🌟 New Year Offer 🌟
Celebrate 2025 with 30% OFF on all products! Use code: NEWYEAR2025. Hurry, offer ends soon!
This course is available immediately for delivery-new training, you’ll clear and heal energy fragmentation, and rework the patterns that have kept your energy stuck in the past, in old behaviors… and in an old you.
Katy Bray – Your 8th Chakra Life
Activate the power in you 8th chakra and receive healings to transform blocks and energy leaks — in all your chakras.
Gain a deep understanding of the destiny points — predetermined events, people, and places — your soul has designed for this incarnation.
What has your soul committed to this lifetime?
And, how do you connect deeply to your intuition to access the wisdom of your soul’s plan?
Let’s get to know you 8th chakra be your guide…
Your 8th Chakra is the place where you can activate and access all of your energy Soul…
This energy center, located above your crown, holds all of the wisdom and guidance that you need in order to create the life you desire.
Your 8th chakra is where your soul contracts — what your soul has already agreed to show up for in this incarnation — are held. It is where your connection to higher realms of reality, and to your highest potential in a physical body, are strongest.
Here, you can Life is yours-changing information about why you were incarnated, the lessons you’re meant to master, and the gifts you’re here to share.
Heal Energy Leaks & Blocks to Receive the Power of Your 8th Chakra
Procrastination, ambivalence, guilt, shame, and chronic health conditions can be a sign of energy leaks and fragments in your first seven chakras — which restrict access to the wisdom of your 8th chakra…
Or maybe you’ve been plagued by denial, and are now willing to face what you’ve been so afraid of seeing…
Perhaps you are stuck in a vicious circle of unrealistic behavior. Expectations and disappointments your life…
Or you live your life so cautiously that you don’t give yourself permission to want anything at all…
No matter how specific your struggles are, Your soul has accepted both Hold and heal These are the challenges.
Yet, according to Empath, energy worker, and clairvoyant. Katy Bray, most people have access to only 30 percent of their soul’s energy.
Fortunately, you can learn to sense different energy patterns, including blocks, leaks, and fragments in your energy architecture — and heal them.
Get activated 8th Chakra life is all about tapping into the energy of others “assigned” We are here for you…
You’ll feel at ease knowing that even the most difficult aspects of your life are part and parcel of the story that was created long ago.
You’ll stop getting in your own way because you’ll be taking full responsibility for your life, knowing your soul has chosen everything that happens to you.
You’ll also have access to your soul energy, your divine plan and will be able manifest your dreams more easily.
Download immediately Katy Bray – Your 8th Chakra Life
Nine LIVE teachings Katy — energy healings you’ll receive each session — you’ll:
- Activate and Connect to your soul’s life themes and create your own soul contract — a powerful element of your energy body that informs everything you do
- Unlock the capacity to fully develop your gifts — You will have a better understanding of how to best work with them
- Moving on from difficult situations You may feel still hooked to the internet
- Explore the depths healing and growth that’s possible through your 8th Chakra, where your soul’s purpose originates
- Discern between — and heal — Energy architecture can be prone to leaks, blockages, gaps, patterns and fragments.
- Develop a deep understanding of the meaning of life Katy Calls destiny points — the people, places, and events that are predetermined… what your soul has already agreed to show up for in this incarnation
- Bring your 8th Completely understand chakra “online” When you draw down its energy and allow it to flow into your entire body
- Master your soul-Energy “troubleshooting,” This is a method to find energy patterns that deplete or block your growth.
- Please fill in the following energy gaps — and discover how to prevent them in the first place
- Relax. Go with the flow, and navigate life in a more peaceful way — once you’ve learned to trust your 8th Chakra
- Get back your soul fragments From all eras and all dimensions
- Understand shame’s role in your energy patterns — and how to release it
- You can unhook yourself power struggles In relationships
- Keep track of your energy understand what’s motivating your choices — and discern whether your Conditioned self Your Clear, positive energy from the soul Is actually the last word…
Katy’s profound teachings on the human energy architecture can help you begin to unlock your 8th chakra. You’ll start to understand the agreements made prior to this incarnation — the family you would be born into and the life events, relationships, soul groups, and key experiences you agreed to for the purpose of your soul’s evolution.
This brand-new training, You’ll clear and heal energy fragmentation, and rework the patterns that have kept your energy stuck in the past, in old behaviors… and in an old you.
Be Guided by a Leading Energy Healer & Master Clairvoyant
Starting at the age of three Katy Bray She knew that she was something special. She was told by something very clearly one hot summer day by her stepfather and mother, as they were sitting inside talking. This is the part where my parents tell us they’re getting divorced.
Within an hour, she was sitting with her sisters and stepbrothers at her dining room table, where her mother had announced that they were getting divorced.
Katy She has dedicated her entire life to discovering the secrets of crystal.-She felt a clear chime in her intuition that day. Why had something deep inside told her this was the PART when the divorce announcement would happen — what existing story was that moment a part Of?
Katy’s passion is sharing her lifelong journey of exploring the 8th chakra — because, as it turns out, that’s exactly where the information came from that day…
Her years of experience, combined with her work with thousands of people have made her an exceptional leader.-She is adept at identifying which transformational techniques are most appropriate for each client. She has access to more information and is able to act quickly.-She believes in forward growth and has developed her own style to help people reach their full potential in every dimension of body, mind and spirit.
What You’ll Discover in These 9 Weeks
This 9-Transformational training for a week, which not only will Katy help you fully develop your gifts — you’ll receive powerful weekly healings to open the gateway to your soul’s plan in your 8th chakra.
Live Streaming Video is Powerful
You’ll connect with Katy Live streaming video allows you to experience her teachings. This connection will be simple to use and increase the impact. Katy’s body of work. You can easily connect via audio only if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.
Thursday Course Sessions at 5:00 PM Pacific
This course will include LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions and experiential practices. Katy.
Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to transform blocks, leaks, and fragments in your energy body.
Module 1: Activating Your 8th Chakra Life (November 7)
What are your agreements within your soul contract In this first class session, you’ll determine the next steps you should take in your life.
The information from your soul’s contract influences all aspects of your life, and is seeded within the rest of your energy system.
With this activation and new understanding, you’ll feel deeply aligned with the highest aspects of yourself…
In this module, you’ll:
- Activate and Connect to your soul contract and open your mindThis is a powerful element in your energy body that informs everything you do
- Uncover a fresh and exciting new world Connection to your Higher Self
- Enjoy the full potential of your computer. Clarity is key to fully developing your giftsUnderstanding how to work with them in your daily life
- Understand life’s events A whole new way of experiencing peace and forgiveness.
- Find out how to let go of situations that hold you back.
Module 2: Clearing Survival & Ancestral Energy Patterns (November 14)
What type of energy have you inherited from your parents? No matter the details, they’ve absolutely shaped your identity, purpose, and life patterns…
This module also contains: Katy They will assist you in exploring, discovering, and untangling them.
There are seeds from all the energies you’ve inherited, sprinkled through the eighth chakra — they continue to grow because all the rich information you’ve inherited, has to land somewhere.
You’ll discover the ancestral energy you’ve brought in through your lineage — including through family members you may have no idea exist! — is waiting within your root chakra for you to discover and work through…
In this class session, you’ll:
- Take part in an immense and powerful energy realm This gives you feedback on many aspects of your life.
- Clear your inherited energy patterns
- Identify and interpret Foundation of your soul contract — how it takes shape in your life
- Untangle “shoulds” and “blame” From your energy field
- Your energy is your power! present time
- Learn about another part of root chakra. the labels you’ve given yourselfMany times, they don’t even realize it.
- Discover what happens when you’ve done everything possible to work through an ancestral pattern — yet it still doesn’t feel like it belongs to you (here’s a hint: it’s part of your soul contract)
- How this powerful work you’re doing evolving your Own Soul is also Advancement of the souls your ancestors — especially if they weren’t able to work through the issue in their lifetime
- Enjoy a guided meditation session for healing. Call back your soul fragments from all spans of time and dimensions — so you’ll begin to consciously understand where (and why) some of your ancestral patterns began
Module 3: Stop Guilt, Regret & Other Energy Leaks — Feel Free & Empowered in Your Relationships (November 21)
This week, you’ll begin your journey into the energy of a key part of life: how you exist and behave within your personal relationships.
You’ll discover how to deconstruct how power dynamics within your relationships might be causing energy leaks. Common causes of these energy leaks include shame, guilt, and cravings…
… but probably not the cravings (perhaps for junk food or wine) that you’d normally think of.
Instead, Katy This will explain Needs in this spiritual context as perfectly healthy longings that most of us would consider normal — that Become We are only as unhealthy as they control us.
For instance, you want to feel loved and appreciated — yet it can become an unhealthy craving when you (unconsciously) give up parts of yourself in a quest to have these needs met.
In this fascinating class session, you’ll discover:
- Everything you need to know about your primary Energy leaks
- How to stop using Cravings and compulsions Give shape to your energy
- Shame’s role in your energy patterns — and how to release it
- How to get out of your hooks power struggles in relationships How to enter into a more relational mindset in your personal relationships — you’ll be working within the second chakra
- How Your cravings may have the power to overpower you, preventing you from staying engaged in soul contract agreements you’ve already made
- The The nature of the soul changes with power dynamics and desire — and how they all work together
- Guidance for healing the energy leading to Power struggles in your lifeYou, your relationships and yourself
Get your instant download Katy Bray – Your 8th Chakra Life
Module 4: Breaking Through Energy Blocks of Conditioning & Reclaiming Your Power (December 5)
At this point in your journey, you’ll take a close look at your sense of power and your energy boundaries…
Emotionally sensitive people and empaths have porous boundaries which can lead them to their own self.-You can be sabotage and it will make it extremely difficult to trust your intuition.
Katy These powerful classes will help you to overcome your tendencies and set healthy boundaries.
Working within your third chakra, you’ll discover the best ways to put strong boundaries in place to protect yourself, even in life’s most complex situations…
How can I protect myself and my family?
What can you do to protect yourself at work in times when things can get overwhelming?
Your new normal can be made by using your highest intuition to make the best decisions for yourself.
This week, you’ll:
- Develop healthy Energy boundaries
- Learn the Nature of yourself-Sabotage You can also take care of yourself-Trust
- Discover best practices for managing your soul energy
- What can you do to improve your Your nurture is the way you live. The best way to do it These are All over the globe
- The energetic power of Your conditioned self
- Explore the Meaning of energetic conformity — and its powerful implications
- What makes the difference between survival and death?-High level intuition and high-Level intuition
- What an energetically sensitive person feels when they are confronted with situations that might cause them to become irritable just don’t feel right
- You can use guided healing to find the answers. Difference between survival intuition and high-Level intuition
Module 5: Meeting Your Soul & Feeling Your Essence (December 12)
While the first three chakras are connected to your external world experience, this week you’ll move into your fourth chakra… and look inward.
You’ll discern how your soul contracts, life themes, and the rich, beautiful parts in your eighth chakra resonate… it’s all within the heart.
At this point in your training, you’ve cleared many obstacles keeping you from your healthiest possible relationships with the external world — and uncovered a much greater sense of your role as You can find your soul here in human form…
Now that the path has been cleared for your essence to come into full embodiment — who are you, really? How can you fully fulfill your soul contract?
This week you’ll discover the answers as you move Learn more about your true nature Get into the realm of your soul.
In this module, you’ll:
- Distinguish the Difference between compassion and empathy
- Pinpoint Energy leaks and energy blocks They hold back the heart’s energy
- To be the best version of yourself, you must have courage Your soul energy is your totality
- Say yes to your soul essence. This will give your soul the space it needs to heal and move mountains in life.
- Multiply your ancestral grief by releasing it-Dimensional sadness that heaviest on the heart.
- Step into the pure essence of what it is YouYou can manifest and feel the divine in every thing you do
- Become more embodied in your essence — a beautiful, empowering place to be
- Participate in a profound heart-Meditation: Clear multi-Dimensions and generations that are affected by grief, sadness and betrayal.
Module 6: Making Soul-Aligned choices (December 19)
This week, you’ll Track your soul energy using each module — and use your newfound potent energy system to make better choices for your life.
It’s time to take an honest look at how you’re utilizing your soul energy. It’s essential to understand that, from your fresh viewpoint in the fifth chakra, you’re looking at the world from a different place…
You’re also experiencing yourself in a very different way, welcoming in a different level of responsibility for your soul energy, and where you put your focus and attention…
Is it possible to choose between your old programming and a higher understanding in this particular situation?
During this class session, you’ll:
- Keep track of your energy understand what’s motivating your choices — and whether your Conditioned self Your Clear, positive energy from the soul is actually getting last word
- Your Truth is yours
- Express yourself fully Unrestricted by outside influences
- The truth about Why your intuition failed you in the past
- Make divine, guided choices from your new conscious perspective — and refuse to go back to your old programming
- Find out how to shift your mindset From being a victim to your life experiences to becoming a co-Creator of it
- It is important to fully understand the concept one of the greatest powers you’ll ever have The power to choose is at your disposal
- The energy construction of “head versus heart battles” during a guided meditation — and release the confusion
Module 7: Strengthening Your Intuition & Opening to Sacred Dimensions (January 9)
This week you’ll move into the mind field for the first time in the course.
You’ll also look at the energy constructs behind avoidance, denial, and rationalization… and decode how positive thinking can create energy gaps.
You’ll also open up new perspectives, which includes opening up your intuition even more.
You’ll discover the importance of your mind and your perceptions… and how your perfections are often listed straight from your programming, ways of seeing the world you learned at a very early age…
Now that you’ve reorganized your energy system through your fifth chakra, you’re able to see the world from a different lens, collapsing all of the old constructs that limited your view of the world.
It’s time to activate your inner sacred nature so you’ll start to truly see and feel the powerful truth: All things are possible.
This week you’ll:
- Elements in one of your descending chakras that has prevented you from believing in yourself and life’s possibilities
- The following is an interpretation of the Energies of perceptionBoth old and new
- Find out how to prevent energy gaps
- You can stop living your life as a spectator and begin to live it. detached embodiment
- Deepen your understanding of the Dynamic of isolation and disconnection Your life
- Find out how environmental energy can impact your mind.
- Unlock the sixth chakra’s positive thinking
- Redeem a Guided Healing Practice Fill in energy needs
Module 8 Access Your Gateway to The Sacred (January 16)
At this point in your journey you’ll open the crown chakra — your 8th Chakra information and alignment with the quantum field will be provided. Move through your Complete energy system…
This week you’ll tap into your capacity to receive sacred insights and cosmic wisdom — and call in energy from the quantum field, enabling you to activate your healing skills
In this module, you’ll:
- Use sacred energy You can place the sacred in the right places, and then disperse it throughout your entire being
- Manage your healing skills
- How to Work with sacred energy of the highest realmsYour soul contract will determine your stipulations
- You can embody the energy of transformation through the 5 stages of embodiment
- Your ability to master your energy literacy
- Get your access code Portal to the sacred — this living, breathing surrender happens when you’re fully in the Get it nowYour entire BE-Ing understands that everything happens through divine flow
- You can take part in a healing session. Discover your life themesAs written in your soul agreement
Module 9: Living Your 8th Chakra Life — Fully Reclaiming Your Soul Energy (January 23)
Your final week of employment Katy — and your new global community — you’ll bring the whole energy body online, aligning it with the greater cosmic forces…
You’ll call your soul energy into the here and now — and settle into a space of BEing.
How can you move forward and live this? 8th chakra life?
How can you make this a reality and continue the journey to find that place of self?-healing…
… AND be in a co-You can create the space you need to be creative, and live the life that you desire.
As you wrap up this powerful course, you’ll:
- Follow along Katy Calls in The highest transmissions to light you up All levels: Mind, Body, and Spirit
- Ask yourself these questions: What is in flow for you?
- Your soul energy can be channeled through your body to move it. Receive information directly from you 8th Chakra
- Tune in fully intuit energetic interference
- Incorporate your 8th chakra energy
- Harmony as a way of living
- All levels of the soul can be activated Your final healing session with Katy
The Your 8th Chakra Life Bonus Collection
Additional to Katy’s transformative 9-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions will enhance the course and help you to understand and practice better.
Maximizing Your Healing Capacity
Video Instruction Katy Bray
Sometimes you may question if the practitioner wasn’t powerful enough or perhaps wasn’t a fit for you. Maybe you question yourself when you don’t get the results that you want. Ultimately, you are your own healer and it’s important to understand what you can do to create your most impactful healing experiences.
If you are ready to learn how to maximize your capacity to heal and to receive consistent growth, then you don’t want to miss this exclusive interview that will answer some of your deepest questions about healing. You can be the master healer of you life if this interview is important to you. Maximizing Your The Healing Potential.
Chakras can help you build strong relationships
Audio Dialogue with Anodea Harville and Judith Hendrix (PhD)
Anodea is joined in this conversation by Harville Hendrix, a renowned relationship expert. Based on their many years of experience working with thousands upon thousands of couples, these two luminaries offer insights into how to build thriving relationships all your life.
AnodeaDr. : A worldwide spiritual teacher, Dr. bestselling author of seminal The wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System… System… Your Life, Your Chakras are and Your Relationships… Seven other books. Her work as a yoga specialist, somatic psychotherapist, and trauma specialist is unique. It includes a variety of techniques that can be used by therapists, coaches and teachers as well as those who are on their healing journey.
She’s the founder and director of the teaching organization, Sacred Centers. She holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a doctorate in Mind-Body Health with advanced yoga certifications
Harville HendrixHe is a pastoral counselor, who is internationally known for his work in couples. Helen LaKelly Hunt (PhD), is his cohabitation partner.-Imago Relationship Therapy was founded and the concept of “Conscious Partnership.” Nine books have been published by Harville and his collaborators on parenting and intimate relationships. Harville has a PhD in Psychology & Theology from the University of Chicago and has been honored with an honorary doctorate, two distinguished service awards and a PhD in Psychology & Theology. He’s appeared on many national television shows including 17 guest appearances on Oprah Winfrey’s Show. Harville is the author The Guide to Getting the Love you Want: A Guide for Couples A personal guide to keeping the love you find:Both of these were New York Times bestsellers.
Transforming Trauma: What the Biofield Can Do
Video Interview with Shamini Jain & Dr. Julie Yau
This video interview features Dr. Shamini Jain, a trauma therapist and embodiment expert, discussing how trauma can be transformed and the role of Dr. Julie Yau’s biofield in this process.
Dr. Julie Brown Yau ’s 30-A unique combination of experience and knowledge from the spiritual, somatic and psychological traditions has given her an extensive year-long background. Her passion for trauma and reducing suffering through psychological and spiritual studies has led her to a deep interest in cultivating compassion and joy.
Dr. Shamini JainScientist, psychologist, healer and scientist, Shamini teaches the science and practice of all aspects of well-being necessary for a joyful, fully embodied life. Shamini was raised in an East Indian Jain home and has always been interested in healing and human potential. Her pioneering research has been in meditation and hands.-He is an expert in biofield science and healing and has a long history of healing.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Nine 90-Minute Classes Katy Bray
You have the rare opportunity to learn from and mentor a professional clairvoyant and energy worker and gifted empath. Katy Bray — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to master and embody your power as you live your soul’s purpose. Sessions are held on Thursdays at 5:05 PM Pacific.
Nine Video Recordings from Class Sessions
You can stream or download the video after each class.-High quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.
Nine Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
You can download the audio after each class.-High quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.
Nine PDF transcripts of class sessions
The high quality of the products is not only a plus.-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. The class transcription will be available in PDF format so you can review and print the key insights and practices.
Nine thirty-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions
Live class attendance will result in a 30-After each class, there will be an optional interactive practice session lasting approximately 15 minutes. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share, and do additional practices with to help further integrate the weekly lessons. The practice sessions can be viewed live only and are not archived for playback. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.
Interactive Questions and Exercises for Every Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
Online Community
You can continue your explorations after classes by joining our Facebook community. You can discuss your course materials here and interact with other students to make your explorations even more meaningful.
The Your 8th Chakra Life Bonus Collection
- Maximizing Your Healing Capacity
Video Instruction Katy Bray - Chakras can help you build strong relationships
Audio Dialogue With Anodea Harville and Judith Hendrix (PhD) - Transforming Trauma: What the Biofield Can Do
Video Interview with Shamini Jain & Dr. Julie Yau
Download immediately Katy Bray – Your 8th Chakra Life
This is an unprecedented opportunity to join the Your 8th Chakra Life Virtual Training
It is an honor to be acknowledged. Katy Bray The Shift Network has partnered with her to offer this LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a prOfessionYou can find more information atl clairvoyant, energy worker, and gifted empath who’s known for her direct and loving approach.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Katy’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!
If you’re serious about receiving the power and wisdom of your soul, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-Kind training
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
About Katy Bray
In her years of experience and her work with thousands of people, she’s become exceptionally well versed in numerous transformative techniques — and in knowing exactly which ones to use for each specific client. She’s adept at accessing higher information and healing that accelerates their growth. Clients often comment on how she helps them. Katy is the single most powerful partnership they’ve ever experienced.
Katy She is a Vedic Master, herbalist and student of Tantra. Her entire body of work is based on multidimensional living. She’s led more than 100 groups, teaching participants how to become more intuitive and energy literate. She’s an author, speaker, and a catalyst for all who seek her counsel.
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Katy Bray – Your 8th Chakra Life
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 150
- Assessments Yes