Health and Lifestyle
Robyn Otty – Neuro-Rehabilitation for Stroke Patients Using Pediatric Methods
Create fun, easy to implement activities that challenge and engage the client using a developmental framework
Yadi Alamin – Advanced Pai Da Warrior Self Massage
The Pai Da Warrior Self Massage is a percussion or “hitting” massage using light force along the acupuncture meridian path for superior energy and...
Judy Satori – Feel Better Fast
The fifth energy sequence is to do with increasing the energy able to be created within every cell within the mitochondria to give more...
Sara Ivanhoe – Crunch Candlelight Yoga
It begins with a very gentle “warm-up” stretch and it ends with just-plain-relaxation. Don't be confused by the title; the set isn't dark —...
Wendi Friesens – Complete Stay Hard Premature Ejaculation
This new program uses several different processes to teach the brain and body to last as long as you want. The best part is-...
Cathy Sykora – 12 Months to Great Health Program
12 Months to Great Health is a versatile health coaching program that can be used to take clients through a 3, 6, 9 or...
David Carter – Breakthrough
By following them, you will learn how to identify and clarify your goals - and then achieve them in every area of your life.
Yadi Alamin – Save your Joints
This program not only can strengthen the ligaments, joints, tendons and sinews, but prevent injury, giving your career (and your body) longevity!
Brian Osbourne-Aura Seeing
Here at Learning Strategies we’re about simplifying and accelerating processes, and that’s what we’ve done for you. Now you can learn to see auras...
Dan McDonald – Juicing & Detox Mastery
If there’s one thing I’ve spent more time doing over the last bunch of years, it’s putting fruits, vegetables and love through a juicer!...
Roy Marsh – Guillotine Code
Master the Guillotine Choke from any position with this instructional from Professor Roy Marsh, which includes 5 hours of techniques and concepts.
David Perlmutter – Brain Maker
In Brain Maker, Dr. Perlmutter explains the potent interplay between intestinal microbes and the brain, describing how the microbiome develops from birth and evolves...