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Greg asks Chris if he can remove his dark brown skullmala (bracelet), to illustrate how to do this investigation. of tiny skulls
Illumination – The Direct Path of Shri Atmananda Krishna Menon
StillnessSpeaks has released a DVD set with three and a quarter hours of StillnessSpeaks’s content. of a conversation between (author of Chris Hebard (standing as Awareness) and Chris Hebard on the Advaita Vedanta Teachings of Shri Atmananda (Krishna Menon), who lived in South India from 1883-1959. Less well-He is more well-known than his Indian contemporaries Ramana Maharshi or Nisargadatta Maharaj. Atmananda’s teachings are no less important. Such works are: “Atma Darshan” And “Atma Nirvriti,” His words were direct and he is well-known for this teaching. “the direct path”) to our true nature, which is Consciousness. The heart is actually the most important thing. of This teaching is that there is only Consciousness.
However, the notion that we are pure Consciousness is certainly not a popular one —most people believe that they are a separate individual, in a separate body. This belief can cause everything to fall apart. of They are perceived as. “not them.”
They feel like the essence of things. of Their being is usually located in their head behind their eyes. They somehow connect with the outside world through the five senses. Greg describes it this way of Perceiving ourselves to be the Cartesian model, aka “the container metaphor.” Descartes believed that the soul (or something immaterial) is contained within our body (or something else). Thus, we feel that we are an entity or spirit (or even a homunculus —a tiny human being) that exists within our body (a container). Most people believe this belief so strongly that they rarely question it.
These DVD’s, like Atamanda’s teachings, are all about investigation. Greg and Chris will take you step by step-By-Continue to move through the series of You can use observational experiments to begin to see reality as it is. This is an important point. During the experiments you are only looking at what is happening in the moment. Since you only care about what is happening in the moment, beliefs, memories, assumptions, and other preconceived notions are invalid (since they are based on incorrect information). “the past”These should not be used for these inquiries. They should not be inadvertently introduced into the inquiries. “experiments.”
Because physical objects look so. “real” And “solid,” This is an exception. Atmananda’s teaching that ALL is Consciousness, the first experiment on the DVD deals with their deconstruction. And since sight is our primary sense for determining what appears to be a physical object, Greg and Chris’s begin the inquiry by asking:
What is the visual evidence of an object?
Greg asks Chris if he can remove his dark brown skullmala (bracelet), to illustrate how to do this investigation. of small skulls) and place it on their back of A notepad. Next, both of them look at it together and then report back on what their vision communicates to each other. Greg reminds me of The importance of Not bringing in (“super-imposing”) extraneous information that isn’t actually there in our direct experience, such as information from our other four senses, or from memory or inference.
It’s funny, Chris does this too! of Greg asks the gate. “Does vision itself tell you that this is a bracelet?” Chris then responds: “Yeah.” Greg responds, somewhat taken aback. “Do you see a label there that says ‘bracelet’? And Chris quickly says, “No,” As he is aware that vision alone cannot tell him what something is called/named (this would then be memory).
I want to mention this “error” (and it actually isn’t an error since that would be a mind’s interpretation, whereas Awareness itself cannot/does not label anything; everything simple is.) It shows just how complex and subtle this business can be of It is possible to really look into physical objects.
Download immediately Illumination – The Direct Path of Shri Atmananda Krishna Menon
Color = Shape
Direct vision can only tell us two things. You can’t have color without shape, and you can’t have shape without color (don’t take anyone’s word for this, look around right now and see if this is so or not so.) What’s more, shape and color indicate nothing other than what they are; they don’t indicate or point to something else. This observation is critical. Because it signifies that any other than shape and color are being added.“superimposed”) by the mind, via memory or other senses!
The same experiment can be used to examine your four remaining senses. The conclusion is the same: Everything is only a single (one at time) perception. This includes your mind and body. All of it.
It is possible that you could be able to do so. of the material on these two DVD’s is not something you are likely to fully grasp and understand deeply on the first go through. I found myself rewinding the segments of video over and over until I was completely confused. of understanding/block/stuckness gave way to clarity/understanding/seeing. When this happens, the smell is released. of The Divine Truth will suddenly be obvious to you. Your sweet smell, once a mystery to you, is now all that you can smell. Now, you can only see her loving face (in many different costumes).
Each perception makes a claim. However, you may find that you don’t believe it anymore or take its word for it. All perceptual claims must be thoroughly investigated and exposed to the light, if necessary, so that they can be seen for what is.
Download it now: Illumination – The Direct Path of Shri Atmananda Krishna Menon
Chapter Titles on DVD 1.
The Common View of The Cartesian Model of the World
Are We Physical?
The Collapse of The Sensing Box
Where is all this happening?
The Physicality of The Body
Let’s Get Real
What is perception?
Is Consciousness contained within a Body?
The Body is the vehicle for sense perception.
Are We Ever able to Experience an Object?
Do Sensory Perceptions Take Place in Different Locations?
Bubbles of Sentience: The Lower Witness
Time and Sequentiality
If you are interested in any of the titles above “speak to you,” These videos will make you smile because they are about experiencing Reality as it is, and that includes you. Love, perceiving and eternal Stillness are what you are. Everything else is objects that arise within your Awareness. (Awareness must be present first to see what arises.
Some comments about Greg Goode, Chris Hebard
Greg and Chris are not like many philosophers who tend to be very serious. They are both relaxed. “buddy-buddy” Kind of Their rapport is mutual and their energy towards the material is playful, spontaneous and curious. They laugh so much that they often start laughing at us, as if reminding us to not take any. of This is too serious. It seems that a gentle touch works better than a firm grasp.
Greg is an excellent teacher who can explain complex philosophical concepts clearly and help you to see the direction. I gained a lot by watching how he approached this type of situation. of inquiry. Example: A question can be answered from several perspectives (e.g., from each perspective). of a body —which is how most experience the world) or the perspective of Awareness.
A nice little “test” To see from which perspective someone is looking, you must believe that objects exist regardless of whether or not they are conscious. of They (meaning that even though you are not looking at a tree, it is there), The argument that one must know something to be aware of Awareness is not valid would be made by one looking out at Awareness. “there” You must be alert of It can be defined.
Also, I appreciated Greg’s use of the Socratic method. of Chris’s answers are more valuable than being told them immediately. The insights we gain from our own experiences are clearly more valuable than those that are simply given to us.
Greg plays the role of Chris, the expert, asks questions we would ask if we knew what. Chris is leading us on a journey. of Although he’s exploring, he does so very logically. Each section builds on the information you have learned in the previous sections.
The nice thing about having this information on DVD’s, is you can watch them over and over until you feel you have a clear understanding of The finer points of This is the essence of teaching. The technical aspect of quality. of The footage is very sharp, clear and crisp.
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Illumination – The Direct Path of Shri Atmananda Krishna Menon
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes