Jeet Kune Do for Advanced Practitioner Vol 2: Energy and Sensitivity Training (2011)
Seek a deeper Jeet Kune Do experience with ”Jeet Kune Do For The Advanced Practitioner”, a dynamic new 3-DVD series from the experts at...
Traderscorner – day trading academy
Don’t be the typical retail trader that consistently loses money. Learn to analyse the markets properly and deploy the correct trading strategy for the...
The Complete Python for Beginner-Master Python from scratch
Python is being widely used in the data science domain and hence it is important to learn how to use Python to analyse data....
Be Open to Creating Deeper Meaningful Relationships! Description IMPROVE YOUR DATING LIFE and…. Discover why you struggle with relationships.
Joey Yap – Joey Yap’s BaZi Mastery Mastering Your Future
Joey Yap's BaZi Mastery: Mastering Your Future is a practitioner course that brings you a step further into the art and science of BaZi...
Jamie Daws – Tackling Terrifying Taboos 2
Following the huge success of the 2017 Alakazam Academy course, ‘Tackling Terrifying Taboos', we are back with Taboos 2 a two day Academy course....
Superstar SEO Consulting Mastery
Learn the exact process I used to start a Digital Marketing Consulting Agency and generate a full time income in just 90 days. This Includes How...
Pleasure Proof Your Relationship
Designed around the principles of Intimacy Coaching, with roots in Neo Tantra and Taoist Conscious Sexuality, this course is designed to take
Jonathan Chase – Original Hypnosis Mastery
Jonathan's best selling book 'Don't Look In His Eyes' is included as a downloadable PDF manual. This will help you get insights into Format...
Roy D. Steinberg – 2-Day Certificate Course on The Aging Mind, Alzheimer’s Illness, and Other Dementias
Available for Pre-Order. This product will be available within a few days.
Lynn Waldrop – Brain Blockbuster Series
Mild issues such a bump on the head as a child to whip lash from a minor car accident Major issues such as sports-related...
J.R.Stevenson – Precision Trading with Stevenson
JR Stevenson, eighty years young, has decades of experience (since 1958) as a technical analyst and as an active trader in the futures and...