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This course teaches you how to trade the one — perfect — option strategy. You will be guided through every step by my ultra-tutorial mentor.-High beta controlled leverage long-term investment process.
Scott Brown – Proof Options – Controlled Leverage Investing MethodsCourse DescriptionHow’s this for Stellar Profits?
They add up. If you were one of those few lucky ones, Dr. Brown in 2013 and 2014 you would have watched him extract a 60 and 66% return — It’s not just one lucky trade — on account. These are his returns from one stock option portfolio. Continue reading to learn how this academic best-kept secret can help you reap these types of gains. genius Side of Wall Street You will learn about the One perfect strategy. The buzz is palpable …
Dear fellow investor, My name’s Scott. I’m a highly successful academic Expert I have extensive experience as a professional trader and can offer these options to my account. I’m able to make a profit. Significance My family has access to large sums of money. As a financial watchdog, I monitor our finances. Steward. Sometimes, I get asked how I managed to be so successful. It was a success This is an extremely difficult game. Trading was my obsession. Futures. This was the reason I received my Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in finance. University of South Carolina. This was not an insignificant feat feat. The Ph.D. Finance Only two students are accepted at the University of South Carolina every two years. This is despite having large applicant pools. Two applicants are admitted to the University of South Carolina. Free. Competition It is because we all depend on our pensions for the five years required to obtain a doctoral degree. A finance Ph.D. is not an option. AACSB Student loans are owed to business schools The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business provides internationally recognized, specialized accreditation for business and accounting programs at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level. Senator Elizabeth Warren It is clear that a professor at a university with a highly quantifiable Ph.D., such as finance, almost never goes bankrupt because of this. It helps, too, that we Command High salaries But If You Thought Medical School Was Tough … It is for this reason that a hundred Every year, the world’s top business schools hire new professors with finance doctorates. Another There are reasons The reason we make more is because we are hard workers in finance. This is one of the most important old world styles. apprentice systems. As research assistants to the most brilliant financial academics around the globe, we work 365 days a year. We strive to achieve a high standard of finance faculty. Doctorate Finance is our business. After years of slogging through countless mathematical books, derivatives Half of us are finance professors and half become medical school faculty members. salaries. That’s because the other half pumps up our market price by starting on Wall Street At least $350K per annum One of us is in my Classes He did exactly that. We saw his wife wrapped over the last family photo. Maserati In front of their Hamptons mansion. When I met him, he was this Summer He corrected me. It wasn’t Maserati. Sold This is the same as in the previous year. She was draped over new Lamborghini. I giggle when I read this. Wolf of Wall Street misleads individual retail investors into believing that we teach because we can’t trade. It is impossible to believe that this could be farther from the truth. You can go back to my personal website and read about it. These are the results I have written the above. These results were audited by TD Ameritrade OptionsXpress. HEADS UP Stop reading investment newsletters Recommendations written by con artists, drunks, and imbeciles. Learn how to find your options trades on your computer Own. These bad option trading strategies can be avoided. They will drain your account quicker than you think. One-armed bandit Las Vegas Strip Losing Stock option strategies are often promoted by marketing sleuths, scoundrels or incompetents running major investment newsletters. And it’s official that I am at the top of the Wall Street Wolves are enemies. My shocking revelations of Wall Street’s investment newsletters have boosted me right up to numero uno. Now, Making #1 This is no easy task. Professors are the best! Bill Christie Vanderbilt University whipped up quite the list “enemy” The CEO, brokers, directors and presidents. Dr. Christie’s research revealed that the NASDAQ It was defrauding millions of retail investors by imposing illegally high transaction costs through an artificially wide ask spread. So how did I — another simple finance Professor from a major state university — make it to the top? Maybe it was my exposé on the investment newsletter industry that was featured in the Certified Financial Analysis CFA Digest. This research was published in the prestigious academic journal, Financial Academics. Financial Management.
This important study revealed that investment newsletters are very popular in the Mark Hulbert Financial Digest offer nothing but loss and emotional pain to their subscribers — despite routine claims of return percentages in the hundreds. This is it! It could be for this reason — or a dozen other Remarks They are my favorite. The type I publish every month in this course’s bulletin, “Strategic Option Intelligence.” In This is the truth, I’ve been called the “most fearless financial academic in the world today.” But you won’t read my writing in any Mainstream financial press. They don’t have the — well, let’s just say the guts — to publish my insights and findings. In short, I will give you the financial stories These are stories that no one will touch. These are the stories that will shape you financial. The world Tomorrow. I will go Anywhere You will do anything to obtain the truth. I will. Tell You can have it, no matter what objectors. My Fearless style has made me a lot of enemies — some of them in the highest places in the Wolves of Wall Street pack. It is this reason that the CFA Digest I did a cover story on my research. This is the best prestigious paragon of financial discipline felt that spreading the word about my research was crucial to you. Here Is the Student Response … “Dr. Scott Brown is one of the sharpest guys I know. Highly recommended.” — Alex GreenNew York Times Bestseller of the Year “Gone Fishing Portfolio” “Most newsletters and trainers want you just trust them that they will make you money. But Dr. Brown is a unique combination of academic prowess and street smarts skill. He is the man to take you from a mere patriot of others to a knowledgeable trader. If you want to add discernment to your tool box and make money in the process, you must learn from the Doctor.” — Joe Martinson, Los Angeles, California, USA “Keep doing what you’re doing. What you are teaching is 100% correct. Marketing is a tough business, especially with the plethora of BS out there on how easy it is to make money trading… Keep it real and grounded in facts and you should attract long term clients who will enhance your service. I really appreciate your efforts in sharing.” –F.M. “Dear Doc Brown, I am writing this email to express my heartfelt gratitude for this course you have put up. I have completed the course and the reading part, and it has brought a lot of light and richness to my perception of viewing markets. I shall come back to you to share with you how well did I fare. That would be another story, another time. As of now, only wanted to tell you that just viewing your lectures has brought me lot of joy in itself. Thank you very much… May the creator bless you with abundance of love, laughter and happiness!” Sincerely, — Rajkumar Mehta “Yep, got it now. Thanks Scott. By the way, the DITM Call strategy seems to be working very well for me…started about two months ago with two positions and both are working well…thanks for that too!” — Bob Crandalls “My brain is mush right now (I wish I could say it was from beer). IMy brain is mush because I’ve just went through 280 charts in about 30 minutes. WOW! I am as happy as a fat hog in slop. Was this your brainchild? What a great idea. Not only does it really cut through the burden of time and effort, but it seems to instill confidence in me, knowing I have a great place to start and drill down on these great possibilities that present themselves, and if I just follow along my criteria that you have instilled in me, we should be sailing together on a world cruise in a few years. I’m very happy to have found you,” — T. Swan “There are very few people I trust enough to take their blanket recommendations….that is why this is so helpful….. learning to cherry pick the best trades and to run trailing stops or hedge using appropriate shorts …….” — RR, California (Retired Radiologist). Doc Brown Tells stories that others are afraid to touch You can see the reasons why the Wolves of Wall Street want to be rescued by looking at my research Silence me. My research has shown that every penny spent on investment advice newsletters is money flushed down. toilet. Because those who are able to make it happen have the best chance of succeeding. Money in the market won’t bother with the technical problems of running an investment newsletter. Newsletter Editors who make enough writing an investment newsletter do so because they can’t make money in the market. That is exactly what it is! Newsletters They want you to do as they say in their writings “buy this” Oder “sell that.” Here’s an example Line This just reached my mailbox “The true story of how this trader turned $2,000 into $10 million from his kitchen table, in 9 months.” Don’t for a moment believe this lie. These could be used if you are interested in Marketers They will get you to move in your trading account. It will be a Snap to get you to buy their next dud of an expensive annual fee investment newsletter, $5,000 course or $20,000 boot camp — glossed up with fancy promises and fancy sales copy writing. These marketers make their fortune selling shiny ideas. Without Consider the true returns of each strategy. You will be amazed at the economics of the industry that I reveal to you. bizarre. Subscribe to the Investment Newsletter Lose Millions invest every year in bad ideas. Investor newsletter publishers make Millions In annual subscription fees Now, I have discovered the Ultimate Wall Street’s Wolves are the ones who lie to us. This investment fib really leads to losses. This is scandalous proportions. What Options Strategies are Tailor-Made for Those Born to Lose: There are some strategies that you should immediately be aware of if you’re interested in options. Plague. These trading strategies for fundamental options are guaranteed Lose Straight from the barrel They are the foundation for everything else. compound Option trading strategies can lead to huge losses for investors. These strategies are dangerous. Popular Among newsletter editors as well as brokers? Compound option strategies don’t just cause complex Losses They also pay much higher brokerage fees. However, these are the true returns for investors Strategie It was so difficult to calculate, it was impossible “prove” The danger for investor accounts. It was easy for investment newsletter marketing to make false claims that these newsletters were safe. Terrible Options trading strategies are actually profitable. Until Get it now! The #1 ranked publication on option trading published a seminal article last year. Journal of Finance. This is the most convincing evidence that this study has ever seen. Strategie These are the guaranteed tickets to the bottom of the pyramid, according to the financial media. The Wolves of Wall Street will bite their nails hoping that you don’t learn. Truth This article reveals the truth. Watch Advanced Training 2 — Stock Options Lotteries This research is so extensive. “rocket science” Math that the true meaning has never been revealed to the public — until now by me to you. This cutting-edge Research It is clear that one strategy out of all these strategies is the winner.
isn’t that crazy? Only one of these Strategie Above is a winner? Can you guess Which? Most of the options strategies c can be used outright It could be disastrous Or they produce only modest returns for investors who attempt them. One strategy The list alone is enough to make big money for investors. Are you curious? Which? It really is. One perfect strategy. Enroll Get it now and here is what you get… Get it now Scott Brown – Proof Options – Controlled Leverage Investing Methods This course Teaching you how to trade the one — perfect — option strategy. You are my friend. mentor You will be guided through every step of my ultra.-High beta controlled leverage long-term investment process. Introduction 1 — The Option Mechanics Toolbox Every Savvy Stock Investor Must Master Benefits to you …
Introduction 2 — Basic Option Pricing with Binomial Outcome Trees for Valuation! Continue reading benefits to you …
Introduction 3 — Black Scholes Option Pricing Theory and the Real World Impacts! Even Continue reading benefits …
Introduction 4 — Real Options Offer Insights Into Your Real Estate Investments! Yet still more benefits …
Superior Information: Take Advantage This is only a small part of the story. A little bit of everything You can see the full benefits of this program. If you Register You can now get the best online option training. It would be expensive to obtain the same level of options trading training elsewhere. $185,052 Mentoring at an elite MBA school like New YOderk University Stern or Harvard Schools of Business Click here to enroll now Click here To the right. These words are in it “Take This Course.” Invest some of your savings PayPal An electronic pocket change for a brighter future financial! -Scott Dr. Scott Brown, Associate Professor of Finance of AACSB Accredited Graduate School of Business at the University of Puerto Rico P.S. This offer is risk-free. Udemy also offers to There is a 30-day guarantee of your satisfaction. P.P.S.: Free Bonus: Doc Brown’s Strategic Option Intelligence Monthly [$19,997 Value]. This newsletter was created by a highly-profitable professional option trader, and a finance professor at a top state university. P.P.P.S. Sign up now This fall semester, the tuition will increase to $299. What are the requirements?
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Scott Brown – Proof Options – Controlled Leverage Investing Methods: Sample
Here’s what you’ll get in Scott Brown – Proof Options – Controlled Leverage Investing Methods
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 205
- Assessments Yes