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Hypnotic Copywriting
Introduction and Overview
One – Introduction (7:10)
Two – Slippery Slope (6:34)
Three – Storytelling (7:18)
Understanding Human Decision Making
Four – Human Action (7:26)
Five – Costs and Benefits (6:32)
Six – Human Instincts (6:13)
Effective Sales Structure
Seven – Building Trust (7:14)
Eight – Common Desires (6:49)
Nine – Common Pain (5:55)
Ten – Overcoming Objections (6:41)
Eleven – Cause and Effect (7:28)
Twelve – Basic Strategy Overview (7:05)
Download it immediately Hypnotic Copywriting
Linguistic Techniques
Thirteen – Cause Effect Language (6:57)
Fourteen – Presuppositions (6:50)
Fifteen – Best Presuppositions (7:27)
Sixteen – Milton Model (7:24)
Seventeen – Social Proof and Authority (6:55)
Eighteen – Scarcity, Commitment and Consistency (6:49)
All Objections must be destroyed before they can arise
Nineteen – Reframing Objections (7:02)
Twenty – Structural Reframes (7:37)
Twenty One – Become an Objection Ninja (6:15)
Consistent Copywriting Improvement
Twenty Two – Practice (6:14)
Twenty Three – Write with An Intention (6:03)
Twenty Four – Write Drunk – Edit Sober (6:30)
More Conversions – More Money
Twenty Five – Money (7:53)
Twenty Six – Split Testing (6:10)
Twenty Seven – Selling Products (6:52)
Twenty Eight – Hiring Yourself Out (5:53)
Twenty Nine – Follow the Money (6:03)
Thirty – Final Words (4:41)
Sessions for Subliminal Programming
Subliminal Listening Guide
Hypnotic Language Generator
Scarcity Generator
Value Explosion
Infinite Trust
Copy Income Generator
Master Mix
What will I learn?
How to sell with words
The Ultimate Laptop Lifestyle Skill
Why? Copywriting It will continue to be in high demand
The Slippery Slope
Slippery Slope Elements
Slippery Slope Engineering
Storytelling secrets
The Hero’s Journey
Your Reader – The Hero
The Objections – The Villains
Use Two to One
Economic Considerations
Maximizing Benefits
Understanding All Costs
Minimizing non-monetary costs
Understanding Your Buying Instincts
How to Avoid the Cheater Instinct
How to Avoid the Scammer Trigger
Trust secrets
Why trust is crucial
Trust Building Strategies
Understanding Your Desires
What They Really Want
Leveraging subconscious desires
Effective Motivators
What People Really Buy
Understanding Human Pain
The Pain – Pleasure Continuum
Pain – Pleasure Resonance
The Goldilocks Pain Balance
Overcoming Hidden Objections
Understanding objections
Discovering Secret Objections
The Magic Cause and Effect
Cause – Effect Language Patterns
How to Pace Their Thoughts
Leveraging Their Thoughts
Put words to their thoughts
How to Create Massive Relativity Through Text
Basic Copywriting Strategy
Basic Copywriting Elements
Reverse Engineering top sales pages
Slippery Slope language
Slippery Slope Thinking – How To Get It
Hidden Ideas in Sentences
Linguistic Presuppositions
They work!
How they Work
How to become a Presupposition expert
Best Copywriting Premissive
Premises for Social Proof
Authority Presumptions
Premises for Scarcity
Prerequisites for Consistency and Commitment
Every Sales Funnel Explained
You can create sales funnels from scratch
Hypnotic Language Patterns
You can get them to think anything
Let them discover everything
Additional Social Proof Patterns
Other Scarcity Patterns
Additional Authority Patterns
Reframing Objections
Uncovering Hidden Objections
Make Single Objections into Multiple Reasons to Buy
Subconscious Objection Reframes
Your Objections can be turned into your Desire
Structural Reframes
How to Practice Objections
How to practice reframes
Daily Practice Tips
The Six Figure Practice Plan
Get Started Today
Forum Sales Funnel
The Pareto Principle: Massive Conversions
How to create a powerful portfolio
How to always get hired
How to Smoke the Competition
The Magic of Making Money
The Never-Ending Growth Pattern
Hemingway’s Secret
The Artist – Scientist Continuum
The Michelangelo Strategy
How to Chisel the Perfect Sales Page
The Goldilocks Money Strategy
How to Predict Monetary Success
When To Know When You’re Ready To Buy Ads
How to Guarantee Ad Buying Success
How To Increase Your ROI Consistently
The Holy Grail That Will Make You Stand Out
Split Testing Basics
A Weekly ROI Increase of 2 Minutes
Selling Affiliate Products
Selecting the Best Amazon Products
Using Affiliate Sales Pages For Your Portfolio
How to generate unbelievable conversions
Create and sell your own products
Hire Yourself Out
Freelancing – Starting From Scratch
Freelancing – Growing Your Empire
How to Be the Best Hired Gun
There are endless money possibilities
Write Yourself Rich
Start Today – Never Look Back
Much, Much More
Hypnotic Copywriting
Make Yourself Rich with the Most Persuasive Language Patterns Ever Developed
It was believed possible to make sand into gold well before the advent of modern science.
Download it immediately Hypnotic Copywriting
Isaac Newton believed this ancient science.
It was hard to resist the temptation of creating something from nothing.
Modern Alchemy
But, it is possible.
It’s possible to make something from nothing.
We aren’t talking about breaking the laws of physics.
You cannot create or destroy energy.
You cannot create or destroy material.
If you are able to write persuasively, words can be turned into money.
Most powerful patterns
There was once a hypnotist.
He was also a doctor.
His patients would see him for any non-medical problem.
He and his wife hoped that hypnosis would solve the problems they were facing.
Both tried it, and it worked.
The majority of time.
But there was one problem.
Too slow for Old School Hypnosis
The hypnotist decided that the old school methods of swinging watches, counting down from ten, and counting down from ten were too slow.
He didn’t have time.
He discovered that if he could treat them faster, he would be able to heal more people in the shortest time.
Enter The Milton Model
Milton Erickson was a physician-hypnotist.
One of the most extraordinary historians.
He created a new type of hypnosis from scratch.
One type of hypnosis that is so powerful, no one knew it was being used.
Problem Vanishing Model
People would visit him.
They’d tell him their problem.
Dr. Erickson would have this to say: “Hmm, that reminds me of a story,” Get started talking.
Their problem was solved within an hour.
They had no idea of what was about to happen.
They had all gone with their problems to that hour.
Undetectable Language Patterns
This collection of powerful language patterns is also called covert hypnosis, meaning nobody knows it’s being used except the person using it.
Lucky for us, two scientists discovered the secret to these patterns and were able reverse engineer them.
Linguistic Presuppositions
These silly things known as linguistic presuppositions are one of the patterns in the Milton Model.
You can hide your thoughts within sentences.
Ideas people won’t remember reading, but will end up thinking.
And they’ll be think of them as if they are their ideas.
Perfect for Copywriting
These patterns work well in sales letters.
In your sales letter, you can conceal all manner of information about the product.
Your product is a popular idea.
Oder your product is backed by a lot of authority.
Or a massive scarcity.
You can also think of other things.
All Triggers Should Be Incorporated
These powerful patterns are not only what you will learn, but they also provide the key triggers that can be used in any sales letter.
Common ideas include authority, social proof, scarcity.
These three ideas will make any product a hotcake.
Why Newton lost his shirt
Sir Isaac Newton, the same man who believed in alchemy, also lost his shirt investing.
One of the first market bubbles was in those days.
Newton was a smart man, so he got in before everyone else.
He was even more intelligent when he left.
But then, some of his friends got in.
They were also making money.
Everybody Is Getting Rich!
No matter how smart or dumb you may be, when everyone is getting rich, including your dumb neighbors.
This is how Newton lost his shirt and returned to work.
Even Sir Isaac Newton, one of the SMARTEST dudes who’s ever lived, couldn’t resist the most powerfully persuasive force in nature.
Fear of missing out
If you think everybody is getting something good, you’ll want some.
If you think everybody is getting something good and it will soon be gone, you’ll want it even more.
You will be able to do anything if you believe you are the only one left behind.
The strongest Buying Motivator on Earth
Fear of missing out or FOMO is the most powerful force within human nature.
No matter what you are selling, if you can convince people it is popular, (social proof) it is going to vanish soon (scarcity) and if they don’t hurry up they are going to miss out (FOMO) you can sell steaks to vegetarians.
Language Patterns and Ancient Motivators
This course will help you to create persuasive language patterns that work with ancient triggers.
This will be extremely covert.
They’ll read your sales page (or email, or watch a video) and suddenly feel like they HAVE to get this.
That if they don’t get this, they will miss out.
Slippery Slope Technology
One of the most powerful ideas found in nature is inside.
One that physicists can’t quite wrap their minds around.
This simple idea is what has helped humanity think since the dawning of time.
This is the one linguistic pattern you can use to move them from the headline to the purchase button.
Leading and Pacing
Sales is all about leading and pacing.
You’ll learn to do this with words.
They will be able to follow the lines they have read.
Each line they read will reflect what they think.
By the time they get to the end of your sales letter, they’ll be nodding their head in agreement as if you are their best friend.
Write Yourself Rich
The return on investment (or ROI) is one of business’s most important concepts.
All businesses have faced the exact same problem since the beginning.
How to make more money out of the system than you put in.
Spend ten dollars and get back twenty.
If you spend ten dollars, and get back 20, you can spend ten billion and get back 20 million.
Hypnotic Copywriting Skyrockets ROI
You’ll learn techniques that will help you jack your conversions through the roof.
Begin with the slippery slope technique.
You can add some presuppositions if necessary, and then you can apply some post-writing, technical editing.
Hemingway stated that you should write drunk and edit sober.
You’ll learn to write like an artist, and edit like a scientist.
What will Positive ROI do for you?
Once you’ve got everything down, you’ll be able to write your own ticket.
Your ability to create a sales pitch that generates a positive ROI is what will make you one the most highly-respected copywriters in the world.
It will take practice, make no mistake.
You will reap the rewards if you’re willing to work hard.
Laptop Lifestyle Possible
This isn’t a promise of instant riches.
No, not by a long shot.
You won’t watch this course and suddenly start making money.
You can learn the skills in this guide if your are open to doing the recommended exercises.
Internet Connection and Your Brain
That is all you’ll need to earn a living.
You can make money online if you are able to write and hook up.
(You might to make sure there’s an ATM machine nearby…).
Once you demonstrate your ability to create a positive ROI for nearly any product, you’ll be the highest paid hired gun around.
Building Value Is Not Enough
Plenty of sales guides will tell you that if you build enough value, you’ll overcome any objection.
Not only will you learn why this isn’t true, but you’ll learn eighteen different patterns to flip any objection you hear into it’s opposite.
It is a strong reason to buy.
Ninja Reframes
Everybody’s got objections.
Sales letters are one-way. This is the problem with them.
If the reader starts to think of any objection, there’s not much you can do.
Which is why you’ll learn not only how to brainstorm every possible objection beforehand, but to also turn that objection into another reason to by.
Subconscious Objection Flipping
The way it will come across to your readers is before any objections make it from their subconscious to their conscious, they’ll ALREADY be flipped around into more reasons to buy.
This is all you need to be the best copywriter in the world.
Combination with all other?
You’ll be untouchable.
Your Schedule – Your Hours – Your Pay
We must emphasize again that this will not occur quickly or automatically.
If you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll reap the rewards.
You can work anywhere you like, at any time you wish, and earn the salary you desire.
And they’ll be happy to pay you, since you will be able to turn readers into buyers.
Be the Most Persuasive Person on Earth
Doing the exercises and drills in this guide won’t just make you one of the best copywriters around, but since the language patterns will be programmed into your neurology, you’ll also become more persuasive and influential than anybody.
Take this course and you can start making real money.
Transform your thoughts into income streams
Once you develop your hypnotic copywriting skills, you’ll turn thoughts into words.
These words will make readers buyers.
You get paid every time someone buys.
Take this course and you will be a successful type.
Real Skills – Real Alchemy
Your words will soon turn into income if you get started with the skills covered in this course.
Skills became sales pages.
Sales pages become real income.
Real income can be transformed into the UPS guy who delivers whatever you need to your door.
Even if you don’t want to leave your home again!
Take this course and get paid.
Hypnotic Copywriting
Subconscious Training
This course is more effective than any other copywriting course.
However, even this is just the beginning.
On top of the three hours of skills, drills, and linguistic powers of income you won’t learn anywhere else, are over fifteen hours of deeply hypnotic, brainwave assisted subliminal programming.
Your mind will drop to a deep theta, where it is half awake and half asleep. This allows you to reprogram your subconscious.
Each session lasts an hour and comes in two versions. It contains more than 4000 individual statements that will fill your deep brain with powerful beliefs, ideas and unconscious behaviors that will give you an edge over all other copywriters on Earth.
For your conscious mind, listen to these video sessions.
Listen to the subliminal conversations for your unconscious mind.
These two elements will combine to make your copywriter the most persuasive, highly in demand, and highest earning on Earth.
Get this course now and live the life you’ve been dreaming of.
Descriptions of sessions
Hypnotic Language Generator
Use your fingers to control mass mind and create words that inspire action around the globe.
Use your words to put people in deep trance and make yourself a fortune.
Create sales pages so compelling people won’t get able to click the buy button fast enough.
Be a master of your language and shape your thoughts.
Scarcity Generator
You can easily create the most consistent buying triggers that have ever existed.
You can create an unconscious and massive desire to buy, no matter what product it is.
Get people to take action, make people buy, and make them thankful for the chance to buy.
If there is enough demand, shiny metal blocks can be sold for hundreds of dollars per piece.
You can learn to make this instinctive compulsion at your own pace.
Create beautiful images and thoughts with your words.
Your readers will be taken on an epic journey from the slippery slope sales pages to your big fat buy button at the bottom.
As they bravely click the buy button, help them defeat the evil of buying resistance and live to fight another day.
Make your readers feel heroes by encouraging them to purchase your products.
Value Explosion
You can create infinite value for what you sell.
You can make any product as appealing as an ice-cold desert water.
Inspire a huge buying urge that makes everyone feel like they must purchase this.
Generate such unstoppable buying compulsion that your products will seem like a steal for whatever price you’re asking.
Objection Obliteration
Objections must be destroyed before they can enter the conscious mind.
You can become a reframing Ninja to make any doubt a compelling reason to buy.
Make obstacles your stepping stones on the slippery slope that leads to the big fat purchase button at the bottom.
Make the most of what salespeople fear, and turn them into huge income streams that flow eagerly from their bank accounts to yours.
Infinite Trust
Pace their pain, pace their fears and make them feel like they’ve known you for years.
You can eliminate all hesitation and make any customer a lifelong customer who is eager to purchase whatever you sell.
Be a beacon for hope in a corrupt world and get people to line up to buy what you’re selling.
The more trust you build, the more things you’ll sell. Trust is the best way to ensure you don’t worry about money.
Copy Income Generator
Your brain, your laptop, and your bank account can form a nearly magical connection.
You can make a six- or seven-figure income by connecting to the internet from anywhere you have an internet connection.
Write blistering sales copy in every internet cafe around the globe, and you can tour the world.
Grab this guide and you will be a world-traveling, jet-setting copywriter who has multiple income streams from around the globe.
Three hours of conscious training and fifteen hours of powerful subconscious programming.
Grab this guide and make your brain and fingers a constant income-generating machine.
Continue reading: http://archive.is/WMSQY
Here’s what you’ll get in Hypnotic Copywriting
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 244
- Assessments Yes