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There’s another child – desperately longing for the same love, care, encouragement, respect and comfort that you already give your children standing in front of you.
Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery
Most parents do NOT realize this but… When you first become a parent, you never just have ONE child.
There’s another child – desperately longing for the same love, care, encouragement, respect and comfort that you already give your children standing in front of you.
You are the other child – you “Inner Child”.
To give your children a better life, education, and childhood than you had growing up, you will sacrifice everything.
Have you forgotten your Inner Child?
Did you know that your Inner Child needs nurturing?
And here’s the greatest tragedy of it all:
Your Inner Child will soon be full of the neglect you show them.-circle.
And your children will inherit your same childhood insecurities, doubts and fears, which you’ve worked so hard to shield them from.
So ask yourself honestly (and this may be the most important question you’ll ever ask yourself about how you parent)…
Dr. Shefali
Are you unconsciously projecting your own unmet needs?
What are your children’s childhood needs?
Today, 99% of parents are ‘flying blind’.
We’re completely clueless about parenting.
And it’s not your fault.
It was said that you will naturally be a good parent.
They’ll say…
“You’ll know what to do when the time comes.”
Children learn to read
But don’t you find it crazy that raising your own children – the most important and challenging job we will ever undertake in life – should just be left to… ‘instincts’?
You wouldn’t start driving without first passing your driver’s license, would you?
Yet most parents never learn “how to parent”. For many, this is the only experience that we have: Our parents’.
If that fails, we can always turn to the endless stream online articles for the latest and greatest parenting advice. These articles are constantly out of date or contradicted by the next article, leaving us even more confused and frustrated.
Conscious Parenting It isn’t about having rigid strategies or methods.
It’s an entire philosophy that you can apply at every stage of your child’s development.
And it’s built around one crucial premise: Your child is NOT you.
Independent soul. A sovereign being whose only desire is to express themselves fully and to realize their full potential.
The best thing parents can do for their children is to find the core of who they are and then show up. ‘whole’ To our children and to create the connection that your child secretly desires with you.
The Modern Parent VS. Conscious Parent
Many parents do not like hearing…
The current parenting model, which is popular today, focuses heavily on correcting, and controlling children. After all, it’s the parent who knows best.
We do everything we can to guide and mold our children to what we, as parents, consider to be a good example. ‘good child’.
It could be disciplining, imposing rules or even bribery.
If all else fails we resort to yelling and nagging.
Conscious Parenting This is how you turn the entire paradigm upside down.
Instead of seeing our children as fragile beings, we should see them as the people they are. ‘fixed’ and to be told what to do…
Conscious Parenting Look at creating an environment that allows your child to make their best decisions and reach their own empowered conclusions.
Instead of the unidirectional parent,-Child relationship where the adult is involved ‘bestows’ his or her wisdom on the helpless child…
Conscious Parenting The cyclical relationship between you and your child revolves around the idea of a mutually beneficial, cyclical relationship in which your child is just like pivotal to your own spiritual and emotional growth.
For some of you, you may feel you’re already on the right path.
You might even be thinking:
“Are You Overestimating
How Conscious You Really Are?”
America’s most-Ken Wilber, an internationally recognized philosopher and leader in the field of human consciousness and developmental, famously stated that people tend overestimate their capabilities. ‘true level’ Consciousness.
This is especially true for those who already engage in personal development.
Meditation is an important part of inner wellbeing.-It is possible to start your career by working alone.
But it’s not enough to untangle the vast web of hidden beliefs influencing the way you raise your children.
Dr. ShefaliOn the other side, it’s like having a detective shine the spotlight into the darkest corners of your unconscious mind.
So you come face-To-Face with the parenting and childhood beliefs that you didn’t even know you had.
It’s a skill she has honed for over 20 years.
As a Vipassana Meditation teacher and a clinical psychologist, I have a successful practice.
Bottom line: When your child’s growth and development is at stake, as Dr. Shefali says:
SuperReading is your Superpower
“You can never be too conscious.”
The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest was created to help you navigate this difficult introspective process and empower you as conscious parents, to create the ideal environment for your children to thrive and live up to their full potential.
Oprah’s Favourite Author
Oprah has endorsed it as “revolutionary” “life-changing”, Dr. Shefali A mainstay
The primetime TV program has made 7 appearances so far
Dr. Shefali Oprah endorses
“In the 30 years that I’ve been doing interviews, the best I’ve ever heard.
She’s absolutely revolutionary, and so evolved, that her ideas are really a paradigm shift that can change the world.”
How Dr. Shefali Permanently Shifted Vishen Lakhiani’s Views On Parenting
Comparison of Vishen’s bodyshape
Vishen Lakhiani is the founder of the world’s largest personal growth company, Mindvalley. He is also the author and editor of the NY Times Bestseller ‘The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind’. He is an internationally recognized leader in human development. He founded numerous brands in the fields of spirituality and consciousness.-Fest festival, Mindvalley University to Omvana App
Vishen was astonished to hear Dr. Shefali In Tallinn, Mindvalley University, Tallinn, 2018. It’s then when he realised that he was missing out on an important chapter: parenting. Ever since he’s worked on his conscious parenting practice and this has had a positive impact on his relationship with his children.
“I thought I knew it all. My kids did well in school and I was the personal growth guy. But I didn’t realize how much I was still controlling them until I interviewed Dr. Shefali.
“This idea of conscious parenting was game-This was a major shift in my parenting style. Although these concepts were uncomfortable for me at first, they helped me to build a stronger bond with my children.
“Now, what I would have labelled “bad behavior” My children have disappeared. The shift was so dramatic, I cannot even recognize my old self as a parent.”
Vishen’s signature
Mindvalley’s CEO and Founder
Dr. Shefali Tsabary:
Your Conscious Parenting Expert
Oprah has endorsed it as “revolutionary” “life-changing”New York Times bestseller author, and holder of a Ph.D. (clinical psychology) from Columbia University, New York. Shefali The foremost authority in the field conscious parenting.
Dr. Shefali’s journey into this radically new parenting paradigm arose from her own experience as a parent herself. Irrationally reacting to one of her children’s then 3-Year-old daughter’s tantrums, Dr. Shefali Become deeply self-aware-Be aware that her parenting difficulties were not about her child. It was her unmet childhood needs, which she unconsciously projected onto her daughter.
Download it immediately Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery
She was so moved by this realization that she decided to challenge and dissect the world. ‘controlling nature’ The traditional parenting model – which is often too strict and puts pressure on children, robbing them their independence and confidence – has been quickly discredited.
Dr. Shefali A more conscious approach to parenting is advocated. It focuses on honoring our children’s sovereignty, building real connections with them and, most importantly, raising our consciousness as parents.
Dr. Shefali Tsabary
As Seen On:
Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Dr. Shefali Tsabary mobile
Vishen Lakhiani credits Dr. Shefali’s work
Vishen Lakhiani credits Dr. Shefali’s work in conscious parenting for profoundly changing the way he parents today.
Dr. Shefali Mindvalley University
Dr. Shefali teaches conscious parenting on some of the world’s most prominent stages including Mindvalley University.
What You’ll Learn
The 5 Transformational Skills Conscious Parent
Conventional parenting courses are focused on the child. How to use a rigid, one-sided approach-Size-Fits-All tactics used to coerce or force “trick” Encourage your child to model a desirable behavior.
Conscious ParentingOn the other hand, a parent’s focus is on their child. And how to use powerful mental frameworks that allows you to meet the many parenting challenges we all face with compassion and empathy – at every stage of your child’s growth.
In The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest, Dr. Shefali This guide will show you 5 transformational shifts that can transform parenting from chaos into connection.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
From Projection …
You can’t force your child to believe and think the same way.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
… To Pause
Encourage your child to be themselves.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
From Expectation…
Your child may be subject to undue stress, unconsciously or consciously.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
… To Empathetic Engagement
Seeing the wOderld from your child’s eyes in the present moment.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
From Judgment…
Labelling your child’s behaviOder as ‘good’ Oder ‘bad’ or ‘positive’ or ‘negative’.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
… To Compassion
Accepting your child as they are, and accepting them for what they are.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
From Reaction…
Allow yourself to feel your emotions and let them trigger you.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
… To Feelings
You can observe and fully feel your emotions.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
From Correction…
Controlling and coercing your child’s behaviours.
Dr. Shefali Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
… To Connection
Fostering the deep, meaningful connections you and your family desire.
What Dr. Shefali’s Students
What Are Her Teachings Really Saying?
Hear what Dr. Shefali’s teachings.
The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest 2020 Schedule
The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest will dispel the myths and illusions associated with traditional parenting. It will also introduce you to a radical new paradigm that will raise your consciousness as a parent, and help foster deep, meaningful relationships with your children.
You can join Dr. Shefali In a series of in-For only 20 dollars, you can get daily depth lessons-Each day, 30 minutes. This is to imitate a private consultation with Dr. Shefali This procedure is usually expensive and can be booked months ahead of time.
As a result, you’ll develop a powerful mental framework that will lead to your greatest awakening as a parent, heal your own childhood wounds, and give you the tools you need to allow your child to prosper in his or her most authentic self.
Download immediately Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery
Whether you’re a parent to a toddler, young children, teenagers, or young adults who have recently left home, you’ll be able to effortlessly navigate through the many challenges of parenting where your child becomes as integral to your emotional and spiritual transformation as you are to them.
Register today to receive your Masterclass Discount and get started with this 35-day program-Day Quest with our global network Your experience is entirely risk-free-Free thanks to our 10-day money back guarantee.
Program Curriculum
Program Curriculum Conscious Parenting
You begin your journey by setting the groundwork for a more conscious, new approach to parenting. Here Dr. Shefali As you reflect on your childhood and the ways they have shaped your parenting, this will shed light on the current unconscious model.
Highlights include:
This is how to set your sacred intention.-Step exercise to clarify your goals as a parent.
Disrupting the patterns we inherited from our parents: discover how your own upbringing may be influencing your current parenting style, and how you can free yourself from your parents’ expectations.
The myth of parental instinct: adopt a new paradigm that teaches conscious parenting and cultivates a connection with yourself and your children.
Transformative Skill 1: Projection to Pause: Learn how to stop projecting your expectations onto your children in order to help them step into their authentic selves.
You can elevate your learning experience with the revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform
Mindvalley Quests’ learning platform combines power of community and daily microlearning.-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform
From philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.
Deep Transformation in 15 – 20 minutes per day
Leading companies now use it-Micro-businesses and edge schools,-For busy people, learning is the best personal growth tool. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.
Mindvalley Learning Platform
Mindvalley community
We’re All In This Together
Mindvalley Quests offers multiple ways for you to interact and collaborate with others.-Create with fellow students. Imagine thousands of people like you-People from more than 100 countries are here to support you, inspire you and hold you accountable for your highest potential success.
How the Quest App works
1. Then, you can begin the Conscious Parenting Mastery Meet the community for Quest on March 2, 2020
One community, one start date: we’ll move towards the finish line together, as we support and uplift each other every step of the way.
2. Daily guidance is provided for 35 days
From an online support group to a regular check-ins with your Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator on our private Facebook page – you’re never alone.
3. In just 20 minutes per day, you can see dramatic results
You only need to spend 20 minutes per day watching your video lessons and putting the practices into practice.
What Dr. Shefali
“I have had tremendous growth through her [Dr.] teachings.”
Dr. Shefali Her gift is to see through all the noise and give you the right wisdom for your journey. Her teachings have allowed me to grow tremendously. Through her teachings, I feel more connected to those I love and I feel a sense of purpose.
Amy Mogck
Marketing Specialist
Manitou Springs CO
“I was able to learn tools to connect with my daughter so that I was able to really see the love and the beauty my daughter is.”
Learn Dr. Shefali’s message of consciousness parenting has changed my family’s life. (…)I discussed my frustration with my daughter not attending school. But, I realized that what was missing in my relationship with my daughter was connection.
I was able learn tools that allowed me to connect with my daughter, allowing me to see the love and beauty in her. It’s been one year since I was on the stage with Dr. Shefali My daughter has grown in so many ways.
Cheryl Polsky
Conscious Parenting Coach & ChildRen’s Social Worker
Los Angeles, California
“Her [Dr.] courses have taken me on a journey through the deconstruction of my repressed childhood trauma and social/familial conditioning”
Dr. Shefali re-I was rekindled by her kindness. Her wisdom spoke directly to my pain and helped me recover. I have been able to go on a journey with her through my childhood traumas and social/family conditioning, and return to a place where I am whole and loved.
Clint Harman
Auto-Designer for CAD
Huntington Beach, CA
“As a student of Dr. Shefali for years, her guidance and teachings have been instrumental in my own awakening and inner growth.”
As a student of Dr. Shefali Her teachings and guidance have been an integral part of my personal awakening and inner development for many years. My relationships with my daughters are stronger because I was able build a deeper connection with myself. Because I speak my truth and live my passion for supporting parents, my life is full of purpose. Thank you, Dr. Shefali!
Tia Fagan
Certified Conscious Parent Coach
Madison, Wisconsin
“I have not only been given new tools, but the power and courage to utilize them in my life.”
Dr.Shefali’s courses have been incredibly impactful for me because of the raw and relatable way she delivers the information. I have gained new skills and the courage to use them in my daily life. The best part about the course is the way that the information she gives continues to flow long after it is finished.
Melanie Whitney
Huntington Beach, CA
“Dr. Shefali helped me transform through one of the toughest experiences in my life.”
Dr. Shefali She helped me through one of my most difficult experiences. She has an uncanny ability to help us get out of our own muck and let our true selves shine. It’s amazing to witness her work.
Ryan Sweet
D.C., B.C.A.O.
Washington State, USA
Our Commitment to Affordability
Mindvalley has one goal: to develop the global education system. We want to provide lifelong transformational education for every person on this planet.
Because we believe in elevating the lives of billions and helping others rock their greatest lives, we’ve designed the Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest to elevate the way you raise your children at a more affordable price than you’ll find anywhere else.
Parents will go to great lengths to ensure that their children have the best chance to succeed. Little League Signing is an option to help your children get into the best schools possible.-ups, providing a whole, healthy diet, summer camp, saving up for college and more… Parents today are spending a small (but worthwhile) fortune on their children’s future – every single year.
But how often do you invest in yourself to learn how best to parent your child? Think about it this way – Latest studies show that our schools only account for 30% of our child’s development. The parent is responsible for 70% of the remaining 70%. The best investment we can make for our children’s future is to invest in us as parents.
Thankfully, it won’t cost you a fortune. Since this Quest happens online in a group setting (without sacrificing the personal touch, thanks to our immersive Quests platform) – we’ve been able to drive that cost way down for you.
And so this transformational experience won’t cost you $3,000, or $2,000 or even $1,000; but just a one-Time investment of $549 required to be a conscious parent. You won’t find this complete life shift for this price anywhere else.
You’re Protected By Mindvalley’s Unconditional 10-Day Guarantee
When you’re buying a car, you can test drive it. When you’re buying a house, you can take a tour of it. We believe you should have the same peace of mind with your education too – so we’re giving you up to 10 risk-You can try it for free for up to 30 days Conscious Parenting Mastery Try Quest and find out how it works for your situation.
And if you’re not over-The-You will be thrilled with your results. To receive a quick refund, just visit our Refund Page. It’s that easy.
Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Manager
Special Masterclass Discount
Receive 52% off when you enroll by March 2, 2020
We are grateful that you took the time to sign up for the Masterclass. And, it’s an incentive for you to take the next step towards mastering the art of conscious parenting.
Dr. Shefali The Quest is a living testament to his expertise in the new field of conscious parenting.-Mindvalley community has an opportunity to use her wisdom and transform lives of parents.
That’s why we’re thrilled to begin the Quest with thousands of people on March 2, 2020. We hope you’ll join us.
Get Your Password in The Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest
Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest on devices
Here’s everything you get when you enroll:
Unlimited access to Dr. Shefali’s 35-Day Quest Conscious Parenting Mastery Take advantage of a 48% discount
Begin your journey on March 2, 2020 with thousands of others as you support, encourage and push each other to the finish line.
You will have access to a Mindvalley Tribe facilitator to help you optimize your experience and guide you before, during and after the Quest.
Access to a private Facebook group, where you’ll join thousands of parents from all over the world, who will support you in your daily conscious parenting practice.
To recognize your Quest graduation, you can get a digital Mindvalley Certificate Of Completion printed for $50 extra
Try it out and If you don’t think this is for you just visit mindvalley.com/refund and fill the 3-Minute Self-To request a refund, use the Service Refund Form
Here’s What You Will Get from Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery
Dr. Shefali Tsabary – Conscious Parenting Mastery : Sample
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes