Health and Lifestyle
Dr. Dain Heer – Six Set of Processes to Change Your World
This course can be ordered immediately. of Verbal processing will allow you to to Change the way that you work in certain key areas...
Anthony Lombadi – Acupuncture for Motor Points, Musculoskeletal and more
Dr. Anthony Lombardi graduated from the New York Chiropractic College in 2002. and Has been practicing acupuncture for 15 years. He founded Hamilton Back...
Z-Health R-Phase-Rehabilitation – Rehabilitating-Education
After You Complete your purchase of R-Phase, You You will be notified Invitation Sign up for the Practical Intensive Series. The series will be comprised of 3...
Lauren Brooks – Z Health Kettlebell Workshop
This course will give you the skills to burn more fat in a shorter time and increase your power during your workouts. This is...
Laurel Parnell Attachment-Focused EMDR Healing Relational Trauma
This video series features actual client sessions that Dr. ParnellYou’ll be able not only to hear but also see Attachment.-Focused EMDR for your trauma...
Mark Queppet – Reforged Man – Quit Porn – Master Yourself – Be a Man You Admire
Porn is a way of life that people are addicted to. a crutch. In order to kick porn then, you will need to make...
Dietrich Klighardt & Daniela Deiosso – A.R.T. 3 Advanced Manual
Light and the Human Biofield, The Brain and Biophoton Emissions, Regulation & The Polarization Filter, The Tools, Assessing Open or Blocked Regulation, The State-of-the-Union...
Dietrich Klighardt & Daniela Deiosso – A.R.T. 2 Intermediate Manual
The 5 Levels of Healing Diagram, The 7 Factors of Wellness and Chronic Illness, Advanced tests for switching, Correct use of the Bi-Digital-)-Ring-Test, Detecting...
Dietrich Klighardt & Daniela Deiosso – A.R.T. 1 Beginners Manual
Testing, Biophoton Physics, The Tools, Open & Blocked Regulation, Unblocking, Geopathic Stress, Neurological Switching, Mental Component, MFT Tapping, The A.R.T. body scan, Allergy Testing, The Yin State.
William Buhlman – How to Have an Out-This is-Body Experience
I never achieved the highest goal of Eckankar, to be instructed while in the dream state by the Living Eck Master — originally Twitchell...
George Hutton – Weaponized Hypnosis
Smash unwanted requests and suggestions. Obliterate attempted manipulations before they begin. Never agree to anything unless they've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt...
Quantum Techniques – Steve and Beth Daniel- Universal Codes
The book of QT Universal Codes is designed as a self-help guide to assist a person in healing physical and emotional issues, as well...