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Tapping Solution For Financial Success – 7 Week Program
I remember what it was like…feeling overwhelmed by my financing, worrying about how I was going to pay the bills and where the money was going to come from next…
Yet feeling deep down inside that I was meant for more. That I was capable of doing more than just “getting by.”
You see only 8 years ago I owned a crashing real estate business that had put me into over a million dollars in personal debt!
Yet in just 5 years I went from owing over a million dollars, to paying off all of my debt, buying the house of my dreams, and being more financially secure then ever before.
I was able to do it all because of Tapping…and I’m going to show you how you can realize your financial dreams with Tapping too.
Imagine for a minute that you never had to worry about money…never had to stress about how you were going to pay your next bill. That you had the house, the car, and the life of your dreams.
Imagine being able to go to any restaurant at any time as much as you wanted, or travel and vacation freely, or help family, friends and even strangers who needed financial help without worrying about it.
Like it was for me many years ago…this may feel like an impossibility to you, like something that happens to “lucky people” but just not you.
I’m going to share a secret with you though…
As you read this page in it’s entirety I’m going reveal to you exactly how I discovered that attaining success, wealth and happiness is much easier than you’ve ever imagined and that all of it is possible…for YOU!
If you’re like most people, your finances are likely the biggest issue that you have to deal with on a daily basis. In fact…
From the desk of Nick Ortner
When I surveyed over 10,000 people just a few short weeks ago, guess what the number one issue was that they said they wanted to work on was? You guessed it…their finances.
You see, money has the ability to be either a thorn in your side that makes you feel like you’re bleeding out and unable to live life fully every day, or it can be something that gives you the freedom to do what you want, live how you want, and help family, friends and even strangers in ways that you never thought possible.
For most people it’s a thorn in their side and unfortunately it’s for reasons that they can’t see and don’t know about. That’s definitely how it was for me.
You see, what I didn’t realize when I went through year after year of struggling financially was that there were two huge issues that I didn’t see were affecting me so gravely…
The Two Major Reasons That People Struggle With Their Finances…
The 1st major issue around your experience with money is financial beliefs, traumas and unconscious beliefs that are holding you back. Like most people, I wasn’t even aware of the unconscious wiring I had and how it was affecting me.
I know what you may be thinking…yeah, I’ve heard about “personal development” stuff like this before where they say you need to go inside and change your patterns. And for years, that’s exactly what I was going through. I would go from one course to another learning about how I had to change my beliefs and change myself on an unconscious level, but the issue was always…”well how do I do that?!”
It wasn’t until I found Tapping that I finally found a simple and extremely effective way to change what was affecting my ability to earn more money on a deep unconscious level…
You see…the simple truth of it is that Tapping is extremely effective at helping people change deep rooted traumas, beliefs and unconscious blocks. It’s more effective then anything I’ve ever seen or used before!
And it hasn’t just worked for me, it’s worked for a countless number of clients that I’ve worked with. You can even ask any personal development expert what they’d recommend doing to change unconscious traumas, beliefs and unconscious blocks and more often than not you’ll hear them recommend Tapping…
You can even ask any personal development expert what they’d recommend doing to change unconscious traumas, beliefs and unconscious blocks and more often than not you’ll hear them recommend Tapping…
Here’s what Dr. Joseph Mercola has to say about using EFT for financial success
“It really does work. In my own life personally it’s been phenomenal. And in fact, my 5 year income levels have been materialized literally within a year, to the point where it’s almost magical!
Once you’re able to understand what’s blocking you and get rid of those…then you’re able to manifest anything you want in your own life.”
Here’s what Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach, has to say about using EFT to reprogram your mind for success:
“Look, here’s the deal, you’re unconsciously focusing on your fear all the time. It’s your subconscious that needs to get reprogrammed. By focusing on it for a little bit of time [with EFT] It can be eliminated so it isn’t running your life unknowingly.”
Okay…so I’m stating that you have deep-You may be questioning yourself about the rooted patterns that prevent you from financial and personal success.
“Well, how do you know that? And if I have blocks, what are they and how do I get rid of them?”
It’s easy to figure out if your money is blocked. Simply ask yourself. “Am I making as much money as I’d like to?”
If you answered No, then you can get money blocks. It’s easy as pie…
Take a look at how your finances are doing. If you are having money issues, struggling to pay your bills or just not being able to make ends meet, then you may have unconscious blocks that are keeping you from getting to where you want to go financially.
For I can recall that I was in a vicious cycle of trying to get by, then struggling and building more debt, then catching up and getting by again. Each time I went through this cycle, the amount I was in debt would only get worse.
After my real estate company crash, I was already in over a million dollars in debt. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time that I had been in debt. I had been through the cycle of building up debt before.
Because of my unconscious patterns, I kept running. It wasn’t until after I began using Tapping That I was able change these patterns.
They seem ridiculous when I think back to the things that I used back then in order to block myself from sabotaging myself. But I didn’t realize what they were doing at the time.
This is likely to be the case for your situation. It’s likely that you don’t see the patterns you are following that keep you stuck.
But don’t worry! I’m going show you how to remove all money blocks quickly and easily using my method Tapping
The second major problem you have with money is stress. Because that’s what keeps us from living our everyday lives.-To-Basis for the moment
Stress, of course, can show up in many forms—anxiety, worry, insomnia, low energy, procrastination, even other health issues.
As I was dealing with all the financial difficulties I faced, including a total of over a half million dollars of debt, stress was something I had to face every day.
Stress is something we all know well. We don’t know what happens to our brains when stressed.
Do you know how much you love it? “freeze” Are you in stressful situations?
You know, when you suddenly forget what you have been studying and practicing for your presentation? When your boss criticizes and reprimands you in front everyone in a meeting. You can even do something simple like looking at bills. You can also sit down in front the computer and have a lot of tasks ahead of you.
Do you ever notice that at these exact moments, your brain suddenly stops functioning? It’s amazing how you can forget things that you are very familiar with. When you first encounter a stressful situation, solutions that seem simple later can feel difficult.
Because when stress hits, your body goes into what is called “stress mode”. “fight or flight.”
During fight or flight, large portions of your brain can actually stop working when you most need them. Critical brain areas go on strike!
Even worse, you can’t get from anywhere. “fight or flight” into a “freeze” You can state that your body is actually storing the stress from that moment.
Robert Scaer is a neurologist who has done research on traumatic stress. “freeze” The response blocks us from moving forward after stressful events until we find a way to release the stress lodged in our bodies and cells. We have a solution.
Here’s how it all works:
Or you might find yourself thinking about something that is stressful. Or how dissatisfied you feel in your current endeavors. Or how much you can do.
In seconds, your brain’s amygdala will turn into the almond.-Your midbrain is shaped to tell your body to release stress hormones.
Cortisol and adrenaline, also known as cortisol. “the stress hormone”Your body is overwhelmed by this, which shuts down your creativity problem-You can solve parts of your brain by slowing down your digestion and constricting your blood vessels.
This means that your stress is now physical
It controls how you think, your brain, and how your body function.
In “fight or flight”Stress can literally limit your potential.
You need to give a big presentation to get a big promotion or raise at work. Your stress level may make it difficult.
The to-do list that you wanted to finish… now you are stressed out, not thinking clearly, making poor choices, and it seems like everything is taking forever.
Chronic stress can make it impossible to use your brain fully or solve your problem with the same level of clarity that you have when you are worried about your money situation.-You can use your skills to solve problems or improve your memory.
Ask yourself the following question:
“Am I dealing with any stress right now?”
You are most likely saying “haha…of course I am! Who isn’t?!”
If you are experiencing constant stress in your life, it could be affecting your ability to think clearly, make sound decisions, and work towards your financial goals.
Consider your daily life.
What if you could reduce or eliminate all stress? How would that make you feel? And how would you feel when you reach your goals more easily?
Tapping It has been scientifically shown to reduce stress. This means that you can reduce stress levels by using Tapping You can lower your stress levels by taking back control of your brain and body so that it can be used for what it WANT to do (like creating your financial freedom ) instead of being controlled by it!
The Stress Test Study That Shocked Researchers
A study by Dr. Dawson Church and Dr. David Feinstein measured cortisol levels in the patients before and after treatment.
83 participants were divided in 3 groups. The first group got an hour of instruction. TappingThe 2nd group received one hour of psychotherapy.”talk” therapy). The third group (control) did not receive any treatment.
Cortisol levels were measured before and after treatment. Cortisol is commonly measured as the “The” hormone. “stress hormone” Your body. Cortisol levels rise as stress levels increase.
Researchers were measuring cortisol levels in the Tapping Group after group, they felt they had a problem…
They thought their equipment must have been damaged because the levels had fallen so drastically in such a short time.
They kept calibrating their equipment, retesting and recalibrating until they came to the conclusion that their equipment was fine. Tapping worked!
Results: The first group (TappingThe cortisol levels of the first group () decreased by 24%, while those in the second and third groups did not change.
The truth is that psychotherapy does not relieve stress by itself, but it can be used over a longer period of time. Psychotherapy’s immediate benefits don’t register in the body because you are taking too much of it. “stress hormone” Cortisol is still a problem, and your health could be at risk.
Learn more Tapping Balances activity between your parasympathetic and sympathetic regions of your brain. “a neutral emotional state,” The gold standard for health and wellbeing
How Tapping It’s possible to change your life Financial Reality…
Every time I talk with people about using Tapping Their first reaction to a request to improve their financial situation is usually something like “What does Tapping have to do with making more money?”
They believe that if they want to make more money, they would take a course to teach them how to invest in stocks, real estate, land their dream jobs, and how to start their own businesses.
While these things are helpful, they don’t really help most people.
You can’t learn all the techniques if you don’t have any underlying issues that will prevent you from success.
Tapping That all changes though…
If you are new to the area, TappingYou are probably wondering…
“What is Tapping?”
TappingEFT, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques or Emotional Freedom Techniques (or EFT), is a blend of Ancient Chinese Acupressure, Modern Psychology, and Modern Psychology.
Roger Callahan developed it in 1980. Gary Craig modified and improved upon it. It has been adopted by thousands of psychologists, psychiatrists and coaches.
This is a simple method that can be used to literally change your life. “tapping” When making certain statements, focus on the Meridian points of your body.
EFT has been proven to be effective by coaches, psychologists, and coaches for many years. Recent years have seen a lot of evidence-based research, and the results are amazing!
Clinical research studies with EFT are proving impressive results in a variety of areas such as relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, athletic performance, PTSD, and among other things…yes…amazing results with financial success!
Download it immediately Tapping Solution For Financial Success – 7 Week Program
This video will show you what experts have to say about the effectiveness and efficiency of this product. Tapping…
You can do what I did, and many others have done, which was to dramatically improve your financial situation in a very short time. This is possible with the help of simple and effective tools. Tapping.
When I made those dramatic changes, it was all my responsibility and I felt very alone in my pursuit to improve my finances. There were many times when I wanted to give up and surrender, and I don’t want you to do that.
Here’s Kris Carr’s New York Times Best.-What a Selling Author had to say about Nick…
“Nick Ortner is my personal coach. I work with him every week and plan to for the rest of my glorious days. From transformative and healing EFT sessions to coaching on finances and brand building, Nick is one stop shopping for all my Crazy Sexy needs. My life is truly better with Nick in it. If you get a chance to work with him, dive in, say yes, show up and sign up for the adventure.”
A Journey of Financial Transformation…
I would like to invite you along on a journey I’m taking with a small group of people…
A 7 Week-long financial transformation program designed to transform your financial life from where it is right now, in terms of your finances, your money, your career, your personal fulfillment and your spirituality, to where you want to be.
I would like to invite you as my coach and guide to a financial journey that is similar to the one I went through when I was nearly a million in debt. This journey has completely changed my life. Only this one will focus on YOU and the financial goals you want.
This is the journey and these 7 Weeks will be like nothing you have ever experienced, even if it seems impossible to change. Tapping You don’t believe it will work for you or you don’t believe you can succeed. But you still have the ability to see life.-This program can change your results.
I’ll explain in a moment what I’ll guide you through in this unique process. Before I do, let me tell you what this program doesn’t look like.
This is what the program is NOT…
This is not a program that focuses on the positive and expects everything to improve.
This program is not going to show you how to get rich fast. It’s just an empty promise.
If you don’t think this is the right program for you, I recommend that they be discontinued. All of these programs fail to see the real problem. They ignore the fact that stress can have a neurotoxic effect on your brain and body.
This program is for women and men who want to achieve financial success, no matter their background, and who are willing to accept any challenge.
Although there is no one way to achieve success, happiness, and wealth without effort, this program is easy to use, enjoyable, and simple.
I have made it so you don’t have the burden of wondering if every step is the right one.
“…we have already changed from being in about 50 to 70 thousand dollars of debt to not being in debt at all.”
“Nick, Thank you for this awesome opportunity to become a part of your tapping community. We both sat in on most if not all of the 7 weeks of the wealth creation tapping and we have already changed from being in about 50 to 70 thousand dollars of debt to not being in debt at all. We are now even growing a savings account which is already at $13,000.00!”
-Torrie Walsh
“When I think back on my journey through the 7 Weeks to Financial Success Program and my progress since I think – WOW!!! Our finances are better than they have been for a long time…”
As I reflect on my journey through the 7 Weeks to Financial Success Program And my growth since then, WOW! Although our finances are much better than they were for a while, there is still room to grow and improve. When I was told that I was being paid a raise, I asked for it. I have received unexpected bonuses at work, including one after my boss returned from an overseas vacation. I’ve also received gifts in the form EFT and life coaching. I’ve had small Lotto wins, won a digital camera from Readers Digest, and a large basket of fresh vegetables from our local grocery.
Other benefits have also been realized that are more significant than the financial. I am in a much better place now than 12 months ago. My relationship with my brother is also in a completely different place. I can see us becoming best friends. I’ve also lost 7kg and a dress size. The best part is that I am no longer beating myself up about it. I can honestly look at myself in the mirror, and say “I love you, I’m proud of you”Believe it, and you will be able to say it. I’m my best friend. Thanks to Nick and tapping! Tapping Solution.
-Lisa Eden
This is What It Is Program Consists of…
First of all, you should know that I have designed this program to give you options regarding the level of participation that you desire.
Because everyone learns differently and wants different things, I understand that you may feel overwhelmed, overloaded, or deprived of the information that you need. It was designed in a way that allows you to get the results you desire while still putting in the time and effort that is necessary.
These 7 You will be guided through a process for weeks. Tapping It covers the most important topics you need to deal with in order to get rid of the things that are preventing your success (like the stress we mentioned). You need to develop the unconscious patterns necessary to ensure that every decision you make and every action you take is leading you to what you want.
There are three major weekly components
These are the things you need to know first…
Weekly Tapping Webinar Presentations by Nick Ortner Every Monday, Nick Ortner will release a weekly webinar that you can access on Monday.
This presentation will be available early Monday to allow you to choose when to view it. You’ll also have access to it anytime after its release.
Weekly Tapping Jessica Ortner teaches meditation daily “Daily Tapping Meditation”The Annual, hosted by Jessica Ortner. Tapping World Summits
After watching the webinar, you’ll continue to use it daily for the remainder of the week to reinforce and work on any new issues.
Tapping Every Thursday in Action Audios, you will also be able to access a podcast. Tapping In Action session.
These sessions will allow you to listen and tap along with me as I discuss specific issues related to each week’s challenge with a small group of past participants.
These Tapping The audios in Action are intended to address most of the common questions and problems that arise throughout each week.
Over 10,000 people have already completed the course. I can assure you that it is one of the highlights each week. Participants are continually amazed by the variety of challenges presented. Tapping Action Audios look so much like theirs! They are amazed at the results they get! Tapping along.
I believe you will feel the exact same way. :).
You’ll also need the following components:
Optional Workbook Exercises Weekly workbook exercises will be available that will assist you in your growth.
These workbook exercises will be used to increase your results as well as continue working on the weekly lessons.
The 7 Weeks to Financial Success Group Forum Access to an exclusive group forum that is available throughout the year 7 You will be on track for weeks.
Get your instant download Tapping Solution For Financial Success – 7 Week Program
This can be optional or mandatory depending on how involved and supportive you are, but it is highly recommended as it provides amazing support and answers to questions during the process. 7 weeks…
Here’s Louise Hay at her best.-The selling author of You Can Heal Your Life has this to say about working alongside Nick:
Here’s Dr. Wayne Dyer #1 New York Times Best.-Selling author had to share his thoughts about working with Nick
“Put away your skepticism; this really works. I have worked with Nick and had great results with tapping in my own life.”
What you’ll learn each day Week…
Let’s take a closer look at what we’ll uncover during the workshop 7 Week process. These are the main topics in the big picture. You’ll also have the opportunity to dig into specific details about what’s happening.
Let’s see what we can cover…
Week 1: Overcoming the Overwhelm-Commitment and how to make better decisions.
With the amount of money you have, it’s impossible to have big dreams and a clear vision. “noise” Most people do. This noise can sometimes be heard in other areas of your life, so don’t ignore it.
Week 2: How to Get Extreme Clarity about What You Really Want. Here you will discover your goals, dreams, and vision. Also, you’ll learn what’s preventing them from happening or slowing down.
You’re likely to have heard many things about goal setting and goals. Let’s forget everything we know about goals and look at some specific aspects of this process that will transform your life.
It’s one thing having a goal on paper. But it’s quite another to actually achieve it. It’s all about making it happen. You will be blown away by some of these very specific ideas and concepts. These concepts have changed the way I was able to reach my goals, and I know that they will for you.
Week 3. How to Silence the Critical Vocal You know what I’m referring to, “I’m not good enough, I’m not lovable, life is hard, I have to work hard to be successful voice.”
Even if your inner critic isn’t there, you might be shocked at how much of your unconscious you are capable of.
This critical voice can stop you moving forward and making the changes you desire.
This week 3, I will show you exactly how to use the steps. Tapping To silence that critical voice and live the life you always dreamed of,
Week 4: How To Get Past the Events And Patterns That Haunt You This week, we’ll identify which events or beliefs are hindering your growth. We’ll also explore how your family, including your grandparents, parents and siblings have influenced your money experience.
Both consciously and subconsciously, past events and traumas can have serious consequences. You are fortunate. Tapping It is very effective in making difficult changes seem simple.
Week 5: How To Stop Procrastination And Self-Deprivation-Sabotage I believe we all have had to deal with self-doubt and procrastination.-sabotage. It’s too easy to do what is easy. “to do” There are many things you can do in a single day. But not all of them will lead to your goals.
This section will teach you how to achieve peace in your decision making process so you can stop procrastinating and get rid of it.-Sabotage is permanent…
Week 6: How to overcome the fear of standing out in the world It can be difficult to get past your peers.
Ask me right now: What would your family and friends think of you if you were twice their success, twice their wealth and owned a house and a car twice as beautiful as them? What would it feel like to be different?
How would you feel if your success made you stand out in the world?
This week’s presentation includes and Tapping You’ll discover how to feel safe and congruent with EFT.
Week 7How to Make Crazy Dreams Come True! You’ve probably heard the following:”shoot for the stars” And “dream big”However, does that seem like something you can do? What are your wildest dreams?
In the final week of this series, you’ll learn how to make your crazy dreams a regular thing and not a once in a while event.
You’re probably now seeing how powerful these are 7 These topics will be important to you for weeks.
It is possible to believe that you are able to do this. 7 Week program that does this much for you would run you a lot of money. In all honesty, it really should.
I spent thousands of dollars on various courses and failed to succeed in my quest for financial success. They didn’t address my core issues and didn’t offer a fast, efficient and effective technique. Tapping To be able to handle them.
Tapping This technique works far better than any other I have seen. This is why “The Tapping Solution 7 Weeks to Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment” Program by itself is worth $1,138
If I were to charge that amount, most people would think it was fair…
Actually, I have paid far more for courses that didn’t deliver as much for me than this one. However, I want it to be even better for you and will tell you why.
I know what it feels like to be frustrated by money or to want to grow, but can’t seem make it happen. I can understand the despair and frustration that comes from feeling like I don’t have enough or am not meant for a life of ease. I had some very hard times with my finances.
Actually, my situation was more difficult than that of most people. I hope you don’t have to go through the same thing I went through. The biggest thing that I learned was how thankful I am to have what is available now.
This is why I am so passionate about helping others do the same!
I have a goal of helping 10,000 people achieve their financial goals within the next year. Today, I want to help you reach your financial goals. Therefore, I offer a lower price than the $1138.
The complete 7 Week-long program that includes the webinars, daily meditation audios, group calls and workbook. Tapping Solution Financial Only $397 for Abundance Community
But today, you don’t need to pay even a fraction of that. It gets even better…
I have three payment options.
The first option has me breaking up the $397 into 11 monthly payments…
You will receive a $47 initial payment and 10 equal payments of $35 over the next 10 months. 7-Coaching program for week, $47
The second option allows you to pay only 5 equal payments totaling $74, saving $27.
You can also choose the third option and pay only $347 in one payment, which will save you $50.
I want you to have the freedom to choose what is best for you
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Tapping Solution For Financial Success – 7 Week Program
Tapping Solution For Financial Success – 7 Week Program Sample
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 1
- Assessments Yes