Health and Lifestyle
Henk Kraaijenhof – Tactical Breathing Webinar
Also included is an overview of his method for teaching subjects tactical breathing.
Kenneth Jay – Viking Warrior Conditioning (Kettlebell, RKC, DragonDoor)
Thank-you, my brother! This training will serve me well for many, many years, as it will the multitudes who take up the challenge.
Cyndi Zarbano – Heart and Lung Sounds, 2nd Edition
One of the most fundamental tools for success in the medical arena is to have an understanding of the clues we find in our...
Tamara Andreas – Core Transformation Foundation Video Training
You can own this program for less than half the cost of a live seminar with the benefit of being able to review the...
Ed Jacobs, Christine Schimmel – 2 Day Workshop – CCT6IMSTMTMIMAE
Take your interventions to the next level using affordable, everyday items such as chairs, rubber bands, white boards and other props, to have a...
Janina Fisher – Chronic Pain Trauma
You will learn how to help clients “hear” the communication conveyed by their symptoms, connect with the child self holding the bodily manifestation of...
Jamye Price – Cosmic Conscious Creator
You will understand how to interact with empowered boundaries that exercise the many facets of Love in your life.
Brent Phillips – Trauma Clearing Meditation
Trauma is created whenever you have an experience that is too difficult and too painful to completely feel and process in the moment it...
Barbara Frederickson, Daniel J. Siegel – Psychotherapy Networker Symposium: What is This Thing Called Love? The Neuroscience of Positive Emotion with Daniel Siegel, M.D. & Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D.
In this workshop, you’ll explore the implications of this new understanding of love for clinical practice.
Hemi-Sync – Opening The Heart
Based on Heartline, a Monroe Institute residential program, this inspired experiential course helps enable you to deepen your emotional connections and open yourself to...
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Claudio Naranjo – Enneagram as a Key to True Potential
Zusammen mit Bob Hoffman erarbeitete er die moderne Form des “Hoffman Prozesses”. Darüber hinaus entwickelte er sein Programm zur persönlichen Transformation und zum psycho-spirituellen...