Health and Lifestyle
John Gibbons – The Vital Glutes & Psoas
John Gibbons - The Vital Glutes and Psoas, This course is perfect if you are a Sports Massage therapist, Osteopath, Chiropractor or a Physiotherapist...
John Gibbons – Pelvis, Sacroiliac Joint & Lumbar Spine Masterclass
John Gibbons - Pelvis, Sacroiliac Joint & Lumbar Spine Masterclass, This course will dramatically change your treatment protocols with patients that present with lower...
John Gibbons – The Vital Hip Complex
John Gibbons - The Vital Hip Complex, John will teach you functional anatomy and the biomechanics of the kinetic chain associated to the hip-pelvic-lumbar...
John Gibbons – Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques
John Gibbons - Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques, Your introduction to techniques that can be used safely in sporting and non-sporting contexts.
John Gibbons – The Vital Knee Complex
John Gibbons - The Vital Knee Complex, John will teach you functional anatomy and the biomechanics of the kinetic chain of the lower limb...
John Gibbons – The Vital Cervical Spine Masterclass
John Gibbons - The Vital Cervical Spine Masterclass, This masterclass explains everything from active and passive range of motion testing for the cervical spine...
Jordan Strength – The JSCEP Course Bundle
Jordan Strength - The JSCEP Course Bundle, Learn the science of assessing muscle mechanics with force plates, advanced neuromuscular testing...
Jordan Strength – Course 3: The Science of Eccentric Training
Jordan Strength - Course 3: The Science of Eccentric Training, How to use eccentric training to improve our speed, power and braking ability.
Jordan Strength – Course 2: Program Design and Periodization
Jordan Strength - Course 2: Program Design and Periodization, Our focus throughout this course is context and serving the higher purpose. Our collective purpose...
Jordan Strength – Course 4: R for Strength Coaches and Thinking Like a Scientist
Jordan Strength - Course 4: R for Strength Coaches and Thinking Like a Scientist, Learn the basics, not from a computer scientist-to-coach perspective, but...
Lael Katherine Keen – The Shift Network – Ida Rolf’s Wisdom & Techniques for Moving Effortlessly With Gravity
Lael Katherine Keen - The Shift Network - Ida Rolf’s Wisdom & Techniques for Moving Effortlessly With Gravity, Under Lael’s guidance, you’ll move meticulously...
Fraser Amstrong & Katherine Blundell – Energy… Beyond Oil
Fraser Amstrong & Katherine Blundell - Energy... Beyond Oil, Broad in scope and comprehensive in treatment, Energy..beyond Oil provides an authoritative synthesis...