Health and Lifestyle
Suhas Kshirsagar – Ayurvedic Wellness The Art and Science of Vibrant Health
In this six-session course, Dr. Kshirsagar offers practical instruction in cornerstone principles of Ayurveda - including diet, exercise, breathing, and meditation - to balance,...
Strong As Hec – Mobility Secrets
If we start to load poor movements, we are only further re-enforcing this bad behavior. This is what Gray Cook calls, putting fitness on...
Jenny Ngo – Dimensional Healing Energy Session
Heal yourself by getting to the root cause of all your issues, using the most comprehensive and effortless tool for inner work. Start now...
Anthony Robbins – Money Fast Track Video Series
Now, for the first time, he has assembled an invaluable “distillation of just about every good personal finance idea of the last forty years”...
Steven Kotler – The Habit of Ferocity
By drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience, physiology, and psychology, Steven trains you to adopt the peak performance formula known as ‘ferocity’: the...
Julien Blanc – Transformation Mastery
Cut Through The Bullshit Self-Help Promises You Have Been Spoonfed and Unleash Your Authentic Self, Smash Through Your Inner Blocks and Release the Raw...
Jo Dunning – Breaking Free From Financial Struggle
It will also provide a special energy process to help shift the financial challenges which might be heading your way in the future.
Practicing Presence – A Guide for the Spiritual Teacher
Intelligence, skill, and compassion are important, explains Eckhart Tolle—but without presence, our work in service of others falls short of its potential.
Tidy Up Your Home The KonMari Method
Brought to you by Marie Kondo, the best-selling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy, this course teaches how to...
Talmadge Harper – Will Power 2.0
Keep in mind that this is a subliminal, so you will not be able to hear anything being said. It is designed this way...
Jay Earley & Bonnie Weiss – All Demo Bundle of Demonstration IFS Sessions
In working with Critics, a cluster of other parts is often triggered, which includes the Criticized Child and the Inner Defender. Our IFS Inner...
Talmadge Harper – Gorgeous Pill 2.0
The new formula is updated to produce even more powerful results that go beyond what you believe is possible. This means your results will...