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“Our ceremonial Elders have made returns to Spirit. They are leaving now the New silhouettes and forms of present day. Format File: [Webrip – 18 MP4] File size: 19,369GB
Time of the Sixth Sun Movie (with Lifting The Veil Series)
Time of the Sixth Sun A documentary about inspirational and uplifting topics. the Shift in global consciousness the Emerging movement to find a better way to live lightly on the Earth. Our symbiotic relationship with nature was understood by our ancestors. the elements and foresee the collapse of Unsustainable world. This film was shot primarily in North America and Mexico, Peru. S.Africa, India. Egypt, Israel, Israel and Australia. It is a synergy of Wisdom from the ancients the Indigenous Elders and insight from pioneers of New energy consciousness, which works in collaboration the vision of A new experience on earth.
The Greta Skacchi introduces film. The film is then narrated and read by ‘Tobias’Geoffrey Hoppe channels a channel for ‘Angelic’, an angelic being that has experienced many lifetimes on Earth. Our crew flew to Colorado, and Geoffrey was still in a trance state when we asked Tobias to tell us our story. He called it ‘the biggest evolution of consciousness humanity has ever experienced’.
“You are witnessing the dissolving of old systems and the birth of new energy consciousness. It is time to re-member who you are and why you are here, at this time of the greatest change ever.” (Tobias)
The power of This film is carried in the Transmission of Both the Narrator the Speakers are interwoven with ceremonies the visual journey of the film’s ‘everyman’The modern musical troubadour,
A montage of A sonic tapestry of sound and visuals is inviting. the Viewer into an intimate, authentic experience of The world is in transition It promises to be as memorable as the sensory feast. the As it is now, ear. the Eye, while a unique soundtrack seamlessly weaves sacred songs and prayers with the resonant strings of Estas Tonne is a virtuoso musician and troubadour who embarks on a journey. A meditation the soul.
“A Cree Indian prophecy states…
“When the The earth has been devastated. the Tribes are losing their animals of People from all races, creeds or colours will believe in the power of deeds to bring about change. the Land green again. They will be called “Warriors of the Rainbow, Protectors of the Environment.”
People all over the world the The world is awakening the Millions of people are searching for the truth beyond politics and cheap soundbytes. Many people are looking for answers from all directions. the These Rainbow Warriors are spreading the message of awakening and calling for people to wake up. of Unity across borders the Globe is not willing to be divided the Old paradigm of duality. The The limits of polarities can be reached the An outdated operating system must be updated.
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This film examines our awakening from the Point of Seeding the Through to the Point of Our ascension as our evolution into a more advanced state of Be and Ascend to a Higher Level of collective consciousness.
We can see that change is on the horizon and it is happening. the Streets across the country the The world is watching as people protest their corrupt governments the The banking elite. People are beginning to seek their sovereignty and their independence from a dying Dragonian system that no longer serves them. It is happening. the All screens available the Occupy movement the Global fight against fracking the Would like to see Ecocide be made an international crime
“To the world governments…“Step up, consult, sit down and gather with the shamans, the healers, the practitioners, the spiritual elders. Sit down and create a new system.” (Dr Stuart Jemesen).
Hopi Ruben Saufkie
There are warriors out there who, despite the turmoil in the world, have been reconnecting to their ancestral roots. They are answering their call to awaken and are now re-connecting with them the The Elders of the indigenous people are now sharing their oral traditions with others. This generation will be the next. of These rainbow warriors will be made when indigenous wisdom keepers return to Spirit. the Wisdom keepers of the future?
“Our ceremonial Elders have made returns to Spirit. They are leaving now the New silhouettes and forms of present day. There are new medicine tools that will be available. the Formulaire of Discovered technologies, cultural creatives; storytellers. This is just one example of the many. of There are many orators. Each one is different in terms of their walks, locations, and philosophies. the Gift of watch and teaching.” (Uqualla – Spiritual Emissary of the Havasupai Tribe
Answering the Call
I feel and can see. the Footprints of My ancient walk in life
And I am the one who speaks of They can be found here the shadows of My mind
We have walked where the earth meets the sky
I have walked under all five suns.
My spiritual soul will once more walk as one
I am here again by destiny, not just to witness.
But to awaken me to the Long awaited Sixth Sun
(Ramsey R. Muniz – Tezcatlipoca)
Mayan Calendar
“The Mission of the Fifth Sun It is to make great waves of movement of Change and cleansing to prepare for the Sixth Sun. It is a breakup of Old beliefs and patterns from third-dimensional materialism and external control to move into inter-dimensional realms. Understanding our place within. the universe as fully realized beings of light.
We, our planet. the The entire Solar System is in the In the middle of It is a cosmic shift. On a cellular level, the Intensity of the Light and the The vibrational frequencies will continue rising to a transformative level…to a higher frequency of Light, the light of the Sixth Sun. This is not an optional situation. This is a wake up call. of the The dense cocoon has been lulling our unconscious into deep, unconscious sleep. It also allows us to transmute from third-dimensional consciousness to cosmic consciousness, Christed.
(Cynthia Flores-Signet)
Estas Tonne Time Of the Sixth Sun
“There are no veils of To hide behind separation The Intensity of This new light will have no shadows. So yes, it is an extremely fragile, beautiful & powerful time that we are living in.
It is time to get back to the things that really matter and to our connection of all things seen and unseen, & known that there are more realities than this one. We must learn to walk in balance, live in reverent intimacy with nature, & create a world that we can offer with love to our children & their children & on.
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The This is something ancient people knew. The Insurmountable obstacles aside, indigenous cultures have managed to continue living in this way for centuries. They understand that death and destruction are natural progressions. the Cycle of new life, regeneration & transformation. There was nothing to be afraid.
The Knowledge is a gift. the guardianship of the earth’s wisdom keepers is ready to be shared with humanity to help us find safe passage in our transit to the Sixth Sun, hopefully in peace & balance. It’s time to listen.”
(Cynthia Flores-Signet)
Sixth Sun Imagine you are dreaming
Anti-tracking demo: Girls offer roses to the policeman
“It’s time to wake up and realize whether you’re the dreamer or the dreamed.” (John Armitage ‘Hari Das’ – Multidimensional Healer)
The This is Great Dreaming. the ancient oral traditions lost when Earth’s citizens adopted a modern lifestyle. This is the lost knowledge of Small groups have kept our tribal ways alive. of remote indigenous cultures around the The world and can still be accessed in the We all have dreamtime deep inside. Through the Amazing healing properties of Plant medicines used in ceremony can be accessed again, giving insight into the awesome majesty of humanity’s potential. It may be possible to remember what was lost. the Our future as a species on the planet is key.
“When they do these ceremonies, they’re dreaming a new world” (Drunvalo)
“The grandmother holds the seeds of our grandchildren, so we are a seed within a seed within a seed. We truly are gatekeepers, we stand at the gateway of life and death.” (Jo Crow)
The Fruit of the Rose… What you planted in your own consciousness, long before you ever came to Earth. This is a reminder that you can always get back to the things that matter most. the Time was right. You would awaken. Your reminder, your call, to come back to yourself” (Tobias)
Every awakened human must know their fruit. of the Unconsciously or consciously, rose. An event maybe triggered by facing one’s mortality, witnessing the Birth of A moment for a child of déjà vu or simply the realisation of one’s destiny… What’s your fruit of the rose?
“It’s the imprint, the information is in our DNA. The memory is being triggered.” (Audrey Spronk)
Jo Crow the Owl
There is a better way to be in the world. The Although energy is feminine, it does not have anything to do with gender. It is a new form of energy that can be found in both men and women. It is. the We get energy from the Great Mother Earth – Gaia. We enter this new phase of our transition from our relationships to doing biz in the These feminine principles are being used by many companies around the globe. Sitting in circles, rather than in rows. Some of the They are the best qualities of Suffering, surrendering and tuning in to a higher power. Intuition, listening, and flowing instead of forcing. the Path of The least resistance and the most effective use the Choose to be a person of heart, not just a thing the Mind is our guide.
“It is time for the grandmother to speak out. It has always been there under the matrix of this masculine form that has been created around this world. Underneath that is the wisdom of the grandmother, is the wisdom of the earth. She speaks through the heart, she speaks through our bones and our flesh.” (Caroline Carey – Author & Shamanic Practitioner)
“It’s time for horizontal power to be built again and that as women, we are the ones that know how to do that. The other was solar energy, it was vertical, it was power. Right, but vertical power. It was war, that solar energy, that was the fifth age, the fifth sun. The sixth sun now it’s magnetic energy, it’s the moon’s energy, it’s the women’s energy. So now it’s the time to be in a circle again.” (Eva Cecilia Solis-Medicine Woman)
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Where are we going? Time of the Sixth Sun This not only addresses our individual evolutionary journey, but also considers what we are collectively creating for ourselves.
We are creating a new system by conscious effort based upon what our ancestors understood. This is that they anticipated. the collapse of this unsustainable world and that it’s time to recognize our symbiotic relationship to nature and the Once again, elements. We need to imagine what this new world could look like. Time of the Sixth Sun You will be taken on this journey.
It seems obvious that it is high time to get back to the local economy the The world is connected. Globalization has not only helped to create divisions between countries and communities but also allowed for greater integration. the gap between those who have and those who haven’t.
This banking and shareholder elite has faced a massive backlash in recent years. Charles Eisenstein, Polly Higgins and others speak. of A new economy. A sacred economy. the Rights of Mother Earth are revered and honoured as spiritual warriors the The world is now supportive the Drive to Ecocide the Fifth international crime Corporate corporations will not be allowed to devastate our lands any longer the Name of profit and CEO’s will finally have to take responsibility for their actions.
We are currently seeing communites rise and fall. the Supporting their own economies by country where local growers, businesses and communities network with each others and reach out to other local community members. the same ethos. This also includes reducing their energy consumption and waste, creating local currencies and barter systems, subscribing to local freeshare websites, and developing transition towns which endeavour to keep their carbon footprint low by introducing car share schemes. This is often called Ubuntu in many indigenous cultures.
The quality and productivity of local communities is improving as they honor their lands and grow their food. They are building and strengthening their relationships with their own communities. the Massive distribution networks and monster supermarkets. They are slowly learning to self-soothe. the Corporate machine, reclaiming their power, becoming sovereign, independent human beings
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes