Health and Lifestyle
Shawn Carson – Deep Trance Identification
Although DTI is at the core of all unconscious learning, transformation and transformation, very little has been written about it historically. File size: 5.694GB...
Joe Hippensteel – Complete UHP (Ultimate Human Performance) Course Bundle
The Bundle This tool is comprehensive, detailed and complete in helping you to find the cause of your injury or pain. File size: 4.591GB...
Denis Kanygin – The Science Of Kettlebell Sport
These three lifts are without a doubt, the most important and misunderstood techniques in Russian Kettlebell training and are the foundation of all Kettlebell...
Susan Seifert – Radiant Health and It is a good idea-Being January 2017
I designed Radiant Health as a step-by-step system to help you relieve pain, increase energy and feel better so you can get back on...
David Zemach-Bersin – Advanced Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Series 1 – Finding the Skeletal Path
The Awareness Through Movement lessons in this series are unlike any others available on CD or in book form.
Robert Smith – Faster EFT – You Can Heal Your Body
Faster Emotionally Focused Transformation or FasterEFT is a methodology developed by Robert G. Smith after many years of study and practice.
Reginald A Ray – Buddhist Tantra
The popular or exoteric teachings of Buddhism are known to many, yet its esoteric teachings remain relatively unknown in the West.
Ann Weiser Cornell – The Radical Acceptance of Everything
Many seemingly disparate threads have revealed themselves to be, really, one cloth.
Myotronics – 3 Course Bundle
On-Demand viewing comes with all course documents, manuals and the *ability to earn CE credit upon successful completion of a quiz. Train your entire...
Eldon Taylor – InnerTalk – Power Set Weight Loss Now
It’s quite simple really—none of these techniques address the real cause of your weight problem.
Jon Frederickson – Regulating Anxiety Webinar
The process of detecting and then activating a pathological mourning state, in order to shift to one of acute grieving that can result in...
Brand Stylist Academy – Style your Brand Collection
The Style your Brand Collection These courses are carefully designed to help you build a brand identity that will win you work. Brand Stylist...