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It is highly technical and combines theory with practice. It includes every detail you could want to Start you at beginner Angular developer to Expert.
Mosh Hamedani – Angular 4 – Beginner to Pro
Angular This framework is extremely popular for creating client apps using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript.
Simply stated, Angular It is essential-Include it on your resume. You are fortunate to have this course as a full-time job.-on, deep-Take a deep dive Angular that will give you the competitive edge you’re looking for.
It is highly technical and combines theory with practice. It includes every detail you could want to Start you at beginner Angular developer to expert
I share tips from several years’ experience using Angular, including the do’s and don’ts, best practices, common mistakes and practical shortcuts that every professional Angular developer needs to know.
Beginner to Advanced
Lifetime Access
370 Lessons
30 hours of video
Exercises and Solutions
Access on Mobile/Mobil
Hi! I’m Mosh I’m here to help you master. Angular!
Here are a few reasons. to This course is available to purchase
This course will prepare you to be able to…
Fast and interactive building and deployment Angular Apps with confidence
Troubleshoot common errors
Make sure your code is clean and maintainable
Best practices
What you’ll learn…
You’ll build your first house right from the start. Angular 4 Within minutes, you can download the app. We’ll not waste time with boring introductions.
Display data and handle events
Create re-usable components
Directives can be used to manipulate the DOM
Format data using pipes
Use this template-Forms that are both reactive and driven
Utilize HTTP services
Use Reactive Extensions, and observables
Implement routing and navigation
Implement authentication and authorization
Store data in Firebase
Your applications should be deployed
Your unit test Angular Apps
The Redux Architecture: Basics
Use Angular Animations
Write clean, maintainable code like a pro
Shortcuts to You can write more code in a shorter time
You can find out more about it here.
Learn using real-From setup, you can find world examples, assignments, as well as a complete job. to deployment!
It’s like having an experienced developer right next to You
I’ll share my 20 years of experience as a software engineer, giving you all the expert advice, tips and tricks you’ll need to Become an Angular master. I will show you how to Create a real electronic-Commerce Application with Angular 4Firebase 4 Bootstrap 4. There’s nothing like hands-Learn more to Fully grasp all concepts.
Who is this course for
Anyone wanting to Learn front-End development Angular
Front-End developers who are familiar with React and other libraries may be interested in this library. to Add Angular to Their toolbox
Back-End developers who wish to Transition to Full-stack development
No prior knowledge required
TypeScript and any other versions of TypeScript are not required. Angular. It is enough to have a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Join 45417 other happy students
“The course pace, examples, challenges and video quality are exceptional. I have watched and coded along with several tutorials from various sites but this course, so far, it absolutely one of the best if not the best. The project at the end of the course was also well done. I made plenty of mistakes as I coded along and learned a ton while trying to fix those errors.”
– AJ Speller
“Mosh is the best! Clear explanations and detailed discussions about great engineering practices. First class course. I can honestly say that if you want to learn and actually understand Angular well whilst becoming a better programmer then this is the only course you will need. Many thanks!”
– Paul Whitehouse
– Simon Cassar
“Mosh is a great teacher that explains every single line of code he’s writing. Exactly what I was looking for when I decided to programming with this framework.”
– Gabriel Rapone
Your instructor
Mosh Hamedani
Mosh Hamedani
Hi! Hi! Mosh Hamedani. Two decades of software engineering experience has given me the opportunity to be a software engineer. I have taught thousands of people how to use software. to How to code to My online courses and YouTube channel will help you become a professional software engineer.
I believe that coding should be fun, accessible, and enjoyable. to everyone.
Download it immediately Mosh Hamedani – Angular 4 – Beginner to Pro
Course Curriculum
Getting ed (30m).
1- Introduction (2.51)
2- What is the difference? Angular (2:00)
3- Architecture of Angular Apps (3.48)
4- Setting up the Development Environment (2.40).
5- Your First Angular App (2:25)
6- Structure of Angular Projects (6.54)
7-Webpack (3:15).
8- Angular Version History (3.34)
9-Course Structure (3.46)
10- Making a Promise (0:48)
Follow me around
TypeScript and Object-1h: Oriented Programming Fundamentals
1- Introduction (0.41)
2- What is TypeScript (2.24)?
3- Your First TypeScript Program (3.00)
4- Declaring Variables (4:49)
5-Types (5.43)
6- Type Assertions (2.47)
7- Arrow Functions (1.44)
8- Interfaces (3.54)
Download immediately Mosh Hamedani – Angular 4 – Beginner to Pro
10- Objects4:09)
11- Constructors (2.52)
12- Access Modifiers (2.56)
13- Access Modifiers for Constructor Parameters (1.41)
14- Properties (5.18)
15- Modules (4:31)
16- Exercise
17-Solution (8.48)
Angular Fundamentals (45m).
1- Introduction (0.19)
2- Building Blocks Angular Apps (3.41)
3- Creating Components (9.38)
4- How to Create Components Angular CLI (4:41)
5-Templates (2:28).
6- Directives (3.27)
7-Services (4:29)
8- Dependency Injection (7:20)
9- Generating services using Angular CLI (2.11)
10- Exercise- Authors (0:32)
11- Solution (6.17)
One Quick Note
Displaying Data and Handling Event (1h5m).
1- Introduction (0.24)
2- Property binding (3:16).
3-Attribute Binding (3.35)
4- Adding Bootstrap (4:53)
5-Class Binding (1.47)
6-Style Binding (1.19)
7-Event Binding4:30)
8- Event Filtering (1.50).
9- Template Variables (1:53)
10- Two-Way Binding (8.05)
11- Pipes (6.38)
12- Custom Pipes (6.16)
13- Exercise- Favorite Component (1:22)
14- Solution- Favorite Component (5:05)
15- TitleCase – Exercise (:17)
16- Solution-Title Case (10.25)
Reconstruction-1. usable components
1- Introduction (0.26)
2- Component API (4:22)
3- Input properties (4:44)
4- Aliasing Input Properties (4:22)
5- Output Properties (3.22)
6- Passing Event data (5:51).
7- Aliasing Output Properties (2:05)
8- Templates (2.41)
9- Styles (5:10)
10- View Encapsulation (9.11).
11- ngContent4:56)
12-ngContainer (2.34)
13- Exercise- LikeComponent (1:38)
14- Solution- LikeComponent (4:51)
One Quick Note
Directives 1h
1- Introduction (0.31)
2-ngIf (6.11)
Hidden Property 3:25
4- ngSwitchCase (6.36)
6- ngFor & Change Detection (3.28)
7- ngFor, TrackBy (5.47)
8- The Leading Asterisk (1.47)
9- ngClass (1.51)
10-ngStyle (2.31)
11- Safe Transversal Operator (2.45)
12- Creating custom directives (9:52).
13- Exercise-Zippy (1:06).
14- Solution- Zippy (7:56)
Template-Driven Forms (1h).
1- Introduction (0.26)
2- Building a Basic Bootstrap form (4:05)
Three Types of Forms (3.21)
4- ngModel (5:30)
5- Adding Validation (3.17)
6- Specific Validation Errors4:20)
7- Style Invalid Input Felds (1:26).
8- Cleaner Templates (1.52)
9- ngForm (5.05)
10- ngModelGroup (2.38)
11- Control Classes and Directives (1.47)
12- Disable the Submit Button (0:08)
13- Working with check boxes (2:18).
14- Working with Drop-Down Lists (6.02)
15- Working with Radio Buttons (2.55)
16- Exercise- Create Course Form (1:08)
17- Solution-Course Form (11.34)
Reactive Forms (1h15m).
1- Introduction (1:15).
2- Building a Bootstrap Formula (0:50).
3- Programmatically Creating Controls (6.14)
4- Adding Validation (7.07)
5- Specific Validation Errors (2.33)
6- Implementing Custom validation (7:01).
7- Async Operations (5:13)
8- Async Validators (8:04)
9- Displaying a Loader Picture (1:37).
10- Validating upon Submitting the Formula (4:58)
11- Nested FormGroups (2.40).
12- FormArray (8.43).
13- FormBuilder (3.59)
14- Quick Recap (1.16)
15- Exercise- Change Password Form (1:27)
16- Change Password Formula (15:17)
Consuming HTTP Services (1h50m).
1- Introduction (1.03)
2- JSONPlaceHolder (1.52)
3- Getting Data (8.17)
4- Creating data (7:59)
5-Updating Data (5.05)
6- Deleting data (1:59)
7- OnInit Interface (3.54)
8- Separation and Management of Concerns (3.41)
9- Extracting a service (7:09).
10- Handling Errors (3:21)
11- Handling Unexpected Errors (2:27)
12- Handling Expected Errors (4:28)
13- Throwing Application-Specific Errors (8.32)
14- Code Review (2:59)
15- Importing Observable Operators (and Factory Methods) (3:08).
16- Global Error Handling+ (7:03)
17- Extracting an Reusable Error Handling Technique (3:35)
18- Extracting Reusable Data Service (7.39)
19- The Map Operator4:27)
20- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates (6:25)
21- Observables vs Promises (6:44)
22- Exercise (1:15)
23-solution (5:31).
Routing and Navigation (1h5m).
1- Introduction (0:30).
2- Routing in a Nutshell (1.04)
3- Configuring Routes (6.47)
4RouterOutlet (2.29)
5- RouterLink (5.41)
6- RouterLinkActive (1.52)
7- Accessing Route Parameters (5.23)
8- Why Route Parameters are Observables (8.57)
9- Routes With Multiple Parameters (1.48)
10-Query Parameters4:28)
11- Subscribe to Multiple Observables (4:45)
12- The SwitchMap Operator (7.59)
13- Programmmatic Navigation (2.16)
14- Exercise-Blog Archives (2:01)
15-solution (8:23)
Authentication and Authorization (1h).
1- Introduction (0.46)
2- Application Overview (2.29)
3- Architecture (3:02)
4- JSON Web Tokens (5:47)
5- The er code (8:02)
6- Implementing the Login (6.08)
7- Implementing Logout (1.47)
8- Hiding Elements (6.40)
9- Showing and hiding elements based on the user’s role (4:15)
10- Getting Current User (0.49)
11- CanActivate Interface (5.35)
12- After logging in, redirect the users (4:34)
13- Protecting Routes Based On the User’s Role (5.45)
14- Accessing Protected API Resource Resources (7:27).
15- Quick Recap (1.54)
Deployment (1h12m).
1- Introduction (0,36)
2- Preparing to Deployment (5.36)
3- JIT vs. AOT Compilation (5.29)
4- Angular Compiler in Action (3.34)
5- Building Applications Angular CLI (6.40).
6- Environments4:27)
7- Adding a Custom environment (3:10)
8- Linting Angular CLI (4:45)
9- Linting with VSCode (1.59)
10- Other Deployment Options (3.59)
11- Deploying to GitHub Pages (7:29)
12- Deployment to Firebase (7.03)
13- Heroku (1.44)
14- Deploying to Heroku (8.04).
15- Engines (1:28)
16- Exercise (0:20)
Real Estate Construction-Time Apps with Firebase (56m).
1- Introduction (1.16)
2- What is Firebase and how do you use it? (2:20)
3- Your First Firebase Project (0.41)
4Working with Firebase Databases4:58)
5- Installing Firebase (5.08)
6- Reading Lists (7.17)
7- A Real-Time Database (1.32)
8- Memory Leaks and Observables (2:53).
9- Unsubscribe from Subscriptions4:08)
10- Async Pipe (2:40)
11- Reading an object (3.26)
12- As Keyword (2:21)
13- Adding an Obj (8:00).
14- Updating anObject (5:06).
15- How to delete an object (2.12)
16- Additional Resources (2.49)
Angular Animations (1h30m).
1- Introduction (0:44).
2- Examples of Animations (2.23)
Three Different Methods to Animations4:32)
4- Angular Animations4:08)
5- Importing Animations Module & Polyfill (2.44)
6- Implementing fadeIn animation (7.11)
7- Implementing fadeOut Animation (1.58)
8-States (3.12)
9- Transitions (2.10)
10- Creating Re-usable Triggers (2.12)
11- Exercise- Slide Animation (0:52)
12- Solution (3.42)
13- Easings (5.34)
14- Keyframes (5.27)
15- Creating Re-usable Animations (7.53)
16- Parameterizing Re-Usable Animations (8.12)
17- Animation Callbacks (2.45)
18- Querying Child Element (5:32).
19- Animating child elements (3:02)
20- Running Parallel Animations (3.01)
21- Staggering Animations (7.24)
22- Working With Custom States (10.01).
23- Multi-Step Animations
24- Separation Of Concerns (3.31)
Angular Material (2h30m).
1- Introduction (0.42)
2- What is the difference? Angular Material4:31)
3- Installation Angular Material (7:30).
4- CheckBoxes4:28)
5- RadioButtons (5.43)
6-Selects (5:07).
7- Inputs (7.31)
8- Text Areas (1.49)
9- DatePickers (9.37)
10- Icons (3.40).
11- Buttons4:50)
12-Chips (5:45)
13- Progress Spinner (7.31)
14- Tooltips (2:18)
15- Tabs (2.24)
16- Dialogs (8.39)
17- Passing data to Dialogs (10.47)
18- Other Components
19- How to Create a Reusable Module (5:51).
20- Themes4:20)
21- SASS (8.46).
22- Creating your own theme (9:10)
23- Use Angular Material’s Typography (3.01).
24- Customizing Typography (6:31)
25- An Important Note
Redux (1h19m)
01- Introduction (0.34)
02- Redux (6.33)
03- Building Blocks Of Redux (3.29)
04- Pure Functions4:13)
05- Installing Redux (6:26)
06- Working With Actions (7.56)
07- The Select Pattern (6.31)
08- Avoiding Object Mutations (5.03)
09- Using immutable objects (5:41).
10- Exercise (1:52)
11- Redux DevTools (8:45)
12- Calling APIs (9.06)
13- Refactoring Fatcase Statements (2.33)
14- Dealing with Complex Domains (8.56)
Unit Testing (1h).
01- Introduction (1.12)
02- Automated testing (7:27)
03- Types Of Tests (6:04).
04- Unit Testing Fundamentals (7.44).
05- Working with Strings & Arrays (3.14)
06- Setup and tear down (6:05).
07- Working with forms (3:30)
08- Working with Event Emmitters (2.51)
09- Working with Spies (6.56)
10- Interaction Testing (6.26)
11- Working with confirmation boxes (3:09).
12- Limitations for Unit Tests (1.31)
13- Code Coverage (3:30)
Integration Testing (1h20m).
01- Introduction – Integration Testing (0:44).
02- The Setup code (4:41)
03- Generating a Setup Code4:53)
04- Testing Property & Class Bindings (7.55)
05- Testing Event Bindings4:59)
06- Providing Dependencies (2:37)
07- Getting the Dependencies (5.48)
08- Providing Stubs (7.11)
09- Testing the navigation (4:02)
10- Route Params (33:33)
11- Testing RouterOutlet Components (7.05)
12- Shallow Component Tests4:54)
13- Testing Attribute directives (4:30)
14- Asynchronous Operations (5.41)
Project: Set up (1h5m).
1- Introduction4:57)
2- Accesing the Source code
3- Challenge (2:41)
4- Creating A New Project (5.16)
5- How to Install Bootstrap4:54)
Download it immediately Mosh Hamedani – Angular 4 – Beginner to Pro
6- Extracting a NavBar component (1:59).
7- Defining Routes (7.51)
8- Adding a Drop-Down Menu (6:44).
9- Cleaning up the NavBar (2.26)
10- Fixing a Few Minor Problems (3:02).
11- Deployment (2.51)
Project: Authentication & Authorization (1h7m).
1- Introduction (2.06)
2- Implementing Google Login (8.27).
3. Implementing the Logout (3.12)
4- Displaying the Current Users (2:20).
5- Using the Async pipe (4:42)
6- Extracting Service (7.57)
7- Protecting Routes (6.25)
8- Redirecting Users after Login (8.27)
9- Storing Users In Database (5:51).
10- Defining Roles (5:47)
11- Protecting Admin Routes (11.13)
12- Displaying or hiding the Admin Links (8.05)
13- Fixing a bug (1:32).
Project: Product management (1h35m).
1- Introduction (2:00).
2- Building a Bootstrap Formula (7:35)
3- Popular Categories Drop-List at the Bottom (8:57)
4Firebase – Save a Product (7:24)
5- Implementing Validation (5.32)
6- Adding custom validation (4:42)
7- Adding a Bootstrap card (7:10)
8- Representing the Products List (4:05)
9- Editing a product (10:30)
10- Updating Product4:09)
11- Removing a Product (3.59)
12- Product Search (9:26)
13- Extracting an Interface (1:20).
14- Adding Data Table Components (5:07)
15- Configuring a Data Table4:32)
16- Feeding Data Table (8.04)
17- Filtering with Data Table (3.18)
18- Fixing a bug with redirecting users (2:52).
19- Cleaning up Product Form (1.36)
Project: Product Catalog (50m)
1- Introduction (1.20)
2- Displaying all Products (7:54).
3- Displaying the Categories (3.37)
4Filtering Products By Category (8:09).
5- Multiple Asynchronous Operation Handling (4:54)
6- Refactoring- Extracting ProductFilterComponent (7:54)
7- Refactoring- Extracting ProductCardComponent (8:32)
8- Improving Product Card (2.31)
9- Making Categories Sticky (2:24)
10- Wrap up (0:36)
Shopping Cart (2.5h)
1- Introduction (2.59)
2- Creating a Shopping Cart (8.59)
3- Refactoring – Moving the responsibility to Service (7.38)
4- Adding Product to Shopping Cart (7.28)
5- Refactoring AddToCart Method (6.10)
6- Displaying the Quantity (9.41).
7- Improving the card footer4:36)
8- Use the Change Quantity Buttons (6.59)
9- Displaying the Shopping Cart Items in Navbar (9.10)
10- Refactoring: Building a Rich Model (9.03)
11- Building a Simple Shopping Cart Page (6:00)
12- Resolving Design Problems (4:56)
13- Displaying Total Price (5.43)
14- Refactoring: Extracting ProductQuantityComponent (8:33)
15- Discovering a Design Problem (6:18).
16- Flattening Shopping Cart Items (8:40)
17- Better Object Initialization (4:47)
18- Clearing your Shopping Cart (3.21)
19- Fixing a bug with updating quantity (1:36).
20- Improving the Layout (2.41)
21- Adding Thumbnails (3:20).
22- More Refactoring (8.11)
Project: Check out Module (1h30m).
1- Introduction (2:00).
2- Adding the Check Out button (2:43)
3- Building a Shipping form (1:14).
4- Saving the Order on Firebase (8.39)
5- Assembling the Order with the Current Users (2:10)
6- Refactoring- Extracting an Rich Model4:29)
7- Redirecting User (2:54).
8- Clearing the Shop Cart (2:52).
10- Adding an order summary widget (8:47).
11- Refactoring (9.15).
12- Displaying Orders (3:07).
13- Fixing a bug (1:11).
14- Payment Processing
Project: Modularization and Final Renovations (1h)
1- Introduction (1:02).
2- Modules (5:54)
3- Essential TypeScript Plugins (4:12)
4- Moving Files and Folders (5.35)
5- Creating the shared module (5:55).
6- Creating the Administration Module (9:27).
7- Creating the Shopping Module4:52)
8- Creating a Core Module (5.26)
9- Importing/Exporting Modules (6.22)
10- Adding icons (2:29).
11- Aligning NavBar Items (3.34)
12- Defining a Topic (5:38).
Grab Your Clothes
Learn more https://archive.is/doKs5
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 400
- Assessments Yes