already going on in their head – and they will feel like you’ve been reading their diary!
They’ll feel like you’re talking directly to them. It will feel intimate. It will feel authentic. It is because it is! These people are easy to get – and they feel special. The The result is that they are unable to resist you. There’s trust and rapport, almost instantly. This isn’t sales, it’s authentic service. And that’s a complete game-changer.
Whatever business, practice, literary or creative work you’re creating, understanding your life code will allow you to deliver work that is authentic, that resonates with your ideal client and tribe – and contributes in a way that is truly meaningful, in a way that truly matters. This gives you the competitive edge.
The These are the characteristics that have made some of the most successful leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs and artists in every field. They may call it their great passion, that thing they’re willing to die for or the thing that makes life worth living for, they may not even know how they did it – but if it’s a work that resonates, it’s because it comes from the deepest, most authentic part of them. That’s what your life’s work is meant to do.
The Life Code A family, company, culture, country, or world.
If you want to expand your potential impact in the world, learning how to read the life code of other people, companies, cultures, and even countries will begin to expand your awareness of what’s really emerging in any given industry or the world at large.
Everything and everything follows a perfect pattern. This is what you need to see in order to gain greater harmony with the universal order. It will give you more advantages and increase your value.
This isn’t necessary to be successful in the world, but if you want to be a lifelong learner and walk the path of true mastery, this section will give you a head-start!
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Here’s what you’ll get in Derek Rydall – The Life Code
Derek Rydall – The Life Code : Sample
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes