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(This course can be ordered immediately) Ultimate Brain Series is the culmination of more than twenty years of research, recording, and editing. This collection includes many of the most valuable programs available.
Tom Kenyon – Ultimate Brain
Ultimate Brain User Guide
Welcoming to the Ultimate Brain
The Ultimate Brain Series is the culmination of more than twenty years of research, recording, and editing. This collection includes many of the most valuable programs available. Acoustic Brain Research Library—programs that have benefited many individuals over the years. These programs can also be used to improve your creativity and intelligence or solve your problem.-You will be able to reduce stress and increase your senses of wellbeing by using your problem-solving skills.
What is a? Brain state?
Because information is passed between brain cells, the brain produces electrical potentials. Clinical studies have shown that these electrical patterns, or brainwaves, correlate with different mental and emotional states. The standard means for measuring brainwave activity is with an electroencephalogram, or EEG. The EEG measures how slow or fast the brain’s electromagnetic field is pulsing. These pulses can be measured in hertz, which is a unit of speed.
Brain The seven main categories of states can be roughly divided as follows:
Super-High Beta: 35–150 Hz
K-Complex: 33–35 Hz
High-Beta: 23–33 Hz
Beta: 14–23 Hz
Alpha: 8–14 Hz
Theta: 4–8 Hz
Delta: 0.5–4 Hz
Delta is in the 0.5–4.0 Hz range, and it is associated with deep sleep and no awareness of the self. Some people with highly developed nervous systems report a deep sense of stillness and a relaxed awareness about their self when in delta. They have often practiced yoga, meditation, and other practices to improve their nervous systems.
The next level of brainwave activity is theta, which is in the 4–8 Hz range. Theta is associated deep relaxation and profound imaging experiences, such as visions, dreams, visions, and so on. Theta is also associated to certain types of accelerated education and the phenomenon known as self.-healing.
We move from theta to alpha, which can be associated with mild relaxation. Alpha is in the 8–14 Hz range and is often used in accelerated learning methods, as well as stress-management programs. Alpha is a great state for learning and light relaxation. It produces a state in which our body and minds are relaxed but also aware of the outside world.
Beta is what we normally think of as waking state and is in the 14–23 Hz range. High-beta is in the 23–33 Hz range and is associated with heightened states of mental activity. K-Complex is located in the 33Hz range. This is often associated with short bursts of activity and is known to be complex. “a-ha” Experiences are when one experiences a sudden integration between ideas or experiences.
Super-High beta states can be associated with alertness and arousal. Some researchers have already shown that higher beta states can be helpful in creating long-term memory.-Term memory and enhanced learning capacity
The Magic Window–Alpha and Theta
Targeting certain brain states can greatly aid internal activities, such as learning and self.-Healing, as well as exploration of altered state. Particularly, the alpha- and theta brain states can be a helpful tool. “magic window” Your innate genius and intuitive abilities. In theta, your internal experiences can be vividly experienced. These fictive events that occur during theta activity can have powerful transformational effects on your brain and neurophysiology. Alpha state, which is more outwardly focused, produces a mild state relaxation. It is great for situations when you need to reduce stress related to learning, as well as times when you need to decrease stress’s negative effects.
The Ultimate Brain It uses many brain states and emphasizes the ones that are important. “magic window” of the alpha/theta range to increase your brain’s ability to enter resourceful altered states of awareness. Multiple studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of theta and alpha activity in increasing mental and physical well-being. In addition, these states of body and mind give you access to the more intuitive aspects of your own mind— sometimes referred to as the genius within.
What makes The Different? Ultimate Brain series so effective?
BioPulse™ Frequencies
One of the first things you will hear when you listen to any of these CDs is a series of odd sounds in the background called BioPulse™ frequencies. These frequencies enable the brain’s movement towards a desired brain state. By taking a 100-Cycle-per-second sound and then pulsing the pulse at different rates of speed to create what’s called entrainment. This is a way to pace the brain towards a particular window of brain activity and toward the desired brain states. A pulse of 4 cycles per seconds tends to stimulate activity in the low threshold between delta and theta for most people. A pulse of 10 cycles/second tends stimulate activity in the middle-alpha range.
The principle of entrainment uses a part in the brain known as the RAS or the reticular activating mechanism. It is found in the brain’s stem at the base. It monitors new stimuli from all senses. Any sound, sight, touch or other sensory input that is not the norm alerts the RAS. This stimulates the rest the brain to a higher level of activity and alertness. If a sensory experience such as sound or image is repeated repeatedly, the RAS tends relax and calm the rest of the body.
One example is the hypnotizing effects of the dotted lines along the road at night. Any pattern picked by the RAS stimulates your brain to either relax or become alert. Entrainment is when sound pulses are picked-up by the auditory cortex, and sent down to RAS. The RAS recognizes the pulse as something else and detects it. The brain slows down when the pulse is slow. The rest of the brain will speed up if the pulse is faster.
A more technical note: brain-EEG mapping studies show that the brain is not limited to one brain state. The brain processes many different brain states simultaneously. Researchers can use statistical models to determine which brain state is dominant or strongest. This is the term we use to refer to a rise in a particular state of brain.
Tonal Matrices
Music specifically designed to stimulate the brain is another important component. These compositions include the sound quality, rhythm and harmonic relationships as well as melodic passages. Manfred Clynes’ pioneering work led to the concept of sentic waves. The basic idea is that any pressure wave can cause an emotional response. Sound, touch, and even sound are examples. Sentic waves can be defined as specific waveforms that are used to generate emotional responses. These elements are what I refer to as a “tonal matrix”. You’ll notice that each CD has its own tonal structure. Ultimate Brain Series is very different as each one relates to different tasks and brain states.
There are four types of psychoacoustic instruments in the ABR Library
The recordings can be found in Acoustic Brain Research Library can be divided into four types. The Eight recordings found in The Ultimate Brain Two help to build new neural networks, while the other helps with psychological limitations. The ambient support CD is another, which acts as an ambient support program, while the four remaining are learning programs. In the liner notes, each CD contains detailed instructions for how it should be used.
Active Learning–Building New Neurological Networks
These CDs work best when they are used at least once or twice per week.
Creative Problem Solving – Enhance your creativity This is a mid-tempo psychoacoustic recording-The alpha range uses a Dr. Image Streaming, a technique invented by Win Wenger, is used to increase alpha range. This powerful, yet simple technique can increase your creativity, IQ, creative problem solving skills, language ability, and creativity. Images streaming can increase your IQ by as much as 20% per twenty minutes.
In Mind Gymnastiks The brain is put through its paces starting at low-From delta to K-complex. As you strengthen and increase your physical abilities by exercising a particular muscle group in the gym, it is similar to when you do so in the home. Mind Gymnastiks You can train specific brain areas to improve brain performance. As a result, you will be able think more clearly and have more creativity.
Be Free from Psychological Limitations
This CD can be used once or twice per week, or once or twice daily depending on the support you need.
Freedom to Change In the use of metaphor and story in “magic window” Use alpha and theta to help your subconscious mind create changes in psychological patterns. It can be very helpful in overcoming addiction and increasing self-esteem.-Self-esteem and self-esteem-worth; helping to reduce feelings of overwhelm; dealing with emotional pain and grief; and lowering your risk of suicide.
Environmental Support
You can listen to this CD whenever you feel the need to create, study, or work with less stress.
Ambient Support This recording is meant to be played quietly in the background. It’s designed to reduce stress and encourage creativity.
Passive Learning
These CDs are available for use as often as you want.
Deep Rest This is for times when you are tired or need to relax. It’s especially helpful for those who have difficulty sleeping.
Deep Relaxation and Healing It uses the musical intervals of the harmonic fifth to transport the listener to the theta-state. It can be used to relieve stress, heal, or induce deep relaxation.
Open the Heart The harmonic can also be used-The fifth interval is used with an ancient mantra, believed to be the sound the inner soul makes. This is a wonderful, relaxing experience of relaxing theta which can be used to activate the heart centre.
Holographic Mind activation Through the use of theta, you can achieve a very powerful altered level of consciousness. Sixteen different voices can simultaneously sing, creating complex geometries for perception. It is used to generate fantasies, dreams, visions and psychotherapy.-Navigation (the use alter states to travel backwards or forwards in time, examine past memories and enter other realms of consciousness).
Even small actions can make a big difference.
The Ultimate Brain It is designed to help you get started on the amazing journey of creativity, intelligence, wellness, and solving creative problems.-You have the ability to solve problems and access other resources in your nervous system. Keep in mind, however, that you are not the only one who can solve problems. Ultimate Brain This is an ever-changing world.-It is an ongoing process and not a finished product. No matter how smart or creative you may be, you will always be more resourceful in your daily life. This is the essence of it all Ultimate Brain There is always more to us all. It’s up to you to decide how far it goes.
In my twenty-three years of working as a psychotherapist and brain researcher, I have seen true miracles occur in people’s lives as a result of changing how they used their brains. There is evidence that brains can develop new abilities, new neurological connections and function at higher levels. No matter what your situation in life may be, or what you think your mental and emotional limitations are, know that your brain can change—and when it does, so does your experience of life.
Small changes can make huge differences in the brain. This is a promise I can make. Use the Ultimate Brain For the next month, you will be amazed at how much your brain can do for you. Years of experience have taught me that our brains like to be challenged; they like to learn new things, and although it isn’t scientific to say this—I think our brains do better when they are happy. A happy brain, like happy people is a positive thing.
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Tom Kenyon – Ultimate Brain
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 1
- Assessments Yes