Health and Lifestyle
Z-Health – 9S4 SPEED
9S: Speed begins with a simple question, “How do you make an athlete faster in a way that makes him/her better?” This question begins...
Hsing-i Chuan for Health and Martial Power – Volume 1 San Ti and Pi Chuan
Hsing-i Could be the most direct and Yang practice of internal martial arts, primary made up of five basic fist moves and Santi is...
Dr. Alexia Rothman – Internal Family Systems Therapy – SPFHTWAAADTAAM
The IFS model provides a compassionate, respectful, non-pathologizing approach to understanding the organization and functioning of the human psyche.
Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD-CCSP) Intensive Training Course: Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing ADHD Across the Lifespan – Cindy Goldrich & Others
You can now master this. the Cutting-Strategies and edge tools for Collaboration the Unique brain wiring ADHD Clients will benefit from this comprehensive certification...
Andrew Saul – That Vitamin Movie
Our 23 experts are listed in the order they appear in the movie.
Janet Courtney – Expressive Therapies – Healing Trauma Through Play, Art, Movement & Storytelling
Unexpressed emotional or somatic trauma (anger, frustration and depression, grief loss, loneliness, confusion, grief) should be released Janet Courtney – Expressive Therapies –...
Karen Pryor – Neuroplasticity for Children – Rewiring for Integration of Primitive Reflexes & Developmental Skills
Learn how therapy can change the brain and how neuroplasticity can change the challenges in a child’s development. Karen Pryor – Neuroplasticity for Children...
Karen Pryor – Advanced Primitive Reflex Integration Training Course – A deeper look into the nervous system pathways
Patients can become frustrated and stop making progress. This frustrates patients, their families, and all therapists. And may even worsen the Patients’ behavior and...
Karen Pryor – Spastic Patterns Post-Brain Injury – Utilizing Primitive Reflex Treatment Strategies
The cause is treated first, and the symptoms can be treated faster using neuroplasticity techniques. Karen Pryor – Spastic Patterns Post-Brain Injury – Utilizing...
Karen Pryor – Primitive Reflex Integration Through Neuroplasticity Treatment Techniques
Neuroplasticity is more than just a treatment for symptoms. It provides tools that place primitive reflex patterns in the background nervous system. This allows...
NICABM – Why the Vagal System Holds the Key to the Treatment of Trauma
And once you know how trauma impacts your patient’s nervous system, you can adapt interventions to be faster and more effective.
Paul Chek – Scientific Core Conditioning
How to reestablish abdominal wall activity following abdominal surgery such as caesarian section, hysterectomy, and hernia repair, or in the deconditioned client