Health and Lifestyle
Paris Goodyear-Brown – TraumaPlay™ – A Cutting Edge and Attachment-Based Treatment Framework
Keep an eye out Paris Goodyear-BrownLCSW, RPT-S, an expert in childhood trauma, as she unpacks and explains her cutting-edge, attachment based, integrative play therapy...
Christy W. Bryce – Trauma-Get informed Schools and Adverse Childhood Experiences Training
However, sometimes physical trauma can cause severe injuries. and sexual abuse, hunger, violence, and These actions can lead to suicide. And when you hear...
Charissa Pizarro – Trauma-Get informed Responses to Racial Injustice – Interventions for New, Diverse or Vulnerable Populations
Do these apply racially?-Charged times can leave clients and you wondering: Are I safe? Are you a part of the community? Are you sensitive...
Theresa Fry – Trauma-Informed & Resilience-Focused Classrooms – Quick & Easy Strategies to Improve Classroom Climate and Reduce Disruptive Behavior
Education is the new buzzword to Be “trauma-informed.” The questions on all of our minds are: “How are we supposed to Do you want...
LaChelle Barnett – Trauma-Fueled Addiction – Stop the Suffering – End the Pain
Their world is the Every day of their lives, the world around them continues to get darker and darker. Being a behavioral health professional,...
Meg Danforth – Treating Insomnia Evidence-Based Strategies to Help Your Clients Sleep
Discover evidence-Strategies based on to Help your clients get more energy, sleep better, and have a happier life.-You can fall asleep if you have...
Martha Teater – Treating Chronic Pain – Proven Behavioral Tools
This is the cutting-Edge recording Martha Teater, MA, LMFT LCAS, LPC and finally find the answers to your pain. Find out how to become...
Lindsay Gibson – Treating Adult Clients of Emotionally Immature Parents – How Your Clients Can Reclaim Their Lives from the Toxic Legacy of Controlling, Rejecting or Self-Participate Parents
She will show you how to achieve greater therapeutic success by using clinical strategies to help clients take charge. of Their relationships and their...
Paul Brasler – Treat Substance Use Disorders via Telehealth – Essential Skills for Assessment, Treatment & Recovery Support at a Distance
This training will teach you how to provide HIPAA-compliant care.-Treatment of substance abuse that is compliant via Telehealth allows you to increase accessibility, client...
Janina Fisher – Traumatic Attachment and Affect Dysregulation with Janina Fisher, Ph.D.
Attachment Failure is inevitable and In trauma clients, it is an inexplicable event that leaves a permanent imprint on all future relationships. Janina Fisher,...
Viviana Coles – Treating Sexual Desire Problems – Effective Mental Health Interventions
Dr. Viviana Coles We will share some of our evidence-based treatment methods from the Texas Sex Therapy Institute’s certification program and how clinicians can...
Robert Lusk – Understanding and Treating Traumatized Youth An Evidence, Integrated-Based Approach
Traumatized child professionals must keep up with the latest developments in neuroscience, non-invasive medicine, and other fields.-Traditional treatment methods are used to provide the...