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Micheila Offers a series Channeled guidance is used to facilitate the completion of these courses. These courses offer Format File: [Webrips-Video, 10MP4] File Size: 7.04GB
Micheila Sheldan – Exclusive Lightworker, Inner circle series
Lightworker Inner Circle Channeled Course Series
Micheila Offers a series There are many courses that can be facilitated by channeled guidance. These courses offer a unique vibration, initiating a process that will clear programming, resolve karma, and flood the DNA with new information, allowing you to remember your soul’s true path and manifest in line with your highest purpose. The consciousness energy that speaks through Micheila This message is customized to meet the needs of each listener. With the help of your Guides and as a participant in this audience, your message is tailored to your needs. This includes healing, raising your vibration, and meeting your energetic needs. You can initiate classes by setting your intention. This will allow you to connect to and raise your vibration to all that is available. The vibration you hold throughout the class and beyond will continue to have a lasting effect on your energy field. There is. ‘homework’ You can integrate lessons with your everyday experience. As you work with this vibrational tool, you will begin to access your soul’s unique imprint, as you rise above the timelines you created that no longer serve you and assemble the pieces of the puzzle you have been waiting to understand.
Lightworker Inner Circle 14
Soul Alchemy, Quantum Gateways for Collective Evolution
Divine Mother, Kwan Yiin, Isis and Jeremiah Collective are some of the other names
You are moving right now through a powerful quantum gateway that dramatically changes wave-The particle form. Your unique quantum field is made up of vibrating light particles. Your world is a collection of photonic waves that are interpreted by the mind and responded in each moment. Your perception of the world is like a moving tide of waves-Your personal hologram is constantly crashing into particles, creating the current in your life. Each human soul has the chance to change its reality as the collective earth vibrates more quickly. You must be prepared to interact with wave patterns and quantum gateways in order to achieve soul alchemy. It is essential to constantly evaluate your life in the quantum realm, so that you can take advantage of this precious time. Your most difficult areas are the ones that you are willing to reveal. Join Micheila over 8 hours of guided guidance, activations, and wisdom on quantum gateways to soul alchemy.
Lightworker Inner Circle 13
Physical Enlightenment and Merging with Universal Energies
The Dolphin and Whale Collectives. Hathor. Divine Mother. Isis.
Your conscious direction and support are crucial to the human body’s crystal structure. However, it can receive mixed signals from your conscious support. What happens when the messages get distorted? How do you sort through the myriad of timelines and ascension experiences that are contributing to this communication? Each person has a unique energy signature which changes as your consciousness rises and vibration increases. This course will explore all aspects of physical awakening, including the body consciousness and its energy channels and meridians. It also examines how the body responds to various planetary and soul transitions. As you integrate these transmissions, you will fully understand your unique energy signature, harness the greatest potentials for your body in alignment with your soul’s blueprint and uncover a unique master plan for working in concert with your physical energy. This course provides over 6 hours of channeled messages and meditative techniques that can be used to revisit physical body issues.
Lightworker Inner Circle 12
Embodying Freedom, activating the God/Goddess within
The Nehal, The Pleiadians and The Magdalena Collective are all part of the Kwan Yin
A period of chaos or reorganization is necessary to ground a new dimension. By interacting with these old social norms and restrictions, you can transform them into a new consciousness. These programs can be integrated in subtle ways to create a new reality. This allows you to let go of the past and embrace the present by creating the new earth from your own experience. You are being called to recognize the abundance of freedom you already possess, even in a world that feels overwhelmingly restrictive. This channeled course will help you to understand sovereignty and narrow the gap between your current reality and your future goals. Channeled transmissions, activations and channeled messages will help you activate personal sovereignty in your most restricting life experiences, transform spiritual wisdom and conscious physical action to affect your daily life, and reveal your true nature, which is beyond fear of the collective.
Lightworker Inner Circle 11
Discovering Truth, Clearing the Path to Strengthen Belief
The Nehal and The Pleiadians, The Magdalena Collective
Enlightenment doesn’t require an exhaustive understanding of all universal truths. The egoic perceptions that humans have experienced awakening are unable to accept the one truth that exists. This one truth is the key to human expansion. It will allow us to move further into space and time. You are bombarded daily with messages from other people seeking a new truth in an age of superinformation. You are not here in order to make your life around an existing truth. You are here for the experience of many truths and to contemplate them all on your path towards higher consciousness.-Physical plan set in motion thousands of years ago. This course contains 6 vibrational transmissions that will align you with universal spiritual, physical, and unified truths. You will develop higher confidence in your personal discernment and free up valuable energetic currency through energetic processes and activations to live in harmony with your soul’s unique perspectives and knowledge.
Lightworker Inner Circle 10
Your Inner Keycodes for Living In Harmony, Relationship to God and the Divine Keycodes
Teachings of Mary Magdalene and the Divine Mother
Your inner relationship to the Divine is the foundation of your human life. This inner relationship includes your perception of your self and your ability to allow the Divine to divinely arrange your life in accordance with your unique creative creations, wishes, and desires. This type of activity is often viewed as self-indulgent by many who don’t take the time to foster this kind of relationship.-Serving and not being aligned to human service is a virtue. It is vital that you have a loving, abundant inner relationship to improve your service to humanity. This will allow you to be happy and not limit your ability to enjoy the rich human life you were blessed with. This may seem obvious to many, but the ability to create a meaningful relationship with the Divine might be something you don’t know. This course is intended to reacquaint you with the beauty of your soul’s journey and the process of manifestation. Six keycodes can be used to awaken creativity, align with peace and bring understanding to human creation.
Lightworker Inner Circle 9
Mentoring with your Higher Self, Activating Collective Energies for Manifestation
A channeled course in the Master Collective Unity of Light
The planet now assists humanity in activating the star gates of higher self. This wonderful part of your vibrational technology is important because it will not only enhance your own journey but also the collective human experience. This channeled course aims to help you identify and use your higher self as your personal guide, navigator or master teacher. It also helps integrate your mind and emotions with it so that you can create alignment with your highest potential. This course will allow you to mentor Quan Yuin, Metratron, Gabriel, and the Orion Council of Light. These loving beings are The Master Collective Unity of Light. They have gathered specifically to facilitate this vibrational interaction. These Master Teachers will help you to initiate and activate communication with your higher self. Modules include soul communication, healing, manifestation, and creation. This course offers over 6 hours of channeled communication, activations and processes that can be used to reactivate.-To support your collective and linear experience, you can use the higher self to help.
Lightworker Inner Circle 8
Architects of a New Humanity: Changing the Tide
Teachings of Mary Magdalene and Ra, the Pleiadians
Gaia’s genetic code has been activated. This code is a component of her genetic structure and yours. You are the hero or heroine in this great moment of transition. Source Consciousness is now able to shine into the collective because of the light in you. This light is the rebirth and rebirth of humanity, your soul and our mother earth planet. Each one of us has the Christ timeline. You may feel like your life is small compared to the great Master Teacher. But the Master Teacher is within you. If this is true, then how can you not be here now, during this time of rebirth? To allow the Christed energy in you to shine forth. The frequency of creation is new for human beings who are embodied in Christed Energy. This frequency is not unique, but collective in its vibration. This new genetic code allows for the union of all beings in Christed energy to create a new Heaven and Earth through Source Consciousness. While many people on the planet will begin to see this amazing opportunity to rebirth humanity as a possibility, others will remain stifled in their limited beliefs and self-image.-Awareness, as well the connection to mass consciousness as resistance to the creative process.
Download it immediately Micheila Sheldan – Exclusive Lightworker, Inner circle series
Lightworker Inner Circle 7
Drop the Anchors, activate your Inner Creator
Teachings of Mary Magdalene, Mary Pleaidans, and many other people
There are deep connections between your physical experience, which is made up of layers of energy, and ideas of limitation and linear living. Although these concepts of singular creation or perception are open to change, they can cause resistance. To create a fulfilling life, you need to have faith in the unknown and trust it. Your consciousness has evolved to support you. Are you willing to change the structures of your reality that don’t serve your evolution? Your anchors are the aspects of your reality that hold you in one experience. These anchors are some of the most prominent manifestations through time that have held you in a singular body and physical experience – constructs of time, duality, identity and physicality. These anchors will be explored one at a time. You’ll then release them from your energy body, and then from your creative process. Each anchor can be released one at a time, allowing you to create a new anchor that suits your needs and allows for you to live beyond the limitations of linear time. This vibrational course focuses on activations, processes and interactions with Light Beings. They are here to help you heal your DNA and amplify your creativity.
Lightworker Inner Circle 6
Arcing through a linear timeline
Teachings from the 8th Dimensional Arcturian Collective
Is the collective reality we live in a hologram or real? What is the process? How does your structure work with universal energies in order to create a higher-dimensional experience? This course is a teaching of this interconnectedness, not just for the planet’s rebirth, but for your own. The Arcturians help to shed light on what’s going on on the earth, and how you can operate in these times. These teachings will activate you lightbody and magnetic fields through powerful activations that attune your chakras to the new Hertz frequency. This activates galactic energies that are accessible through Mother Gaia. This course focuses on quantum entangled relationship that must be realigned inside your energy field in order to move beyond stress, emotional trauma, and fear. This process will open up your energy field, increase your consciousness, and prepare you to embark on the live journey of the Arcturians. The process can be repeated as many times you want and you will receive unique results.
Lightworker Inner Circle 5
Timeline Integration: Serving Yourself & Others through a New Frequency
Teachings of Dolphin Matrix
Many transitions occur in our lives. The Dolphin Matrix will explore the challenges you face in these transitions between dimensions or entering a new timeline. This course will provide you with information and tools that will help you to understand the most problematic timelines.-Your pleasure and allow them to shift into the new frequency of your reality. The Dolphin Matrix supports us in navigating integration periods with the best possible results. It makes vibrational and physical progress towards new timelines. Learn how to let go of the resistance that prevents you from creating the life you desire. You will also receive 2 hours of channeled interactions from the Dolphin Matrix.-Hour DNA Crystalization and Activation Process to incorporate the material into your physical reality.
Lightworker Inner Circle 4
Tuning the Physical Body to Collective Energies
Teachings of the 9th Dimensional Alantean Collective
Join Micheila Join the 9th Dimensional Atlantean Collective for a journey to attune you physical body for collective energies. This class guides us through the next phase in our transition, and some intense solar or planetary alignments that are increasing our vibration and expanding ourselves.-Healing abilities. As a multilingual communicator, you will be able to communicate better with your body.-Dimensional tool: How to remove resistance around dense cosmic history, and how to re-energize.-Pattern cellular energies and how you can find harmony and peace within your physical body during times of dense karmic release. Each transmission in this program includes a specific healing code, which is transmitted through activated light frequency. The codes and activations focus on the release of density related to the healer/collective relation and frustrations that you may have anchored in your structure as imprints over time. This course contains 6 hours of channeled activations and lessons, along with 6 galactic lightcodes that integrate the material.
Lightworker Inner Circle 3
Find Your Signature Imprint
The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective teaches
If you are looking at your soul’s purpose as a completely different path from what you have manifested so far, look again! It’s all around you… the clues, the information, the support and the tools. But we must first integrate the soul and the higher self to perceive… and to receive… the whole picture. The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collaborative takes you on an exciting 5 week journey to activate the higher self. It will enable you to unite the parts into a collective energy that displays your unique imprint. The course focuses on the inner workings and implications of new communication portals, including disclosure, cosmic family and DNA connection. To better understand, retain and comprehend the information you receive, you will need to activate your inner receiver to higher communication. You will also learn how to align your timelines with the higher-dimensional collective purpose that you accepted in this incarnation.
Lightworker Inner Circle 2
Manifesting in The Fifth Dimension
The 9th Dimensional Lemurian Collective teaches
We accepted programming in the 3rd Dimension that caused resistance in our energy bodies. This was the filter that created core beliefs, imprints, a definition of self and an identity that were not authentic to us. This article contains 10-week channeled, the Pleiadian collectives and the Lemurian collectives prepare us for a different method of manifestation as they bridge the gap between 3rd and fifth Dimensional realities. While we are now able to collectively manifest a higher frequency, our programming and imprints continue to block us from accessing this higher-dimensional form of manifestation. This course will help you to reorient your thinking and create new possibilities.-These programs can be imprinted, which will clear density and allow you to better understand your assignment and how you can manifest your reality in service of humanity, self, and all life. This course includes 10 vibrational interactions with Lemurian Collective.
Lightworker Inner Circle 1
The Fifth Dimension: Thriving
The 9th Dimensional Lemurian Collective teaches
We had a completely different operating system in the 3rd Dimension. Often, a single aspect of our energy bodies took the initiative. Our spiritual essence was ignored and the mental body went to work. Or, our emotional bodies governed our vibration and stifled creativity. Our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies were designed to work together in harmony, balance and harmony for our highest good. You will be guided and activated to Thrive In the 5th Dimension with a new operating system. You will also learn how to open your heart chakra to receive guidance and activate communication portals that can be used to connect to your guides, teachers and master beings. This course comprises 10 channeled classes that include vibrational practices and homework for integration lessons.
What people have to say about Micheila’s Lightworker Inner Circle Channeled Courses
I am deeply in love with you. Micheila’s lightworker class and had a deeply moving and profound experience with the non-The transmissions contain physical energy. Each week, channeling gave me strength and hope. “spiritual tool box.” Since about 7 years ago, I felt very unhappy with the way my personal matters were being handled. I felt like I was in a deep pit and didn’t have the tools to help me get out. With MicheilaI feel like I’ve been given tools by the Pleiadians and Lemurians, Jacob, Jeramiah and Jacob to climb out of this hole and move on to climb a mountain. Or I can live my life the best way for me and for humanity. That’s a great feeling of comfort and satisfaction to know that I can impact the world by simply caring for myself.
– Diane, Maryland
You should know how deeply life is.-I have found that these classes can be changed. Journaling and writing down my dreams has been a way for me to learn from the lessons in these weekly classes. I re-Pay attention to activations and listen often. Everything is perfectly aligned and suited to my needs. Tonight was so beautiful and relaxing that I couldn’t help but weep. There are no tears, just an awareness of the support and aliveness. Even though these channelings seem simple, there is so much information. Yet, the intention and focus on these details is an art form. I noticed an increase in my peripheral vision. It also made me appreciate the world around me.-fold. I find this information so timely. It is a great pleasure to have met you. I am grateful for your time and again, thank you to the group we are all part of.
Anne Elizabeth, Oregon
I have loved these transmissions – it felt like divine timing. It was as if my Guides, 9th Dimensional Beings, and others were with me and helping me to cross some critical thresholds. We are so grateful. Thank you. Micheila For your grace and openness.
– Jenny, Utah
I gave her this package as a Christmas gift and I am so grateful! The lightworker program has beautiful and profound benefits.-The messages that guides share feel so personal it can change perceptions. The guides are able to provide the most up-to-date information that will help you along your journey. It empowers both you and your fellow humans!
Download it immediately Micheila Sheldan – Exclusive Lightworker, Inner circle series
– Emily, California
I just wanted to write to thank you for your work channeling and creating the Lightworker Series both 1 & 2, and the Monthly program. The entire experience was transformative and has given me a new sense of peace.-It is breathtakingly beautiful. I am in various states of awe and peace when I hear the words of Jeremiah and the Pleiadian Ascension Collects. In anticipation of next week’s lesson, I often dance around the house. It’s been a wonderful experience, a true joy, and an incredible learning experience. It is overwhelming to find so much information and so many people offering transformative and inspirational spiritual work that it can be overwhelming. Thank you for the wonderful messages.
– Dorethy, Toronto
I am part of your Lightworkers Inner Circle 3. This group has been amazing. Integration of the Ego was both eye-opening and healing on so many levels. Thank you!-Thank you so much, Lightworkers, for your amazing service.
– Jason, California
We are grateful for all the blessings received in your classes. The teachings and messages that were sent were very accurate for me, and I am sure the other participants. My vibration is higher, I feel more alive, my heart sings, my problems are addressed, and my sadness has lifted. You are a wonderful channel and teacher. Your work resonates well with others and I feel extremely grateful that the Universe & G.-D has allowed us co-Create together. I look forward for what might come from other times spent together.
-Susan New York
Micheila I just finished the five classes and want to share what I learned. The currency concept gave me precise clarity about how I had been using belief and collective frequencies to eat without intention. It is a remarkable tool for sonic dolphin guidance. It was a tool I used to balance material wealth and health, but it wasn’t something that I thought could help my body. I was liberated when I realized that eating too much food, but with the joy of knowing that it might be serving someone else in another timeframe, is a mistake. It was impossible to heal from my judgments about what food should be, how everything was grown, and how it was designed. When I addressed the deeper issue, I was able to see tangled frequencies gently untangle. I also stated that I was in control as Source and released the ongoing patterns that were keeping me and it in 3D. Each cord was then aligned vertically with my crystalline form.
– Debra, Colorado
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes