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Are you familiar with the Karate Kid montage? The apprentice and the master. The old man, and the boy. “Wax on, wax off…” Format File: [28 Videos (MP4) + Doc (T… File Size: 1.29 Gb
Mo Bunnell – GrowBIG Foundations
Are you familiar with the Karate Kid montage? The master and his apprentice. The old man, and the boy. “Wax on, wax off…” In a little over two minutes time, we see Daniel’s metamorphosis. No longer the aimless kid, he’s now respected and on his way to becoming an expert.
Karate Kid Movie Shot
This hero’s journey is at the heart of most great stories. It’s a part of our cultural DNA.
Whether it’s sports, chess, or learning a musical instrument, we know that in order to be the best you need to work at it. It is important to learn. It is important to practice. To become great, you need to practice.
But how is business development different?
For whatever reason, most people don’t see being great at bringing in business the same way they might see being a great concert pianist.
Training, practice, focus, and concentration are all important to the pianist.
But sales? Charisma, “A-personalities”And a bit of bravado.
I know you probably don’t consider yourself to be a rainmaker.
You’re a professional in a specific field, like consulting or law, or an account manager leading important client relationships. Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur, running the business and also on the hook for growing it.
The point is, you’ve worked hard to be good at something. Your core expertise is important to you. You’re good at it and want to keep doing it. But, if you don’t add the expertise of buy from you, you won’t keep rising.
You trained hard to be great at your particular field – after all, you weren’t born with that expertise. The question is: How can you be as successful in bringing in business as your core expertise?
How can you get to the depth of your core knowledge and learn the science behind growth?
How can you put those skills to use, increasing your business and learning more?
And how can you continue to focus on these newfound growth activities, even when you’re crazy busy doing the work?
I’m Mo Bunnell, and I’m a lot like you
And like you, I’m not a natural salesperson.
I began my career as a technician. This is probably the most technical occupation. Yes, I was an actuary. My first career was measured by my ability to rip through numbers on my HP.-12C calculator and large spreadsheets
Everything changed then.
After passing the final actuarial exam, I was promoted by my consulting firm to a wide client management position. Client service and technical abilities were key to my success before. After? Business development skills. Whoa! In one day, my life changed.
So even though I didn’t self-I was identified as a salesperson and had to learn quickly how to be one. I asked my boss “Where’s the manual? The one that I can use to learn business development?” He told me there wasn’t a manual. “You know, just treat the client right.”
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I was terrified. (I was fortunate to have had great mentors.
I knew there had got to be a better way.
The desire for that missing manual–a business development system I could use and be proud of–has become my life’s passion. I’ve been building that manual for over twenty years and I’ll be refining it till I die. I’ve interviewed rainmakers. I’ve dug into peer-Reviewed research. I’ve tested and refined the techniques myself.
The result? It is a repeatable and easy-to-use framework, rooted in behavioral sciences. Science + steps = success. It’s based on being proactive and helpful. It works even when you’re busy. And most importantly, you can be proud of implementing it, because you’ll always be treating the client right.
I want you to be your client’s secret weapon and I want them to tell the world about you. I want you to be passionate about business development, and I want to help you take your career to new heights.
This isn’t hollow, wishy-Washed “you can do it!” motivation. This framework, my GrowBIG® Training, has helped over 15,000 professionals at over 400 internationally recognized organizations. And it’s based on over 130 peer-I reviewed neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral science. (Remember, I was a practicing Actuary!)
Now I’m distilling this framework into a self-Study course from the comfort of your home.
You will find over 3 hours worth of information within.-These depth strategies can be used immediately to shift the way that you approach business development.
GrowBIG Foundations
Here’s why I’m so excited to share this new online course with you…
Our GrowBIG® Training is intense – it’s 3-Days of hands-On, highly interactive, in-Our headquarters in Atlanta offers training for people. Professionals find it difficult to accept the $4,000+ flights and hotel and the extra time off work.
GrowBIG® Training is intense because it’s designed To deliver a start-to-Professionals can use the finish system to gain more and better clients.
And, if I can be totally honest with you, it’s not something that everyone is ready for.
To make progress, people must first fix some fundamental mistakes: How do they proactively advance opportunities, build relationships, and hack themselves into better habits.
That’s where GrowBIG® Foundations can help.
By the time you complete this online course, you’re going To be ahead of the pack. You’ll know what rainmakers do and don’t do. You’ll be able to integrate simple, efficient activities into your day to day-to-daily routine. And, you’ll see results.
This course is divided into five modules.
The Foundation: Building
In this module, we’re going to prep your mind for a total overhaul.
Welcome to the course
The science of expertise
These are the 3 mindsets that will help you succeed
What’s your why?
The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument
How different people think
Understanding different thinking styles
It’s time to be yourself-Evaluation
Let’s go!
You’ll meet me, and I’ll give an overview the entire GrowBIG® framework. Big picture first.
You’ll learn why no one is a “born” rainmaker. You’ll learn that business development is a skill and not some innate trait that some have and some don’t.
I’ll make sure we’re first on the same page, covering what business development is (and isn’t), and I’ll walk you through the essential sales skills you need to know.
I’ll then going ask you to define your Why– what kind of impact would frictionless business development have for you, your clients, your family, and the people around you? (We’ll be revisiting your Why throughout this course.)
Then I’ll get to a foundational tool that’s changed my life: the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI). It’ll help you better understand yourself and everyone else connected with your business development success, especially your prospects and clients. It’s the magic decoder ring that’ll show you how to communicate to others in the way they want to buy, instead of the way you would buy yourself.
We’ll close out the module with an 100-Point business development skill assessment will provide a snapshot of your current situation and help you in the areas that you need most. At the end of the course, you’ll take this same assessment again to see how far you’ve come.
Managing Your Opportunities
This module is about bringing in business. It sounds easy, but almost everyone does it wrong without any training.
Big picture first
How to ask great question
How to get prospects to put their focus back on yours
The IKEA effect
How to get to a “Yes!”
The opportunity list
First, we’ll start with the overview of getting to a yes. The steps are the same, regardless of whether you need to get a verbal agreement or a large contract signed. We’ll start with this overview of getting more yes’s.
Then, we’ll go deep on the first step: Listen and Learn. I’ll cover the science of why you want to start with the prospective client and specifically how to ask questions that’ll light up their brain’s pleasure center, giving them a high by sharing their priorities and needs.
After giving them the spotlight, I’ll teach you how to use curiosity to turn the focus back on you and your solutions. The intrinsic motivator of curiosity is one of the most powerful human traits. You’ll learn how to create curiosity to have the client asking how you can help them. Since you know their priorities in their words, you’ll efficiently be able to show them how you can help.
Now, it’s time to get series: building the solution together. It’s amazing how science works. People are willing to help create it. I’ll show you how to build a solution with your client in a way they’ll love and has the highest chance of success. And, if they’re not really interested? You’ll know in 20 minutes instead of 20 hours of useless follow up.
Lastly, closing. I’ll show you that if you’re following the steps above, this last one is the easiest. Sometimes curve balls can happen, and I’ll show you how to overcome them.
We’ll close this Module out with you creating your own Opportunity List, a place where you’ll capture every opportunity you have, what your next step is, and how you can proactively make it in a way your clients will love.
How to manage your relationships
Next, we’re going to turn our attention to your business relationships.
The power and potential of relationships
These are the five major drivers of relationships
The Protemoi List
The Asset List
Reviewing the Protemoi List
We’ll start with the power of relationships and how they differ from opportunities. According to most experts, while a big deal might make you rich, a great relationship can make you a better professional. I’ll show you why it’s so important to invest in the right relationships, where science shows we get distracted and off track, and a simple way to stay focused.
Then, we’ll dig deep into the science of likability. People spend more money with those they like, and I’ll cover the most important behaviors you can employ to be more likable.
With this background, I’ll show you the first four of seven steps to deep relationships. These are the initial stages. When things are most fragile, they require extra care.
Then, we’ll go deep on deepening relationships–the last three steps. I’ll show you how to take solid working relationships and create raving fans, clients telling everyone they know about you. Your raving supporters are like a small sales team working to help you because they have already helped you so much.
Like the last module, we’ll close with a practical tool to help you implement what you’ve learned. This is what will make your soft skills turn into hard results.
Management of Yourself
Finally, we’re going to talk about you.
Big picture first
Start small and think big. Scale up!
Metrics and theme
7 ways you can hold yourself accountable
Build YOUR rituals
What’s the interplay between your habits and business development? How can you think big, start small, and scale up?
Here I’ll cover the research on goals, not just the old school “goals are important” You may have heard the same research in high school. However, you need to do more research on how to set goals and at which level.
And, you’re going to learn about consistently making progress, focusing on what you can control and celebrating your incremental successes. Like learning a musical instrument, you can’t pick up business development activities every other month for a few hours and succeed. I’ll show you how to keep moving forward, even when you are busy.
We can choose our direction by setting goals. You will see the flywheel start to turn if you make consistent progress. Next, I’ll teach you how to accelerate, using psychological momentum. Yes, psychological momentum is a thing, and I’ll show you how to use it to your advantage.
Lastly, we’ll end by focusing on staying accountable. Look, I don’t want you to power through this course and complete it thinking “that was great!”Only to go back to what they were doing. If you don’t apply what you learn in this course, I’ve failed as a teacher and you’ve failed to fix the problem that led you here.
We’ll finish by circling back to the beginning of the course and revising that self assessment. From there, you’ll then get to work building your rituals, both calendar-driven and the “if”-This-then-These are only occasional.
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We are at the finish!
Future failures and four focus areas to avoid
You did it!
Bonus case study: Bonneau Ansley
How to avoid making the same mistakes new BD pros make
You must ensure that the right systems and habits are in place.
I’ll provide you with a self-assessment.-An assessment will show you how your thinking and system have changed since the beginning of this course
Being great at selling isn’t something you’re “born with”
Remember: the Karate Kid didn’t wish his way into becoming great at martial arts. All the motivational posters “rah, rah!” videos in the world weren’t going to teach him the Art of Karate.
And, like Daniel, you aren’t going to master the rainmaking by motivation alone. First, you need to be able to identify the core competencies of business development. Then, you will be able to begin using them. Like your core expertise, it is possible to learn how you can bring in business.
Take Business Development Breakthrough to get started. I will help you manage your relationships, opportunities, and yourself. Let’s get you successful with that first – and have you realize the results (more meaty work, more awesome clients!)
It is time to act: enroll now in Business Development Breakthrough
But enrolling isn’t enough. You’re going to commit to acting on the material, and becoming an expert in business development.
You can, too, if you’re an actuary such as myself.
I’m looking forward to seeing you on the inside.
Are you ready to get started?
Register now to receive everything you need for a rewired brain that will help you become the successful salesperson that you know.
All 5-Modules for depth learning
You can download worksheets that you can use to help put your learning into action
Bonus case studies featuring real experts
Access to the course for life
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30-Day and Money-Back Guarantee
Questions? Just email us: su*****@bu**************.com
Questions frequently asked
You’ve got questions – here are the answers:
“I’m a lawyer / accountant / account manager / entrepreneur – will this help me?”
Do you need to get people to say Yes to using you or your organization’s expertise? You are a salesperson, so congratulations!
Many professionals, myself included, don’t personally identify as a salesperson.
When we’re at a networking or industry event, we’re not telling people that we work in sales. We say we’re lawyers, consultants, account managers, business owners or whatever.
But you are in sales and you can learn how to do it in a way you’ll be proud. This course teaches people how to make their clients happy by bringing in business.
“I’m new to bringing in business. Will this help me?”
This course will help you, no matter what your level of experience. If you’re just starting out, it’ll give you a framework to work with – allowing you to sidestep the scrapes and bruises I stumbled upon the hard way. And if you’ve been at it for a while and have always thought of business development as an afterthought, then this course is going to deliver a new perspective, along with a set of concrete how-to’s, that will help you be even better at your job. Sometimes it’s the most experienced people that can gain the most–for many experienced experts, going from 95th to 99th percentile can mean millions of dollars to you or your company’s bottom line.
“How does this differ from GrowBIG?”
Our flagship program GrowBIG® Training, has helped over 15,000 people adopt a framework for start-To-finish sales. It’s intense. It’s live. It’s three jam-In the midst of packed days-Person training.
Many people want to be able to grow like a pro but cannot afford it. GrowBIG® Training or the time away from work for an in-Person three-Day Training GrowBIG® Foundations can help.
This online training is designed to be done at your own pace from your own home. It’s not as long or as involved as the full GrowBIG® system, but it’s a great place to start. Should you decide somewhere down the line that you’ve gained so much from this course and are seeing the sort of results that make you want to double-down on what you’ve learned so far – then you’ll be ready for the full GrowBIG® Training, and this course will have given you a great head start when you take things to the next level.
“How do I know I’ll get what I need out of this?”
Because we’re backing this with a full guarantee. Within 30 days of purchase,-days of purchasing you feel that the sheer amount of value you received from this course doesn’t outweigh what you paid, we’ll refund you in full. No questions asked. We stand by the quality of what we’ve created, and we know it works if you give it your all.
“What happens after I buy?”
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Immediately after buying, you’ll get credentials that you can use to login to the courseware at any time, and from any computer (even your tablet or phone!)
This course is available to you for life. You can choose to jump right in or wait until things calm down. We’re always ready and able to help you.
Readmore: http://archive.is/pefQt
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes