Health and Lifestyle
Anthony Robbins – Breakthrough Challenges
Ron and Marie are proof positive of what can happen when you take responsibility, stop blaming each other and transform the quality of your...
Dr. Karen Kan – Light Warrior Advanced Healing Program
Experience step-by-step profound and deep clearing that removes multiple layers of negative energies holding you back from your dream life
Gerald Kein – Eliminating Sugar Addiction
This has become a direct cause of our population, especially our children, becoming fatter, sicker and loosing mental ability.
Cheryl Sanders – Following The Organism in TRE
Her expertise and comfort with this balanced approach to clients are clearly evident and useful for all TRE Providers.
Gaby Yaron – Breath and Balance ATM Workshop Audio Set
The specific themes of balance and breathing are interwoven with each exercise and are used as a way to measure progress throughout the workshop.
Sue DuPont – Postural and Movement Deficiencies in the Neck and Scapular Region
This session will explore postural control mechanisms, myofascial imbalances and how they contribute to pain syndromes. Tools for identifying and treating these dysfunctions will...
Jamye Price – The 5-D Empowerment Serie
Your spark of hope keeps you moving toward improvement. When the hour seems darkest, you have the ability to access the inner stillness; the...
Russell A. Barkley – The Costs of Undertreated ADHD – HOAIFLE
What’s more, the content provided in this recording qualifies as education hours toward becoming certified for ADHD-CCSP through The Institute of ADHD Professionals, endorsed...
Colleen E. Carney, PhD & Meg Danforth, PhD – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia The evidence-Based Insomnia
You'll begin your training by mastering the key competencies for sleep assessment in a clinical setting. Get step-by-step guidance to learn the clinical tools...
Robert Dilts – Strategies of Genius 6 DVD
Through NLP, for example, the thinking processes of geniuses such as Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Aristotle...
Catalina Martone – BE Cultured Fermentation Course
It is the term that scientists use to describe the communities of microbes living in and on the body. In other words, the microbiome...
Eric Edmeades – The Immunity Blueprint
And also why many medical professionals focus more on cures and treatment, rather than preventing avoidable illnesses before they can manifest.