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Embrace your health journey with curious compassion, and a desire to enter into a collaborative relationship with yourself to help reverse your autoimmune condition and reclaim optimum health and happiness.
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Keesha Ewers – The Trauma-Autoimmune Connection
If you’ve ever struggled with an autoimmune issue, you know how frustrating and discouraging it can be.
The impact on your body can manifest in a myriad of ways — allergies, infections, insomnia, chronic fatigue, weight gain — even the inability to put on weight.
The complex array of symptoms can be daunting to deal with emotionally, physically, and financially.
The stigma attached to being chronically ill and unable to keep up with friends and family can bring an additional burden of stress to an already overwhelming situation.
At times it can feel hopeless. Yet, leading-edge research is finding there are ways to strengthen your immune system — to put yourself on a path of healing to reclaim the healthy body you desire and deserve.
Dr. Keesha Ewers, board-certified in functional and Ayurvedic medicine, shares how her Freedom Framework model can help you discover and challenge the root causes of your autoimmune disease in a safe, natural, and holistic way — so you can begin to live with greater joy, health, and freedom.
Dr. Keesha has been helping people reverse “irreversible” medical conditions for 30 years — including her own diagnoses of breast cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.
Science has proven a direct link between trauma and autoimmune issues. If you want to heal your autoimmune issues, you must first address and heal your trauma because early childhood events create the patterns in your nervous system that can be reactivated over and over again throughout your adult life.
It’s imperative that you become the hero of your own health journey — by confronting and healing your emotional and physical disease.
The pivotal first step is making necessary dietary changes that support your body — and moving away from foods that cause inflammation, immune dysregulation, blood sugar and hormone imbalances, microbiome dysbiosis in the gut, and disrupted neurotransmitters in the brain. But food is not the last step on this journey.
Next, you’ll work on reversing self-destructive emotional patterns that have kept you in a perpetual state of fight, flight or freeze — a survival instinct that the body is not equipped to handle long term.
A healthy gut is essential for a healthy immune system. And a healthy gut requires a healthy mindset. By upleveling your thoughts and beliefs, you support the transmutation of the microbiome in your gut.
Dr. Keesha’s program also explores how “leaky” personal boundaries can contribute to leaky gut and autoimmune issues — and how mending those boundaries puts your gut and your immune system on a healing pathway.
Dr. Keesha will share the 4 C’s of her Freedom Framework:
- unCover the root causes
- Confront your lab data
- Connect the dots between that data and your lifestyle choices
- Create the life you want from a healthy adult mindset
Are you ready to learn how you can release childhood trauma, address your autoimmune disease, and map a course for a more joyful, healthy, and empowered life?
During this powerful course on the trauma-autoimmune connection, you’ll:
- Explore Dr. Keesha’s Freedom Framework to help uncover solutions to your autoimmune puzzle — and help you potentially reverse your autoimmune issues
- Recognize how early trauma sets up patterns in your nervous system that can be reactivated throughout your life, leading to chronic illness in adulthood
- Discover how employing the HURT (Healing Un-Resolved Trauma) model can help you create a path to reversing autoimmune disease
- Navigate the 4 P’s of autoimmune issues to achieve freedom from your chronic dis-ease: people pleasing, perfectionism, pitta dosha, and holding on to poison from past pain
- Identify your attachment style so you’re better able to access and work with the parts of yourself that are ready to be healed
- Discover the deeply ingrained meanings, beliefs, and behaviors created by your child-self that are negatively impacting your health
- Observe how to listen and respond in a nourishing way to the messages your body is sending you
- Recognize how to protect and support your body — and move away from the habits and actions that lead to inflammation, immune dysregulation, blood sugar and hormone imbalances, microbiome dysbiosis, and disrupted neurotransmitters
- Explore character styles and their corresponding maladaptive habits of codependency, disassociation, and numbing techniques that cause self-sabotage
- Learn how healing “leaky” boundaries can heal a leaky gut — and put you on the path toward reversing autoimmunity
- Discover how laboratory testing is the way to “test not guess” — testing is the way you can hear the language your body uses to communicate with you
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Dr. Keesha will guide you through the strategies and practices you’ll need to enter into a compassionate, collaborative relationship with yourself to reverse your autoimmune condition and reclaim optimum health and happiness.
The Power of Livestreaming Video
You’ll connect with Dr. Keesha and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Keesha’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dr. Keesha. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to gain greater clarity into the underlying causes of your autoimmune issues and map a course for healing and transformation.
Module 1: Introducing Dr. Keesha’s Freedom Framework (May 5)

In this module, you’ll:
- Discover how to achieve physical health by releasing illness that’s has been locked in your system
- Examine your unique combination of genetics, gut health, toxic burden, and trauma to embark upon an individualized healing journey
- Navigate the 4 P’s of autoimmune issues to achieve freedom from your chronic dis-ease (people pleasing, perfectionism, pitta dosha, and holding on to poison from past pain)
- Move beyond functional medicine’s traditionally exclusive focus on supplements and food to a more holistic approach
- Identify how to listen to your body’s communication with curious compassion
Module 2: The Link Between Childhood Trauma & Adult Illness (May 12)

In this module, you’ll:
- Recognize how experiencing early trauma establishes adverse patterns in your nervous system that can be reactivated throughout your life — leading to chronic illness (like autoimmune conditions and cancer) in adulthood
- Discover how employing the HURT (Healing Un-Resolved Trauma) model can help you create a path to reversing autoimmune disease
- Observe and incorporate strategies to transcend negative mental and emotional perceptions
- Identify your attachment style so you’re better able to access and work with the parts of yourself that are ready to be healed
- Discover the deeply ingrained meanings, beliefs, and behaviors created by your child-self that are negatively impacting your health
- Work with Dr. Keesha’s Freedom Framework to reframe stories of victimhood and simply surviving into an epic narrative of actively thriving
- Integrate new knowledge with skill-building exercises to heal from the effects of attachment wounding
Module 3: Tracking the Parts That Emerge From Past Trauma (May 19)

In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the coping mechanisms the innocent psyche of your child self created to survive traumatic experiences in the past
- Explore the various ego parts that emerged in order to get your needs met
- Learn how you hold and fold your trauma as patterns that are carried into adulthood and adult relationships
- Discover how to listen and respond in a nourishing way to the messages these parts are sending you in adulthood
- Learn how to become curious, compassionate, and collaborative rather than combative with yourself as a way of reversing your autoimmune condition and upleveling the quality of your communication with yourself and others
Module 4: The Intimate Connection Between Mind-Body Trauma (May 26)

In this module, you’ll:
- Discover why chronic illnesses such as autoimmune diseases are experienced as a betrayal of the body
- Explore the multitude of ways we betray our bodies by feeding them foods that lead to inflammation, immune dysregulation, blood sugar and hormone imbalances, microbiome dysbiosis in the gut, and disrupted neurotransmitters in the brain
- Learn the character styles and their maladaptive habits of codependency, disassociation, and numbing techniques that cause self-sabotage in health-promoting programs
- Discover your character style that emerged from your early years as a child
- Develop tools for making friends with your character style and moving from resistance to life to embracing life
Module 5: Trauma — The Hidden Curse in Your Relationships (June 2)

In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the empath-narcissist connection — and how and why it happens
- Learn how to recognize the childhood patterns that developed in response to trauma that create the empath and the narcissist
- Explore the narcissistic abuse “love” cycle and how to break free from it
- Learn how intergenerational trauma perpetuates these relationship traumas over and over again — and how to stop the cycle
- Understand how a highly sensitive psyche and energy system creates a highly sensitive immune system, which can lead to autoimmune disease and cancer
- Discover techniques to protect your energy system from energy vampires
Module 6: Leaky Boundaries Lead to Leaky Gut (June 9)

In this module, you’ll:
- Discover what boundaries are and why they are necessary
- Learn why healing leaky boundaries can heal leaky gut, which has been known to reverse autoimmunity
- Discover what happens in the body when you have intestinal permeability
- Explore the cortisol release cycle that develops when you live in a constant state of fight or flight
- Discover the different kinds of boundaries and tools for creating and maintaining them: physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual, and environmental
Module 7: Putting the Pieces of Your Puzzle Together (June 16)

In this module, you’ll:
- Review the Freedom Framework and how to individualize your autoimmune puzzle so you can potentially reverse your autoimmune challenge by looking into the root-cause areas of body, mind, heart, spirit, and your story
- Explore the idea that laboratory testing is a way to “test, not guess” — and understand that laboratory testing is the language the body uses to communicate with you
- Discover the laboratory tests needed to begin that dialogue and how to do them
- Learn that there is no one-size-fits-all protocol to reverse autoimmune disease
- Understand the language your body uses to communicate with you, with signs the body is always giving you
- Discover how forgiveness and reconciliation differ — and why forgiveness is essential for reversing autoimmunity
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Trauma-Autoimmune Connection Online Training
We feel honored that Dr. Keesha Ewers has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the founder of the Academy for Integrative Medicine whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about discovering the answers to your health challenges, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 77
- Assessments Yes