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Jarrad Hewett – Creating your reality
This portal is your gateway to infinite choice and freedom!
With the intention of wholeness, love, vitality and joy, this Light will be created.-Filled Journey is going to be a new favorite, as it quickly moves right to the Heart of Divine Love, Lifting Away all that’s Been, and Aligning You and All Energy Bodies with Pure, Divine Source.
This Journey unites all of your resources under YOUR direction so you can create joy and ease, not fighting parts of yourself.-Hill battle is a great way to show off your vibratory signature at a higher level. your The new dominant vibration is from the True Source Nature of Abundance and ease. your field.
This Journey contains a very powerful activation and process for creation as well as a cleansing and clearing energy and can be used as often as you’d like.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Renewing Your Core” NEW
Journey and Symbol
Download it immediately Jarrad Hewett – Creating your reality
An in-Deep look at the way you define yourself. This is your power-packed journey is a deep dive into our definitions, capabilities, and self-Worthiness and self-worth-As we dig deep to discover the True core of who we are, it will bring you esteem and much more.
Lifting the veils of separation, this guided track opens you up to a space of Unity and Sovereignty and introduces a new Energetic Tool – a first in Jarrad’s Journeys – where you will experience “The Silver Fire” Here you’ll experience both heat and cold simultaneously as the lower frequencies lift out and the higher frequency birth. your field is released. This process may result in you being fully connected and unified. your Own I AM Presence to create and restore a space full of Full Being and Full Presence.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Opening and Expanding Your Heart: Seeing and Being Loved”
Journey and Symbol
“This is the Experience of Feeling Loved and Living with an Open Heart”
Allow the separation that has been created through this lifetime and any other lifetimes to be released. Clear, cleanse and open the heart at all levels, creating a space for your pure Self.-Knowledge, Reception and Love
It is possible to create a space that allows you to no longer be held back, separate or blame yourself. By entering this space, you can experience the Divine Love of All That You Are, as well as the Enrapturing Love for All That Is.
Warning: This journey contains a deep level of transformative shifts that will open the heart and allow you to choose happiness in new ways. It is perfectly normal to experience emotions that surface. You may also feel tears as your heart begins to heal and open. This Journey is emotionally and connectively complex, so it is not recommended you listen to it more than once daily.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Transforming the Ego for Divine Release”
Journey and Symbol
Download it immediately Jarrad Hewett – Creating your reality
How would it feel to feel the Stars’ very creation moving through your body?
This journey offers deep exploration and loving invitation to understand our ego. Often times, the ego – that beautiful embodiment of our own individuation – fears its own demise and sets up what feels like self-Sabotaging “alter ego” Booby traps that hold us back and keep our fighting for what we want.
As if that wasn’t enough, we also develop “Spiritual Alter Egos” They are what will guide us and make it possible to move forward into unity consciousness.
This journey begins to erase the fears of miscreation, destruction, and alienation… all the fears, spaces and places where we hold boundaries within ourselves which keep us from creating what we truly desire in our lives, and allows us to release ourselves into our Divine Being, free from lower vibrational “separation” consciousness.
Enjoy a Divine Reset!
This Journey Uses Light Language
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Your Future Starts Now” ALL NEW
Journey and Symbol
Release the Conscious or Unconscious Attachments to the past, present and future. You can fully step into your I AM Presence.
This powerfully integrative journey introduces a sparkly energy to bring back empowerment as we travel through the physical body, opening you up to a new way of being. Creating We are creating a new future, right now!
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Opening to Your NEW World” NEW
Journey and Symbol
It is amazing to realize that you are the creator of everything in your world. Although it may sound like a bold statement, once we allow ourselves to feel the energy of everything, we realize that we are the sum of every thought, belief, experience, and emotion we have ever experienced. As this experience grows, we can change our beliefs, our thoughts, and thus change our past, present and future experiences.
The first step in this journey is to reintroduce yourself.-Define your relationships with the world, the self, and create space for love, change, and transmutation. This will help you to release fear, worry, tension, and other negative emotions that can be embedded in daily life.
This is the energy that creates unity and wholeness at a Galactic Level through nurturing and connection. your field, and allowing one to fully know their Self as Source knows them.
“Grounding Into Change and Integration: I AM Divine Flow”
Journey and Symbol
Sometimes, we are able to see a deep part of ourselves. “ceiling” With regard to change. We have resistance to how much of our story we can or will allow ourselves to change – no matter how much we truly desire that change to occur!
Grounding in change and integration allows us to feel complete and whole at all levels of our journey. This will minimize resistance and maximize progress, growth, and our ability to create and expand into Divine Flow.
This is one of the MOST Powerful Journeys in this Series, and because of the Amazing Integrating Energies, and the Freedom Which Can Birth as Result, Feel Free to Listen to This as Often as You’d Like.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
Get your instant download Jarrad Hewett – Creating your reality
All this Leading Edge Materials is JUST THE FINAL… You will also get
“Creating a New Past”
Journey and Symbol
Imagine if you could create a new past to open up to unlimited possibilities, manifestations, and potentials.
As you begin to integrate New Frequencies into your life, and journey into a space where you are in control of the past, you will be able to feel as if YOU ARE THERE NOW.
What would it be like for you to Shift Consciousness and literally reorient yourself?-Write your past? Through this multi-We will use dimensional activation to travel into that space and reactivate it.-Patterning, reprogramming and reprogramming are all possible.-Writing the story of yourself, in the stars, through time and space to re-You can arrange to create something entirely new!
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Timeline Jumping”
This is a unique journey that will not be repeated. The deep exploration of energy of time and place serves to open both our energetic body and our physical bodies, so we can hold the energy and create it. “Mandela Effect” Timeline Jumping is a process that allows you to do this.
What are the consequences of Timeline Jumping? How can you begin to see the markers that confirm you have started to shift something huge?
This amazing energy transcends words and integrates. your Physical Body your Light Body for you to both own and occupy your Multi-Dimensional Space allows you to combine timelines and change. your Enjoy the Present!
Warning: This is Lightning-Packed with the “Woo” It will open up deep places within you. You can start your journey to energy work by listening to the other files first.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Frequency Radio Broadcast”
This Ground Breaking Broadcast Of Frequency Radio Features Three Energy Journeys and a Call with Jarrad To really bring your Energy can be used to align in a big way.
Join Jarrad Enjoy a 70-minute retreat into Pure Healing Bliss. Learn how to shift energy and create a serene environment for massive change into abundance and vitality.
The white Diamond Energy Journey is a transformative process that sets the stage for the 21-day retreat. Jarrad You will find a place of pure relaxation.
Next up, You will experience 9th Dimensional Consciousness Birthing as You experience Pure Sovereignty and Begin to Birth Your Plaedian Light Body – Connecting to the Divine Allowance of Self Love at every level.
After you’ve entered the Blank space, opened your heart and allowed yourself to love and express yourself, it is time to embark on the I AM Abundance Journey.
This CCU Exclusive was this year’s best-seller and was one of the most transformational experiences participants had. Frequency radio is something you should not miss.
SIX 60-Minute Pre Recorded Master Classes Jarrad
Join Jarrad for these POWERFUL and enlightening, 3 workshops where you’ll learn all about Energy, Awakening, and The Amazing Abilities of Self Creation. These amazing audio recordings include Jarrad’s core messages as well as some of his most amazing remote energy work to date.
Join Jarrad As he shares a completely new way to approach healing, and financial wealth “You Are Not Broken – A New Way to Heal.”
Find out who you really are and what you want to do in life “The Authentic Self – Expanding and Meeting The Unmet Self.”
Learn about energy work and how it relates to the universe and your self. “Understanding Energy and How This Works.”
Master Classes Series Jarrad
These master classes were recorded over three weeks and are extremely relevant to current energies.
JarradHis natural ability to sense, feel and hear energy has given him unique insight into the process and framework of creation. He also knows how to heal and reshape. your Future through restructuring your Energy fields, belief systems, and others. Right now.
How do I create reality?
This is the First ALL-NEW Class! You will learn EXACTLY HOW to create your You will receive tools and guidance to assist you in shifting your life your reality Right now. With channel, light language activations, massive energy Jarrad We will be happy to guide you. your Help you to identify the biggest block in your life right now, and show you how to move it!
What Really Happens “AFTER” What is the Meaning of Life?
Part 2 will show you what fear is behind each block that we make and reveal what your greatest fear really is. You will also be guided through gentle release. “beyond the veil” For the FIRST TIME EVER Jarrad It goes in-Deep insight into what happens after we die
This information and in-In-depth exploration of the “death” process are not found anywhere else on this planet
Sovereignty and The Chakra Illusion – AND MORE!
Multitasking is a great way to get your job done.-If you are a dimensional being, it is possible to look at the energy systems we all know and find them restrictive. But, as many people start their journey towards awakening through mental understandings, there have been different conceptions that were created throughout history to allow us to understand how to create, and who we really are. These modes and methods were eventually accepted. realityWe forgot to mention that awareness expands with us.
This Mega Event is a unique opportunity to help you go beyond as never before. Jarrad It also Re-Mastered, with New Energy and Music…
“Awakening – 3rd Eye Activation” – REMIXED & REMASTERED
Journey and Symbol
This is one of the STRONGEST ENERGIES I have ever experienced – and that is saying A LOT!
This is one of the most transformative journeys you’ve ever experienced.-seated healing awakens the truth at the highest levels of reality, giving you access to your POWER to completely create your life, awakening to infinite potential – allowing you to see yourself free, clear, and POWERFUL, and being able to EXPERIENCE the full embodiment of THE I AM THAT I AM, not just as a concept, but as an embodied energy.
This energy is incredible. However, it is incredibly gentle and something that everyone who wishes to merge into the new dimension should experience.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
Get your instant download Jarrad Hewett – Creating your reality
“Child Like Play – The Open Heart” – NEW MUSIC & ENERGY!
Journey and Symbol
“This is what Conscious Creation is All About!”
Enter the Childlike Senses of Play and Wonder. Engage the Energies for Excitement, Creation and Healing. your life.
Lift the veil and allow the mind to simply be an extension of the heart – feeling totally free – while reprogramming the entirety of your Reprogramming the universe to send you and receive it. Receiving the child-Like a sense of wonder and play, and knowing that you can do it when you “come as a child” You fully enter the kingdom. All of creation is there to support, nourish, and LOVE YOU!
Flow as the Beingness and the Love that You are – in Full Connection, all the while, feeling loved, and celebrated, and empowered by the safety of our new space.
Bring your Intimate Child out into a new realm: a world full of joy-filled with creation and love
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Releasing Into Love: The Bon Fire”
Journey and Symbol
This journey allows you to be all that you are beyond the stories and strengthens your focus on love.
This is one of THE MOST POWERFUL transmutative experiences ever recorded. Through the amazing journey, you can transmute your entire life of limitations, grief and stress. “Bon Fire” Experience.
This powerful activation sets off a self-renewal process.-Maintaining a field of Freedom, Pure Love and Peace, wherein you can experience the truth of who and what you are.-Formats into a space for experiential love. This journey continues into “future timelines,” allowing you to restructure where you’re going and what you’re creating.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
“Wholeness Through Well Being” – REMIXED
Journey and Symbol
As with many of the journeys for the fifth dimensional transition, this journey works on the electromagnetic field, reprogramming what wholeness means to us – severing the dependence or co dependence on lower and limiting vibrations, thoughts, and relationships (whether genetic or otherwise), reprogramming all that we are – where and how we get power from, as well as allowing power to now be US, expressing through the knowingness of our own Divine Connection and Love. All spaces and places you have given your As we move to Total Empowerment, power away is balanced, cleansed, and harmonised.
Many people have unconscious beliefs about safety and fear energy. This journey allows us to let go of fear energy and enables all energy to love, honor and bless others.
The journey to freedom is about releasing all and creating a NEW experience that is Wholeness Through Well-Being.
Notable: This is also where there is a strong release and restructuring of genetic energy. We no longer choose from karma or debt and instead choose from love, light and joy.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
This is the definition of redefining your I AM Presence as WHOLENESS
Freedom is your choice with The I AM Will
“The White Gold Journey” – NEW MUSIC & ENERGY
Journey and Symbol
Enjoy the space where it is “THY” In “Thy will be done” You are the I of all that you are. This is freedom to create anything your Heart desires are supported by the Light of the Divine at all levels.
Feel the light of the One as it flows into your being. your Being like the waves of the ocean, strong, ever-moving, bringing with them the light of one, washing and cleansing, and allowing all of your being, to be made present in the now and now.
As we step into a space in which the ascended heart energy surrounds all things physical, we will meet the Ascended Soul in a completely new way. reality, allowing you to release into the 5th dimensional focus – the space and place of the NEW mind, the space and place where “as above” is made manifest here and now, through the unification of all that we are, as the expression of the ascended heart, and the merging of All That We Are – Allowing the I and the Thy to become one and the same.
*Includes Spoken Word Journey and Journey with Music
To help bring about the most significant and spectacular changes possible – individually as well as collectively! JARRAD IS ALSO INCLUSIVE:
“Perfection Now”
This journey begins by connecting us to Source at the purest and highest levels. Beyond stories and perceptions this journey eliminates the struggle energy: battle energy. “try” energy, energy of judgements. Separation “should.”
Create a space for Source to see you RIGHT NOW.
This powerful energy, which corresponds with Perfection Now symbol, allows you to recreate your electromagnetic field – allowing you to receive yourself in a whole new way.
Experience what it feels like RIGHT NOW to be peaceful, and to be at harmony with all that is – allowing resistance to fade away and clearing a space for action and something new to grow.
You can let go of the guilt, shame, and hurt and instead, seek the still point. Beingness. I AM THAT I AM.
It’s amazing what it feels to be able to let go of the past. your The highest, most elevated state of love joy abundance and vibrancy.
“The Creation Formula”
Complete the installation with e-You can start working with certain frequencies by creating audio and book activations to accompany the music. Jarrad’s work in frequencies and how it birthed!
The original hand-drawn frequency chart will also be included!
Here’s how. Jarrad The Creation Formula is described:
The Creation Formula refers to the process of expanding. It’s a multifaceted, two-pronged strategy.-Dimensional frequency chart (Remember that EVERYTHING IS Energy, so EVERYTHING has an energy frequency) that balances and activates the ability to create consciously.
The formula itself is made up of multifaceted components.-Dormant energy field information is activated through symbols and dimensional frequencies. These symbols balance the energy fields, activate the pituitary, pineal glands, reprogram total consciousness, and accelerate and activate true capabilities to consciously make.).
Consider the following: your Life as a product of millions or millions of frequencies. A symphony, on the other hand, is the product countless musical notes. This formula is a huge tuning fork that vibrates throughout. your Your entire energy system tunes the frequencies to ensure that your life matches the vibrational symphony of what you are giving forth. your You can control your subconscious thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and even direct them into Love, Joy and other good things.
This is exactly what I use every day in my personal and private energy work.
Every hand-The accompanying E comes with the drawn symbol-Book and remote healing audio walks through are ingredients in this powerful formula. They allow for transmutation or change in certain areas. These symbols have been used by Energy Masters and teachers from all faiths and backgrounds to achieve amazing and miraculous results.
Remember: Energy is everywhere, and YOU have the power to change it. your Life is now!
The remote energy activation program includes an audio session where you will be able to experience the magic firsthand.-Handle the powerful energy of symbols and the meanings and invocations from the multi to harness the power of your hands-level frequencies. The accompanying E-Book, I will discuss the meaning of the formula and symbols, and then how to tap into their energy.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes